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Lucky the lime green metalic GTR 1972

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#51 MONZA1


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Posted 29 April 2011 - 08:30 PM

Great to see things coming along.

#52 _Agent 34_

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Posted 04 May 2011 - 05:20 PM

Right motor update- bought this motor off a forum member - http://www.gmh-toran...ngine-for-sale/

We are now building this motor for the GTR, and The old original motor has been re sleved back to 0 thou and greased up with original crank , holden rods, yt head on create in my garage - it will get re built in my spare time.

So it's full stud and nut bolts, apr rod nuts. full oil well oversize.

7.5 kg fly wheel and romac up front.

also scored a M21 to use for parts.

Bought a new grill of ebay as well from SA arrived today and is in great original conditon, just what the GTR doctor ordered.

#53 _Agent 34_

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Posted 05 May 2011 - 06:04 PM

update- no 12

for got to mention that with the engine buy got a ICE dizzy
priced the cap, coil and rotor to complete the dizzy today. funny enough it's an old bosh ignition with new internal ( see newby again)

As per yesterday comment on the the donor car is a 8/72 which is pretty close to the 10/72 gtr so for date stamping of original parts with the genuine motor re build it should be very close when it takes place.

Picked up the last of the sandblasted parts today from the guys at " advanced sandblasting " northern beaches area.

So what left to do on the front end?

1) i seem to have bought the last pair of lower arm strenghting inserts " off aldo " and will post a picture of them soon, they need to be welded in to the lower arms and on the week end will probably do this and post some photos for the record. see lucky

2) drill the lower hole on the " k frame " then it's all off for painting to " come to muma gmh black '

my misus has been over seas for three weeks with her mother been sick, with three kids and a business to look after, im pretty much spent., but had a goal of getting fully ready for the front end re spray and have achieved it. I pick her up from the air port tomorrow and wont I be glad to see her in more ways than one !

I need some lj sun visors in good condition if anyone has some.

Once the lower hole has been drilled over the weekend it's all going out to be re sprayed.

When Im out there at the smash repairs , Im picking up the replacement parts and dropping off for soda blasting ready for the work to the body.

a bit more done © 2elcs

#54 _Agent 34_

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Posted 06 May 2011 - 04:34 PM

update # 13

crank is re ground.

So we have all lower engine block items ready to dummy assemble and measure for clearances and then calculate compression. Because it's half grout filled this needs to be taken into consideration with the clearances and tolerances.

Then off for balancing.

Closer inspection of the lightened fly wheel has revealed hair line cracks, we are not using this one and 7.5kg was getting light. We are going to machine the 10.5kg as this one is in good condition and has no cracks. We are machining down the flywheel to about 9kg hopefully.

The Ad for the motor did say it was 11:1.

#55 _Agent 34_

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Posted 08 May 2011 - 08:33 PM

update #14

1) finally front K frame holes drilled at 17mm- here is the how to http://www.gmh-toran...ole-easy-tiger/

2) secondly the lower arm strengthening plates in place and ready for welding

finally ready for the spray this week - yeah ha !

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#56 _Agent 34_

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Posted 10 May 2011 - 05:10 PM

update # 15

Picked up the M21 or M22 gear box V8 - yet to find out actually what it is really, but good scource says it came out of a v8, will use this as either parts where possible or for exhange on another one already done. Aussie four Speeds have a special on a 200kw unit.

Secondly when to the engine builders and it's on the stand - Yeah !

The bores have been measured and have only been done to the piston size and need to be honed for clearance.

Put together a parts list for the car that I have found I need It's amazing how it adds up.

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#57 _CraigA_

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Posted 10 May 2011 - 05:36 PM

Keep plugging away Grant its all looking good.

As the red headed chick in the big house says - you are MOVING FORWARD!!!

#58 _2ELCS_

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Posted 11 May 2011 - 09:30 PM

Keep plugging away Grant its all looking good.

As the red headed chick in the big house says - you are MOVING FORWARD!!!

^^^^^Ronald McDonald's sister???

#59 _Agent 34_

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Posted 14 May 2011 - 02:05 PM

" pauline hanson " maybe ?

#60 _Agent 34_

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Posted 16 May 2011 - 07:46 PM

Update # 16 - The gear box episode ! Well it's been a good couple of weeks with progress, I picked up the M21 - not sure what was in side - had a m20 with the car + shifter and linkages, seems to be refurbished. Went to the Aussie four speeds as here on the forum today and held some discussions about the differences and what was going to happen with the box and it's the following M 21 box -xu1 cluster - larger lay shaft - Mitsubishi - bearings sealed and - modified main shaft ( steel insert and screw groove , fixed first and second connector to the box lever - vk commodore nylon adjustable third and fourth one tonner clutch. The shifter was not in very good condition as the tooth was worn quiet thin, so it's either a rebuilt or he has a speco there. It was very interesting to actually see the differences between the gear boxes and the parts and what makes things better or why they fail in certain applications. not cheap though. With this gearbox it's the motto of only doing it once and not " in, break, out, replace back in " The front end is being painted and should be finished this week. Lastly I have been putting off getting the dash refurbished ( ouch big time ) to dash originals in SA, today I bought the box from Aust Post and tomorrow will post off, Ive decided to break up the dash refurb into stages for cost and i also want to get the finished dash back to the instrument guy as he has tested the gauges and all are OK and re finished and also ready to put back in. One of the next big things is getting some anodizing done on some car parts like head light surrounds etc and linkages nuts and bolts for the front end.

#61 _Agent 34_

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 05:10 PM

Update # 17- the Front End , Ice Distributor order, Facia episode

The front end has been painted and ready to be picked up.
I've got all the bushes for the front end to be re assembled
I've got the MOOG ball joints ready

2)Finally posted off the facia unit to dash original today in the mail.

3) Ive got a full box of items to be sand blasted and then get ready for re painting

4) The Ice Dizzy order - coil - leads- cap - booster for constant 16v

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#62 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 08:30 PM

Nice work mate, your fairly smashing at it.


#63 _Agent 34_

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Posted 23 May 2011 - 05:24 PM

Update # 18 - the CD triple 150's episode !

Well the car come with a cleaned set of triple cd 150's that are ( newby checked ) correct for the lc xu1. Whist they are not 1 3/4 I'll start with this set and see where we go from there

They were blasted and also not sure if they had new kits, but they are now with extreme fuel for a check over and re zincing of linkages so they are ready to bolt on when the motor is finished.

#64 _Liam_

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Posted 23 May 2011 - 05:41 PM

Awesome mate, hanging out for some pics when it's done.

#65 _Agent 34_

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Posted 28 May 2011 - 07:37 PM

Update #18-

Got the new front brake lines made and also the small metal tubes that run from the caliper to the hose, plus new clips.

whale beef found some castilated " t " rods for me and we did a deal on some moog ball joints.

Picked up a second hand bosch hi tourque stater from uncle fester today

also when to the drags at Eastern Creek - man can some of thoes car's go !

Bomber and Torrie Freak - thank's for the words of support, slowly grinding away.

PS Really wanted a set of 175's CD, whilst 1500 to 2500 was too much i bought the 8 CD's and heaps of other stuff for $250 off ebay, also made a friend in the process from Qld.

so looking for a manifold if anyone has one around.

#66 _ausboy_

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 09:48 AM

coming along there ted,your making me want one

#67 _Agent 34_

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 05:21 PM

My friend mark has joined the forum, marks an old torrie head from way back and he has the itch again. come on mark you know you want one ! Mark is Ausboy above. welcome mark to the forum and it's good to catch up and talk - you will love it in here.

Update # 19 - the aussie four speed shifter

Well i can confirm that i have now re built the " key " is that what you call it on the stick that shifts the gates.

I have never done this before but slowly looked and pulled apart and thought ' how hard can this be " , picked someones brain yesterday and how they re built up the tooth and " hey presto " back and square again.

Well the shifter was on the reco box and the tooth was worn, so disassembled and started to weld up in order to hand file down.

word of advice - go slow with the welding in small segments and clean and then build up again - if it gets too hot then it will blow the shape away.

once done - you can nearly hand file it back to the right shape

testing - don't assemble with spring and the one to watch is the gate in the reverse gear as it's really close to the first gear and you need to adjust the angle of the tooth and also make sure that it's not too wide.

the next trick is when you are in third / forth gear gate as the angle of the tooth just skims the second gate as it's on an angle so check this as well.

Last trick - put all the gates together without the pin and them out the shims in and them adjust the holes and move pin as you go, last shim is a bugger as the tension is on the whole gate and shifter and its hard to get through.

lastly - It shifts like brand new and tight as.

pretty chuffed with how it went.- saved myself 300 bucks

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#68 frash da bucket

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 06:00 PM

Hi Grant,

You have done heaps and going like a tropper on your car

Will be good when its finished,and all put back together.

Cheers John.

#69 _2ELCS_

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 11:15 PM

Your doing well Grant,I better get my finger out or yours will be finnished before mine???

#70 _Agent 34_

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Posted 30 May 2011 - 07:54 PM

Update # 20 - The Head Check episode !

I have to say that I think that I'm in a purple patch at the moment,

1) Went to to the engine builders today and it's getting down to nitty gritty and buy this It's measuring the head for the correct CC's in each of the pots and they all vary and today this was being rectified - see photos.

There is more to building and engine and I'm learning HEAPS about tolerances and having a great time doing it, i have nearly forgot about the actual paint and panel work at this rate I'll have most of the work done and be waiting for paint and panel.

Compression has been calculated to 10.5;1

2) I also scored a xu1 baffled sump with the engine buy, having said this I can now say that it was to offset all the Bull shit, he said in his ad, thank god I never paid full price or the asking price. It's all fixed now through and Daniel and Phil have been fantastic.

3) The last thing that happened today or should I say last night was the purchase of a LSD 3.55 recoed with a 1000ks on it for 400 bucks - I have been searching for ages and nearly have given up and was going single spinner

Next week end ;

Im building my diff baffles and with the spare diff i have bought will get it sand blasted and brase in the baffles - also found a diff gasket in the stuff that I got with the car - bonus as well

lastly this twin turbo was at the drags, I didn't see it run but man did it look great standing still - it was mouth watering

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#71 _Agent 34_

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Posted 05 June 2011 - 07:07 PM

Update #21 - The front end episode - A mile stone has been reached - the front end is ready for re assenbly - yeah !

1) Well the main effort this week end as the refurb of the suspenion parts and by this I mean the K MAC parts, funny enough the guy who runs K Mac is still in the same spot 45 years later, I new sway bar and fitting was $300.
440 Forty for the paint, $100 for all the bushes, U bolts and other parts, so saving of $160.00 there. Paint stripped it and off I went and hey presto an original 1972 K Mac sway bar, even the orange is the same colour.

2) The springs were next and these were a littly bit tricky with getting the paint off. i did see a set of springs at the sanblasters blasted with a tag on them saying $80, so again through that id give this a go, paint stripped and then pressure blasted the paint off then back to paint strip again. Lastly it was into the work bench for a wire grinder and hey presto back to the original steel. Again it was primed and hey presto orange looing springs.

3) The front end and it's componets are painted in " come to mumma GMH black " and ready for re assembly.

4) Off to the suspension place on monday to push the lower joints in and also the top cross arms of the upper control arm ready for next week end.

If some one can help me with the finish on the bolts and how they are or have been done from the factory are they A) zinc plated B) black steel for the bolts, I assume that the brake bolts and hubs bolts are just black steel.

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#72 tsn007


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Posted 05 June 2011 - 08:29 PM

hi Grant,

nice job,

#73 _Agent 34_

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 05:34 PM

Update #22 - front suspension - rear quaters -

Well it goes like this;

spoke to the panel beater last week and although i have two rear quaters as replacements they are not in the best of health with respect to rust around the wheel arches, but can be worked on. So he say's " if you can get some more then this would be great " I say " F%%%%%RK (*&(*^*&%&$&^%& where the hell am I going to get them.

I look on ebay on Saturday arvo and hey presto a full rear 2 door car stripped out and ready to make into a drag car, no chassis rails just the panels F#^# k me ! there is a god and this torana is going to fly again dam it !

So i have a rear beaver panel to sell and also a whole roof turret both in good condition of age Right hand A pillar ( not bad repairable not in hinge area )

Also got the MOOG ball joints and the new rubbers pressed into the upper and lower control arms - It's going together this weekend.

The main body work in starting in the next few weeks and pretty stoked with this, A pillars first.

#74 _Agent 34_

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Posted 12 June 2011 - 12:32 PM

Update #23 - the recoed alternator episode !

Im not an electrician ! but pulled the old alternator off the four door and set to work trying to clean it up and get ready. Slowly worked out what bolts to undo and what goes where.

Cam up alright with some elbow grease applied, cleaned the brushes, the copper wire, copper spindle, re greased internal bearings and re assebled.

Other thing that happened was the bushes being pushed in to the control arms.

Font end bolts and bits were delivered to electroplaters on friday for re finishing.

should be ready for re assembly next week end

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#75 _Agent 34_

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 05:24 PM

Update #24- the collection of the re zinc front end bolts

Picked up all the font end bolts today - re zinc

guide plates for the push rods

motor really ready for re assembly next week or so.

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