it just didnt feel right so I drove his LJ & yep something was up. Checked the shim stacks &
looked OK then checked the factory measurement required at the end of the control rod attached
to the lower arm that I'd set correctly & sure enough they'd been messed with.

There was more thread on the right side than the left which resulted in the right wheel being a
little further back than the left & confirmed by measuring the distance from the gap from tyre to
guard front & back compared to the left side. So they'd obviously used the control rod to adjust the
caster rather than the shim stacks as it should be done. For acurate alignment on our LCs & Js the
amount of thread exposed must be 15/16ths of an inch (0.9375") or 23.81mm for the young un's, & all
camber & caster adjustments be done thru the shim stacks. Now maybe they didnt know or were pushed for
time, as shim type ajustments can take a lot longer if your not familiar with them, but thats no exuse it
should be done corrctly.
I dont have access to an aligner ATM but sent him to a bloke I know & all is now correct & feeling fine.
So as a tip I'd be putting a mark on the nut & threads which you can see from looking under the side &
checking them after you've had an alignment & before you pay for it.