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mates LJ GTR XU1

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#26 _nicko61_

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 02:49 PM

righto, your right about battery tray, it along with the whole LUCAS ELECTRICAL system under bonnet was replaced with bosc due to too many dramas with Lucas on his motorbikes and his Cooper S Mini, he decided to remove and replace the first sign of trouble when car was picked up in the start of 1974 (car was built 11 Dec 1973,and it was delivered to Zupps(not suttons,my mistake,and so it was a year later that the first trouble with LUCAS,so it got put in the shed along with the battery tray and the dizzy and wiring inc heat shield over wiring near where the extractors came a bit close,on and yes the extractors are in the shed as he changed them for a better performance set at the time.He refused to let me publish numbers as he has heard lots of stories over the last few years,but it has been checked out by two top Torana experts several years ago and was confirmed as the real deal.
my mate said the battery tray was changed for a bigger one he made himself to put lower but bigger battery in as the original ones sat abit close to bonnet rib for his likeing after seeing paint on a mates torry start to be damaged from battery terminals sitting so close.he had forgotten all about it to i mentioned it to him on the weekend,(he is nearly 70)

#27 _1973bathxu1_

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 04:40 PM

Nicko hi i believe i have spoken to the owner a few years back, an aussi by memory he was gonna sell it, if its the same guy he had to replace the xu1 petrol tank

i think his brother damaged it in a ditch or something like that, he bought it new the color was mustard the car ended up being a LJ GTR , xu1 equipped

it also was an 11/73 it had all the xu1 goodies from factory, dealer ordered as there were no more xu1 toranas to buy i know of only 3 of these toranas

built in late 73 all were musterd in color the engine numbers were also different im not 100% but by memory the no was JR****** i will look it up in my paper work

these 3 cars in my opinion are a rare car, the best way to tell if its an xu1 or a gtr without putting up any numbers is to look on the skinny tag, it will read

8D11 next will be the letter P or L all u have to do is put up one of these letters,

as for the torana its a very good example and very clean in the photos put up, id gladly have it in my garage,

regards aldo

#28 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 04:51 PM

sweeten the pie,, i think thay called it in late 73, take the gtr and give them xu1 goodies hoping to sell a few off, and back to the point the paint tag will have xu1 stamped on the engine part down the bottom, and as we can see it clearly dont have that magic word,,, i like the car and love the color, i would be more than happy to have it in my garage as well,, you can see the battery try is wrong and when you stated it had only had paint thats why i asked that question, i didnt want to be picking shit out of someones car.

cheers gong

#29 bullitA9X


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Posted 06 December 2010 - 05:59 PM

nice car but gtr with xu1 goodies it is!! if you make claims on a public forum this is what happens people are entitled to an opinion if you agree with it or not!! just put up the first part of the vin but wrong battery tray wrong petrol tank no bob tail ect ect you get the picture!! there is a big difference in gtr-xu1 and gtr with xu1 goodies but i would love it in my shed!!

#30 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 06:37 PM

your mate in harvey bay that owns this car, is his name john???and to the doubled up spot welds the it will be a 73 bathurst body,,, mabe aldo could give a bit more info on the ones he is talking about, where they call a 73 xu1 packed gtr or something along those line,, aldo do you want to tell us some more???

cheers gong

Edited by BATHURST-32D, 06 December 2010 - 06:42 PM.

#31 _nicko61_

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 07:10 PM

Nicko hi i believe i have spoken to the owner a few years back, an aussi by memory he was gonna sell it, if its the same guy he had to replace the xu1 petrol tank

i think his brother damaged it in a ditch or something like that, he bought it new the color was mustard the car ended up being a LJ GTR , xu1 equipped

it also was an 11/73 it had all the xu1 goodies from factory, dealer ordered as there were no more xu1 toranas to buy i know of only 3 of these toranas

built in late 73 all were musterd in color the engine numbers were also different im not 100% but by memory the no was JR****** i will look it up in my paper work

these 3 cars in my opinion are a rare car, the best way to tell if its an xu1 or a gtr without putting up any numbers is to look on the skinny tag, it will read

8D11 next will be the letter P or L all u have to do is put up one of these letters,

as for the torana its a very good example and very clean in the photos put up, id gladly have it in my garage,

regards aldo

the engine number starts with JP and matches his original reciept from Zupps,yes i have seen reciept and its new registration at that time is the same as it is today, when he went to register it in the early nineties after been removed from loungeroom ,they said he could not use plates unless he changed them to Personalised plates that are not transferable,which he did..
as for not being a XU1 well maybe he is deluded ,but he has been a friend for over ten years and ive never had any reason to doubt him in those years and he has been a wealth of knolwedge on anything machanical be it bikes or cars,so im a bit stunned after this last two days.i will endeavor to get pic of plates and we will see,
By the way ive owned two GTR's and an XU1 in the past and ive never seen a subframe like his except for a tech drawing years ago of what the XU2 were going to have, and its exactly as that drawing was,

#32 _stroker 208_

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 07:41 PM

Nick I wouldn't bother mate,you or he trying to prove to this forum what it is.All you have done is tryed to show off to this forum what your mate has and all you and he get in return is interrogation.At the end of the day the owner of this car has to know what he has got if he has the original receipts.
Numbers or no numbers its a great looking Torana what ever it is.Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

#33 bullitA9X


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Posted 06 December 2010 - 09:06 PM

nicko61 no one here is doubting the fact its a very nice car only weather its a gtr or gtr with xu1 goodies if you have the goods to back it up do it most would gladly appologise for doubting you!! if it is an xu1 it would be a very rare one for the history books!! if it was mine and i had people doubting it i would put up to shut everyone up and stick it up them!! over the years we have had so many people claiming to have this or that on here and when people on here question some things they run with there tail between there legs!! there are some very smart guys on this forum not much gets past them they know shitloads about these cars so when you see something that looks funny why cant you ask questions?? i thought thats what learning about these great cars is all about as i said i will gladly appologise if im wrong!!

#34 _fatlh5000_

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 09:24 PM


This forum is a public forum.... full of Torana enthusiats. Some members know how a Torana was manufactured perhaps better than the staff at Holden who were building them back in the day.

It is instinct that when a photo is presented the authenticity of the claim (- be it that a car is an XU1, or whatever), that this claim is investigated and discussed.

The problem here is not the individual scrutiny that this car has been subjected to, admittedly in the very limited number of photos provided, BUT moreso that you have posted your mates car trying to show it off perhaps, which has maybe backfired (by the scrutiny), which has made you have to defend your mates car and maybe even your mate.

I personally would not post up a mates car unless he asked me to. That is just me.

This forum is a great place for all enthusiasts. Even for those of us like myself who discover a love for Toranas a little later on in life and can plug into and use the wonderful resource that this forum is.

Cheers Nicko.

#35 _rorym_

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 10:11 PM

Rory..Maryborough...Think I have seen this car at a distance....and the owner/son were chasing me for an XU1 tank I had for sale out of the Yellow car about 5 years ago..maybe a bit longer?....I wanted $350 back then and he hesitated and I sold it....it would be in the same place as I remember the Strike Me Pink one was...about 10klms north of Hervey Bay on the coast line?...you know the place.....
I am at P J Burns if you want a chat.I would also probably drop out about now...you wont win......

#36 _xu1997_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 12:11 AM

I think this post is great,very entertaining and informative. It is important that fine details of originality are preserved and discussed otherwise the knowledge of these cars fades away in time.

Nicko, thanks for sharing your mates car, it may turn out that it is a rare GTR variant or indeed a late build XU1 with modified crossmember. Either way its good to hear what the experts say because if you or your mate want to know more about the car you've come to the right place.

The XU1 missing off the ENG space on the body tag is the intriguing clue in this puzzle and it's not a criticism, its a clue to the cars history.

I, like others are curious to find out because it adds to the knowledge bank of the variations these little beasts went through during their 4 years of production.

Dont be offended Nicko,I myself spent 20 minutes looking at that engine bay, it's pure interest nothing more.



#37 _1973bathxu1_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 07:40 AM

Hi this is interesting reading, nicko no one is trying to put down the torana but all the forum members now look hard at these cars when photos are put up and

to actually learn as much as possible, from each other,the rights and the wrongs of these little muscle cars, i dont say much myself but i put my 2 bobs worth

in when need be and to make sure the questions are correct,

as for the mustard torana took me a few hours looking up in my paper work, now if its the same torana the guys name is John Mc****** from harvey bay, we spoke in july 2004

he was looking for a xu1 petrol tank as his was damaged through a relitive, at that time the car had traveller 40,000 ks he purchased new from dealer 895 built on

14/12/73 as i said this is in my opinion a rare car, fitted with xu1 tank, tripple 175s, 2815843 head, m21 gear box, lsd, etc etcthe engine number is CR 44****

sold on the 1/74 i also have all the details vin chassiss etc, i will not put these up as its not my car, when we spoke he asked me to check his numbers as he wasnt

sure weather his car was an xu1, i had the micro fish back then and it turned out that it was a gtr which was xu1 equipped, due to there were no more xu1 toranas

to be built after the bathurst run, thats how these 3 GTRs that i know of came out from gmh with the xu1 goodies, thats of course if its the same guy,

i still have his ph numers i might buzz him, Rory its about the same era in which u to was gonna sell him a xu1 petrol tank to,

at the end of the day i would still love that torana in my garage with the rest of my cars, as i stated before to me its a rare car, just like the fords RPO

my 2 bobs worth

regards aldo

#38 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 08:15 AM

This is very interesting reading I wounder what the motor is like(internal) from factory.Would it have the Bathurst Mods??
Nice Car regardless of what it is.
cheers Dane

#39 _nicko61_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 09:35 AM

yes its the same guy,I gave him the tank in the end as his was rooted ,when we were fitting it i noticed it already had the XU1 tank fittings in boot where the lines run and clips are,so im certain it came with bathurst tank from factory,the engine has a strange shaped sump down towards the rear from memory,double spot welded from factory and different factory front chassis extensions,bigger tail shaft and uni, LSD centre,When he brought it ,it was as an XU1 but after speaking to a few people when it got registered again in about 2005 he was left unsure so he thought they were just trying to get it cheaper as it was for sale at the time . but he is adamant that he ordered a new XU1 from Zupps after he returned from fighting in Vietnam,

Edited by nicko61, 07 December 2010 - 09:39 AM.

#40 _gtr-xu1_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 09:44 AM

sounds like he better go back and talk to the sales man at ZUPPS :shoot:

#41 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 02:24 PM


cheers gong

#42 _nicko61_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 05:30 PM

just another anomally with the body is it has a double floorpan at front,unlike any ive seen before ,i know my XU1 and my 2 GTR's did not have it.it looks like its there to strenghen floorpan across to the unusual chassis extensions, by the way i never saw JP on his engine like i stated(bloody stupid) its the spare engine he got from tip about 10 years ago, i looked at it and kept walking but john as usual stopped and had a good look and found it was a genuine 202 JP engine number, its been in his shed for a rainy day ever since as he wants a rust free bodyshell to put a good car together for his son.and i walked right past it lol.i look at it every time i go to his place to get him to fix my carbies or electrics on my various cars as its right beside where i sit laughing away silently at its good fortune in been kept away from dirty old cars .hahaha

Edited by nicko61, 07 December 2010 - 05:33 PM.

#43 rodomo


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Posted 07 December 2010 - 05:38 PM

Might be Dick Johnson's old car? :dontknow:

#44 _gtr-xu1_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 05:57 PM

the double floor pan is a 73 thing as is the 2 extra suports of the chassis to rail to the floor. i recently picked up a 72 dated sprintmaster rim from a bloke who got it from hervy bay scrap yard, maybe off the same car the JP block came from.

#45 _Agent 34_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 06:13 PM

more more !

#46 _gtr-xu1_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 07:14 PM

im in no way going to rubbish this car, but it looks like a GTR with some dealer or factory fitted XU1 parts. i had a LC S with factory fitted GTR dash, steering wheel, center consol and 5.5 inch rims, factory fitted with these parts and only the 1 spare wheel bracket in the boot as per gtr and XU1. these options with a drum brake frontend and 138 and auto. and the fact is yes its got some GTR parts factory fitted but is still just a torana S as the tags denote.

like someone said earlier look at the skinny tag. 8D11P= XU1 8D11L = GTR

#47 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 09:49 PM

Another reason , if it was dealer fitted , was , you could not just order ten XU1's it was related to your sales of the GMH other models ,so I've told by an old Holden dealer , you had to sell X amount of cars to get them , in our area there was an LJ 253 , dealer fitted juniper GTR .

#48 xu2308


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Posted 07 December 2010 - 10:43 PM

Seen a Adelaide Built 5/1972 LJ GTR with XU-1 Options on it,seems like you could order in 1972 a GTR with XU-1 Options,i guess its tick the box or delete the box when you ordered it from ya dealer and pay for what you order.
As all XU-1 start off as a GTR and you tick the XU-1 option box to get the Package put on the GTR

#49 _gtr-xu1_

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 12:09 AM

a XU1 is from the time its broadcast sheet a XU1. not a GTR turned into a XU1,

#50 xu2308


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 02:43 AM

a XU1 is from the time its broadcast sheet a XU1. not a GTR turned into a XU1,

They are GTR XU-1
Not Just XU-1
They are GTR with the XU-1 Option ticked at the dealership,then order sent to factory,and as you GTR is built it gets the XU-1 Option Package put on it as it comes down the line,i believe thats how it was done,thats how u get your GTR XU-1.

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