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mates LJ GTR XU1

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#51 xu2308


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 03:23 AM

Thats why the Decal say GTR XU-1,cause its a GTR with the XU-1 Option Package

#52 _1973bathxu1_

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 06:53 AM

hi XU2308 i dont know who told u that story, the bodys are the same but i just cant see them welding and drilling while on the assemly line, eg breather line, booster hole,
spare wheel bracket, etc etc etc these holes were pressed when panels were being built, there was no option tick, u either ordered a GTR or u orded an XU1,
as for a 5/72 gtr with xu1 options, there was only a small difference in the price between the 2 cars,id doubt that this occured,
the only GTR that come out with the xu1 options were the last of the 73s simply because there were no more xu1 toranas to be built,
now if u were talking about the s models u could have orded them with the gtr options, eg gtr dash, aussi 4 and consul, speed gtr steering wheel,rally wheels,etc
that i would believe, as i bought a few in my time,
my 2 bobs worth
regards aldo

#53 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 08:35 AM

and when you get to the lc gtr the body is diffrent to the xu1 so how can we call the lc a gtr with xu1 options

cheers gong

#54 xu2308


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 02:03 PM

Its the Dealership Order sent to the Factory ok
They tick 82911 Car and tick XU-1 Option Package on the 82911 Car,in essence 82911 is a GTR and you order the XU-1 Package for the 82911 Car,i get what you are saying and you are correct in the Factory side of it,but on paper work from dealer,its a 82911 Car with the XU-1 Option ticked for the 82911 order,if you only ordered a GTR they would not tick the XU-1 Option Package,but you could add a rear spoiler to your GTR and Delete GTR Badges from it etc etc,remember Rory said he knew a guy that ordered a LJ XU-1 without rear spoiler,the rear spoiler would of been deleted from the dealer order,same thing if you wanted a rear spoiler put on a GTR etc.

#55 lxsstorana


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 02:50 PM

Thanks Nick for posting this thread.

Very nice car your mate has and it has created plenty of discussion.

I thought this car was a GTR and they are a great car. I've had 3 in 30 years and loved them.

The only difference (in my opinion) between a GTR and an XU1 is dollars.

Cheers Mick.

#56 71xu1



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Posted 08 December 2010 - 04:52 PM

Thanks Nick for posting this thread.

Very nice car your mate has and it has created plenty of discussion.

I thought this car was a GTR and they are a great car. I've had 3 in 30 years and loved them.

The only difference (in my opinion) between a GTR and an XU1 is dollars.

Cheers Mick.

Big difference between and XU1 and GTR the XU1 is one angry little beast to drive (my opinion).
Cheers Dave

#57 _gtr-xu1_

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 05:25 PM

thanks aldo. and yes i say what i said based on the drillings and welding done to a xu1. and yes i should of said a GTR is a GTR and a GTRXU1 is a GTRXU1 right from the time the broadcast sheet comes of the printer.

#58 _nicko61_

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 06:10 PM

Hi, must say im a bit dissalusioned at the moment. but all this thread has left me confused,
i ask one question.
If this is one of the Last 3 cars that left Acasia ridge plant and all were same colour,with the obviouse strenghtening for a v8 and every single spotwelded area having double the normal amount,with nearly all XU1 options added at factory,then is it an LJ GTR plain and simple or what?
as its obviously a big step up from a normal GTR

#59 lxsstorana


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 06:18 PM

Hi, must say im a bit dissalusioned at the moment. but all this thread has left me confused,
i ask one question.
If this is one of the Last 3 cars that left Acasia ridge plant and all were same colour,with the obviouse strenghtening for a v8 and every single spotwelded area having double the normal amount,with nearly all XU1 options added at factory,then is it an LJ GTR plain and simple or what?
as its obviously a big step up from a normal GTR

The car is what GMH says it is.

You need to provide the numbers to establish the authenticity of the car and this has not been done yet. You can do this on the forum or throught GMH.

Don't rely on hearsay or opinion, you need to rely on fact.

And this should be done by the owner of the car, otherwise this debate will continue forever.

Let us know the results.

Edited by lxsstorana, 08 December 2010 - 06:19 PM.

#60 xu2308


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 06:22 PM

thanks aldo. and yes i say what i said based on the drillings and welding done to a xu1. and yes i should of said a GTR is a GTR and a GTRXU1 is a GTRXU1 right from the time the broadcast sheet comes of the printer.

In ordering from the Dealer it is how i say,you order a 82911 Car and tick the XU-1 Option Package Box,in what your saying is correct in what was done as in building the cars at the factory,thats why in name and ordering its called GTR XU-1 cause its a 82911 GTR with the XU-1 Option Package,and if you order a GTR you dont tick the XU-1 Option Package,but you could add and delete things from your car,that why there was SPEC offered in the Paint Range on the LJ range,if you wanted to order a special order colour,long as you coffed up the money for it,you could get a SPEC Colour done.

#61 _Agent 34_

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 06:46 PM


it's not your problem to solve. but it's an interstering thread.

Im sure that when it comes up for sale ( if ever ) then the price will be determined based on the car.

I can see the logic in the buy the xu1 parts at the end of 73 though as an option.

what we need is the " yes sir ill buy this with the options of x y And Z attached to the car and here is the reciept

good luck grant

#62 _nicko61_

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 09:01 PM

Hi again, sorry, i think you guys missunderstood my last few comments, John has spoken to Aldo and i understand the numbers to mean its a GTR only but when he brought it it was as a special dealer package ,ive owned GTR's and an XU1 as stated earlier in thread, ive driven johns Torana and it goes as hard or harder than my XU1 and is an angry little beast when you get under it out on the road,so i had no reason to doubt it was an XU1 which i accept after Aldo spoke. that it isn't ,But if any of you think its a normal GTR then your kidding yourself, and im not meaning to sound rude its just not like any other GTR ive ever come across.but i do understand the purist argument that numbers are everything no exceptions.

Edited by nicko61, 08 December 2010 - 09:05 PM.

#63 Ice



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Posted 08 December 2010 - 09:19 PM

Gtr or xu1 that is still a rare car wish that it was in my garage.

#64 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 11:24 PM

the part of a lc that was most complained about was the dash pad with all the nuts you had to undo or do up when removing or fitting, a real pain in the ass,, so when they built the lj run they change it to a slip and slid 4 nut thing, half way threw the 72 car they then moved the front seatbelt upper ankers back about 4in then in 73 the added a tunnel reinforcement and under front floor pan reinforcements when thay started the built to race bathurst 73 this car had all these plus extra spot welds, but they defently was not there as v8 streghtening , at the end of the day the car is a very nice GTR with added xu1 parts, plain and simple.

im gone

#65 S pack

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 01:57 AM

i understand the numbers to mean its a GTR only but when he brought it it was as a special dealer package

Maybe that ^^^is exactly what it is, a GTR fitted out with XU1 goodies by the dealer, not on the production line.

#66 _nicko61_

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 10:12 PM

Oh ,i forgot to add the doors and boot have always been left slightly ajar when stored so rubbers are still good and original,you still have to be firm when shutting them or they wont close properly,amazing when you consider they are nearly 40 years old,

#67 _nicko61_

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Posted 16 January 2011 - 11:39 PM

heres a part shot of tag as owner does not want full details of his car on an open forum,i took this pic about 5 years ago and edited last few numbers off.
Posted Image

Edited by nicko61, 16 January 2011 - 11:42 PM.

#68 _vin150cars_

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Posted 17 January 2011 - 12:52 PM

thats good

#69 enderwigginau


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Posted 17 January 2011 - 01:39 PM

as for a 5/72 gtr with xu1 options, there was only a small difference in the price between the 2 cars,id doubt that this occured,

Purchase price = true
Insurance price = false

I am aware of a couple of GTRs ordered with every part of the XU-1 package separately listed.
Hence the vehicle was registered as a GTR (not with XU-1 option) and insurance premium reflected this at the time...........
Cost more initially, but the insurance savings were meant to recoup this over the life of the vehicle, or so I'm told.

there was no option tick, u either ordered a GTR or u orded an XU1,

Um, you ordered a GTR or a GTR with XU-1 options........you do understand that tells them what to pick up and screw/tack on when the body is on the line yeah?
Which is why there are a few "Friday Afternooners" floating about that didn't have the right bits picked up.

Sorry let me rephrase that - Joe Public (who was in the know about these things) ordered an XU-1.
Jimmy Dealer Principle did his best to source a GTR w/XU-1 options to fill the order.
As has been stated, alot of horse trading going on as the principles could not just "order" any number of optioned vehicles.
They could request any number of GTRs tho......


#70 _nicko61_

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Posted 18 January 2011 - 07:28 PM

Posted Imageheres a better pic of interior

Posted Image

#71 lxsstorana


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Posted 18 January 2011 - 07:44 PM

Nice to see some photo's.

Any chance of some exterior shots?

#72 _nicko61_

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Posted 18 January 2011 - 10:24 PM

Nice to see some photo's.

Any chance of some exterior shots?

Hi, they are on page 1

#73 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 19 January 2011 - 06:26 PM

very nice,

and interesting.

#74 _nicko61_

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Posted 19 January 2011 - 09:30 PM

Posted Image

#75 _nicko61_

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Posted 24 September 2011 - 04:29 PM

Posted Image
Well after 6 years in garage its back where its safest again ,same place it sat for over 14 years in lounge room downstairs, to fit the drivers mirror had to be removed as did the double doors which gave about 1 inch either side to carefully squeeze it through,My mate decided since he goes overseas regulary it really needed to be in a place that its not easy to get out of again,3 years ago his wife was approached by someone who tried to buy it while he was overseas but luckily she thought it was worth quite a bit more or it would have been sold right then, thank goodness for the internet where she saw an overpriced mint XU1 and wanted similar price

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