I would like to share with a story that started about a month ago...
In early November, I was put onto a lead (from someone off this Forums) about a set of very special SL/E Rims that might be available to purchase.
You see these rims were the ones that were worn by this car for nearly 25 years!

Yes, that is right, they are the original rims from the GTR-X when it was painted Silver, back in 1978. How do I know it was 1978 that is was painted, well I will get back to that...
Anyway, the story goes that I was given a lead to the guy that did the Resto on the car back in 2003. The company that was given the job was Car Shine and you can see from the link below, they have been involved in a number of Holden "Special" cars like the UTEster and the Mambo Panel Van.
After a little bit of haggling we agreed on a price and the payment was made. All I had to do was wait for their arrival.
Well today they arrived!! and here is what I rec'd.

All in all a pretty good set of rims considering they were on a show car!!
On closer inspection, I start to notice a couple of things..
Three of the rims had some strange engraving on the inner area that says, "STYLING ONLY NOT ENG SPEC"

One of the rims had "Discard July 31-78 and a curious little mark on the rim's outer edge.. That reads, "PROTO 169"

Another curious thing was that none of the rims were stamped on the inner rim edge as the normal ones do..

These marks are on every other rim that I have here..

So not only did I get the Rims that were on the GTR-X, but I also got a set of prototype rims as well!!

Thanks goes to Rob (Rodomo) for putting me onto these.

It amazes me what is still out there...
I hope you enjoyed my little story..