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A very special set of SL/E Rims

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#26 _sstorana_

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Posted 10 December 2010 - 12:46 PM

So from the article there were 3 made and Holden has 1.... Where are the other 2?

From what I have read, there were four bodies made. Here is an extract from an article that was written in 1994;

Between October 1969 and April 1970, all studies of the GTR-X had been completed, as had the manufacture of four
chassis and bodies. Reinforced Plastics, a specialist company at Clayton, in Melbourne, was responsible for the bodies.

Final assembly of two GTR-X prototypes took place during May 1970. The first went to Holden's proving ground at Lang
Lang for initial shakedown tests to evaluate ride, handling, and braking characteristics. It was later written off in a barrier crash test, where it perfonned as well as was expected.

The second of the completed GTR-X prototypes led a far more celebrated life. It was sent on a round of the country's motor .
shows, ostensibly to "test buyer reaction", as the press handout said at the time. Such a program was most out of character for Holden, which was nonnaIIy very secretive about future model programs. The car also appeared at the Mount Panorama circuit near Bathurst, an hour northwest of Sydney and home of Australia's most famous and prestigious production salooncar
race, where it completed a few demonstration laps in front of thousands of enthusiastic sports-car fans. A few motoring
joumalists were allowed to drive it, and they spoke of 210 kilometers per hour (about 131 mph) and 0-60 runs in 8.5

A third prototype, partially assembled before the program was abandoned, was pushed aside in the studio and forgotten until quite recently. A Melboume enthusiast has purchased it and plans to completely rebuild it.

The fourth shell was never used and is believed to be languishing at Lang Lang.

Remember that this was back in 1994.. I will post the whole article in the other GTR-X thread soon.


#27 enderwigginau


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Posted 10 December 2010 - 07:59 PM

I may be ass about, but the person with the moulds has one of those two shells.


#28 dattoman


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Posted 10 December 2010 - 09:37 PM

So the third prototype is the turd brown/primer looking one I have pics off with the dalmation....I assume

#29 wot179


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Posted 10 December 2010 - 10:02 PM

I hope its not too top secret......
Posted Image

#30 _sloper35_

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 10:57 AM

The one you say is at the PG was destroyed when the program finished. I with others watched as a fork truck smashed it up at the reaar of GMH Engineering and dropped it in a skip.
From memory it was white.



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 11:03 AM

I hope its not too top secret......
Posted Image


#32 rodomo


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Posted 14 December 2010 - 08:38 PM

Posted Image

More pics, info here:


#33 _torbirdie_

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Posted 18 December 2010 - 12:21 AM

Sorry, a lot of things dont add up here.

1. Couldnt find any other photo of the silver gtr-x with sle wheels apart from this one: http://travel.websho...042163117EStghy, and its in a musuem? and its one of the three built.

2. the other photos showed steel rims: http://www.google.co...=1t:429,r:3,s:0, which show rims more representative of the time

3. The project was basically shelved in 1970, alloy rims for the masses were around then?, and then it took holden another 8 years to actually release the same rims to the market on the uc sunbird sle? not buying it.

4. What is there to suggest that the rims you have were ever fitted to the gtrx apart from the non gmh stamps on them? or someone at gmh who was just "mucking" around decided to put these rims which ended up in the design studio on the gtrx which was still sitting around in the workshop, just to see what it would have looked like and left them there in the years 76-77, or similar.

5. More likely scenario, who ever ended up with the gtrx silver model got it with just ugly stock wheels on it, no wheels on it etc, and decided to put the sle wheels on them?

6. I gather that the rims you have are 6inch? would have been a very wide rim to supply as standard equipment in those times for a 13in wheel, maybe not?

7. perhaps you just ended up with prototypes of the sle wheel, worth something in itself
regardless, the wheels appear to be well looked after, its very hard to get a clean set of these, but you cant use them anyway since they are not built to any specs? what happened to the wheel nuts?

Edited by torbirdie, 18 December 2010 - 12:30 AM.

#34 rodomo


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Posted 18 December 2010 - 06:36 AM

This thread might explain a bit:

#35 _sstorana_

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 10:11 AM

Sorry, a lot of things dont add up here.

1. Couldnt find any other photo of the silver gtr-x with sle wheels apart from this one: http://travel.websho...042163117EStghy, and its in a musuem? and its one of the three built.

2. the other photos showed steel rims: http://www.google.co...=1t:429,r:3,s:0, which show rims more representative of the time

3. The project was basically shelved in 1970, alloy rims for the masses were around then?, and then it took holden another 8 years to actually release the same rims to the market on the uc sunbird sle? not buying it.

4. What is there to suggest that the rims you have were ever fitted to the gtrx apart from the non gmh stamps on them? or someone at gmh who was just "mucking" around decided to put these rims which ended up in the design studio on the gtrx which was still sitting around in the workshop, just to see what it would have looked like and left them there in the years 76-77, or similar.

5. More likely scenario, who ever ended up with the gtrx silver model got it with just ugly stock wheels on it, no wheels on it etc, and decided to put the sle wheels on them?

6. I gather that the rims you have are 6inch? would have been a very wide rim to supply as standard equipment in those times for a 13in wheel, maybe not?

7. perhaps you just ended up with prototypes of the sle wheel, worth something in itself
regardless, the wheels appear to be well looked after, its very hard to get a clean set of these, but you cant use them anyway since they are not built to any specs? what happened to the wheel nuts?


Some replies to your points...

Re pictures of the GTR-X in Silver, please look at this thread; http://www.gmh-toran...showtopic=48242
You can also see a raft of information here as well.. http://www.gtr-x.net/forum

Firstly, there is only ONE Complete Surviving GTR-X, Not two as you think! The Silver one and the white one are one in the same car.

The timeline for the GTR-X's paint schemes is like this..
1969: The car was released and was painted white, it's original paint scheme, complete with Nibless rims;
1977/78: The car was painted silver and the SL/E Rims added; and
2003: The car was restored, by Car Shine, to it's original colour scheme and rims.

The picture that you linked to ref the steel rims was taken AFTER it was repainted to the Original Colours.

Yes, the project was shelved in 1970 but they (GMH) still had the car on show at various events and for most of it's life from 1992, where it was displayed at the Birdswood National Motor Museum. Here are some pics for you..

Even at the clay model stage, it was displayed in Silver..
Posted Image

On Display at a car show. Note the Gemini wagon with the SL/E rims behind it..
Posted Image

And another..
Posted Image

Now, as for the authenticity that the rims were actually the same ones that were on the car, I can only tell you that they were purchased by me, from the company that did the restoration back in 2003. That Company was Car Shine in Melbourne. If you like, give them a call! I know that there are a few people on this Forums and the GTR-X Forum that can attest to their authenticity!

Yes, the rims are 6"...

The wheelnuts??? You've got to be kidding me?? The rims were sitting at the back of the workshop since 2003. I really don't think that Car Shine were worried about wheel nuts considering the rims were not going back on the car, do you??

I hope that makes things "add up" a bit more for ya!


#36 _Woodsy_

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 10:23 AM

What are you doing Mick? Buying the car in stages Starting with the wheels working your way up? lol. I want to go see this car up close now.

#37 _sstorana_

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 10:30 AM

What are you doing Mick? Buying the car in stages Starting with the wheels working your way up? lol. I want to go see this car up close now.

HI Woodsy

nah, mate... I am happy to just have the rims..

Hopefully we can get the car to Toranafest in 2011 though. That is the plan!


#38 _torbirdie_

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 12:22 PM

Now, as for the authenticity that the rims were actually the same ones that were on the car, I can only tell you that they were purchased by me, from the company that did the restoration back in 2003. That Company was Car Shine in Melbourne. If you like, give them a call! I know that there are a few people on this Forums and the GTR-X Forum that can attest to their authenticity!


Ok, thanks Mick, I originally thought you were claiming that these rims were developed for the gtrx and that you have ended up with the ones fitted to the original prototype. I see now all you are claiming is that you have the rims that gmh? put on the car back in the late 70s when the car was just being showed for historical purposes, they weren't the wheels originally developed for the car, I cant see that they have any value at all, no more than if they fitted hub caps from an eh and and were now getting rid of them.

you really have no proof that they were fitted to the gtrx other than the sayso of the people that sold them too you for a healthy dollar? what became of the car that the rims were fitted to? did they trash the car.

Whether the rims you ended up with were fitted to the gtrx is really a moot point(IMHO), perhaps the prototypes of the sle rims maybe worth something(they were developed for the uc, cant imagine anything else developed for the uc being valuable(prototype tailights - any takers?), possibly more than the 13in sle rims which are difficult to even give away these days!

Anyways, value is all in the eyes of the beholder and obviously I am on the outer here with many believing it has intrinsic value, all the best.

#39 _sstorana_

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 12:38 PM

Now, as for the authenticity that the rims were actually the same ones that were on the car, I can only tell you that they were purchased by me, from the company that did the restoration back in 2003. That Company was Car Shine in Melbourne. If you like, give them a call! I know that there are a few people on this Forums and the GTR-X Forum that can attest to their authenticity!


Ok, thanks Mick, I originally thought you were claiming that these rims were developed for the gtrx and that you have ended up with the ones fitted to the original prototype. I see now all you are claiming is that you have the rims that gmh? put on the car back in the late 70s when the car was just being showed for historical purposes, they weren't the wheels originally developed for the car, I cant see that they have any value at all, no more than if they fitted hub caps from an eh and and were now getting rid of them.

you really have no proof that they were fitted to the gtrx other than the sayso of the people that sold them too you for a healthy dollar? what became of the car that the rims were fitted to? did they trash the car.

Whether the rims you ended up with were fitted to the gtrx is really a moot point(IMHO), perhaps the prototypes of the sle rims maybe worth something(they were developed for the uc, cant imagine anything else developed for the uc being valuable(prototype tailights - any takers?), possibly more than the 13in sle rims which are difficult to even give away these days!

Anyways, value is all in the eyes of the beholder and obviously I am on the outer here with many believing it has intrinsic value, all the best.


You're obvoiusly a Guru on the GTR-X so I won't say anymore...

Needless to say, I know what they are and they do hold some historical significance. As to their value... you're right, that is something in the eye of the beholder..

Edited by sstorana, 19 December 2010 - 12:39 PM.

#40 _Yella SLuR_

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 09:53 PM

Keep searching Mick, only 3,429 more parts to go and you'll have the rest of it!!! :)

Looks like a good find.

^ PS I made that number up. How many parts are there in a Torana?

Edited by Yella SLuR, 19 December 2010 - 09:57 PM.

#41 _billywest_

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Posted 21 December 2010 - 09:03 PM

Keep searching Mick, only 3,429 more parts to go and you'll have the rest of it!!! Posted Image

Looks like a good find.

^ PS I made that number up. How many parts are there in a Torana?


#42 enderwigginau


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Posted 29 January 2011 - 11:52 PM

Torbirdie -

These ARE the UC SL/E prototypes.

These WERE fitted to the GTR/X by Design & Styling when they had the car repainted silver.

What do you want as proof? A letter from Leo Pruneau or something? Geez, you must be well in the loop if you know that all the facts that have been stated are false.


#43 Heath


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Posted 30 January 2011 - 09:01 AM

It gives you an idea how tiny the GTR-X was, the wheels look like 15's on it!

Latest response I've ever made but yes that was my thoughts 100%.

#44 _torbirdie_

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 05:27 AM

Torbirdie -

These ARE the UC SL/E prototypes.

These WERE fitted to the GTR/X by Design & Styling when they had the car repainted silver.

What do you want as proof? A letter from Leo Pruneau or something? Geez, you must be well in the loop if you know that all the facts that have been stated are false.


Hello Grant, Im not disputing that the rims are prototypes or that sle rims were fitted to the gtr/x that was repainted, do read my posts again.

What do you want as proof? A letter from Leo Pruneau or something? Geez, you must be well in the loop if you know that all the facts that have been stated are false.


Unfortunately there are no facts that tell us that the rims purchased by Mick are indeed the rims that were fitted to the repainted show car. The rims on the slr/x could have been any set of sle rims - but simply that can't be verified, as I stated previously, all we have is the sayso by the people that sold the rims for top dollar, not indisputable proof in my book. Greater cons, stretching of the truth, have been tried on selling car parts previously and it does amaze me that gurus here that insist on the correct body plates and part nos etc could be so easily satisfied with the claims.

While its just my opinion(you are welcome to comment on that), I dont see any value in the rims even if the claim is correct, if they were the original steel rims that were designed/sourced by gmh for the original prototype, then yes.

As a prototype edition of the item, it may be valuable, just like a set of prototype eh hubcaps perhaps, but we are talking about rims developed for the UC!

Edited by torbirdie, 31 January 2011 - 05:35 AM.

#45 _Woodsy_

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 09:22 AM

The SLE rims were also made for the Gemini and the commodore

#46 Heath


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Posted 31 January 2011 - 09:25 AM

Yeah but those ^^ ones are Torana stud pattern

#47 dattoman


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Posted 31 January 2011 - 09:31 AM

4 cyl commodore is fairly close to Torana pattern if I recall

#48 _sstorana_

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 04:03 PM

4 cyl commodore is fairly close to Torana pattern if I recall

Yes Datto,
you are correct.

The "SL/E" Style Rims were seen on the following cars;

TD SL/E Gemini - 13" x 5" - from May 1978
UC SL/E Sunbird - 13" x 6" - from Sep 1978
VB SL/E C'dore - 15" x 6" - from Nov 1978
HZ SL/E Statesman - 14" x 6" - from July 1979
VC SL/E C'dore - 15" x 6" - from Mar 1980
TE Gemini Gypsy P/van - 13" x 5" - from Mar 1980

I beleive that there was a limited edition VC 4 cylinder car that was done for a royal visit or something?
It was Royal blue and it had either 13 x 6 or 14 x 6 SL/E rims as well.


#49 _torbirdie_

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 05:36 PM

vb and (i think vc 4 cyl) commodores ran 13in wheels with early holden/torana stud pattern but vastly different offset.

#50 rodomo


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Posted 31 January 2011 - 07:41 PM

VC and VH................VB wasn't released in a 4 cyl.
And......I'll personally guarantee the authenticity of these wheels.

Edited by rodomo, 31 January 2011 - 07:42 PM.

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