Dirtbags dream car rebuild! HK monaro!
Posted 05 July 2011 - 06:26 PM
SMOOOOOOOOOTH is nice.............
Posted 06 July 2011 - 02:52 PM
Didnt know you couldnt chop out the firewall. bummer
Posted 06 July 2011 - 04:10 PM
car will have standard hubcaps although slightly wider rims
???? this one of yours?>
or you know the owner
comon fess up
although i went to victoria to buy it, its my son-in-laws
Posted 07 July 2011 - 04:33 AM
car will have standard hubcaps although slightly wider rims
???? this one of yours?>
or you know the owner
comon fess up
although i went to victoria to buy it, its my son-in-laws
Actually, I've decided it's mine now : )
I welded the new inner piece on at the rear.

Just to prove how much I love HK monaros, I gave myself a massive case of wankers cramp! Hurt too!

Posted 07 July 2011 - 09:26 AM
Posted 08 July 2011 - 09:53 AM
Posted 08 July 2011 - 12:28 PM
Here's what it looked like yesterday.

It's swell : )

Posted 08 July 2011 - 01:15 PM

_SLR Torrie_
Posted 08 July 2011 - 07:55 PM
Quick question Tim, what rust converter do you use?
Thanks John.
Posted 08 July 2011 - 08:03 PM
The rust converter I use is "Plus" brand. I've been using it for years and haven't had any dramas with it.
Posted 09 July 2011 - 02:46 PM
I've broken my collar bone so I've got time to look at these things....
Question : have you ever folded up the section where a panelvan roof meets the ute tray sides (if u know what I mean...), how bout gutters? Ever folded em or just graft?
Here's some photos of my dilemma.

Love ur choice of work'n music. Bit partial to the heavier end of the spectrum myself.
Cheers, Metal up your arse \m/
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Posted 09 July 2011 - 02:57 PM
As for your rust issues, folding up the new pieces isn't a problem. For roof gutters that are really stuffed it's usually easier to cut the gutters off, fix the rust then make and weld on new gutters over the top.
Where the van roof sits on top of the ute quarters was just a giant stuff up on holdens part. If I ever get another van and it has rust there, I'd cut the whole lot out and make a new strip that goes from the panel under the windows to the top of the quarter and be rid of that seam altogether. But that's just me : )
Good luck with it. Post pics!
Edited by dirtbag, 09 July 2011 - 02:58 PM.
Posted 14 July 2011 - 06:05 PM
I rust converted the inner panel.

I drilled a row of holes along the lower edge so I can plug weld it to the new inner piece I fitted.
I then lined it up and got some tacks on it.

All the plug welding done.

Then lots of welding along the top and sides and it's all done.

Of course it copped some rust converter : )

Next job was chopping the passengers side off.

There's some goodies in here : )

How nice is this double overlap? : )

Here's a couple of perfect panels : )

There's a little bit of rust around the side window, but no worse than the other side.

I also cut the inner lip off that makes the outer skin rust.

That's all I did on this one today.
Posted 15 July 2011 - 02:10 AM
Posted 16 July 2011 - 06:24 PM
I did a bit more to the monaro again.
First fun job was to strip the inside back to bare metal.

I found a couple of rust spots. Nothing out of the ordinary though.

I'd already cut a piece off in this next pic, so I could check inside. The piece I cut off was rusted anyway.

There's the same bit of rust as on the other side in the roof.

You can see where a gerbil or something has been trying to escape : )

Then I started chopping bits out.

Here's the bottom of the wheel well fixed. The panel with the hole I cut in it next to the wheel well will be totally removed, as the other end of it is rusty so it's not worth patching it.

Here's the new bit welded in.

The lower corner of the door jam was knackered too so I chopped it off.

New piece.

Here's the piece I cut out of the end of the sill replaced.

I get asked a lot what rust converter I use. This is it.

So I used it on the new bits as usual.

Next up was the bit of rust in the roof.
I cut the bad bit out and cleaned and rust converted inside.

New bit glued in.

A couple of little bits of rust in the top of the door jam.

Welded up. These bits are only tiny, but equally annoying : )

All the rust converted bits were then sanded ready for etch priming.

Coloured in.

That's it : )
Posted 16 July 2011 - 06:33 PM

Posted 16 July 2011 - 07:47 PM
_LH SLR 3300_
Posted 16 July 2011 - 08:16 PM
Posted 16 July 2011 - 08:50 PM
_LH SLR 3300_
Posted 16 July 2011 - 09:12 PM
Posted 16 July 2011 - 09:53 PM
Plus I'm going to build a mezanine in the workshop in the next week or two. Just the timber alone was nearly $2000!!
Posted 16 July 2011 - 11:09 PM
If you make a Vice Grip sort of device, with each claw isolated from the other, run a positive electrode to one claw, and negative to the other, have a trigger operated connector that activates when you squeeze it right in.
You could probably easily rig up one to run off a DC Arc Welder... If you had the time and effort. For $3K i think I could lol.
Posted 17 July 2011 - 11:09 AM

Posted 17 July 2011 - 11:11 AM
Posted 17 July 2011 - 12:23 PM
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