Torana hatch in California...
Posted 19 March 2012 - 11:25 PM
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 21 March 2012 - 11:20 AM

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_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 23 April 2012 - 09:44 AM
The taillights have been abit faded for a while and the paint on them (black) looked kinda crummy too. (they were silver ones painted black)
A little while back I had got a really nice pair of original lights off a buddy when I was over there, and didn't have room to bring them back in my luggage, lol... but got my buddy I work with to bring them along when he was over here last month. I know they do repo them, but these are really nice factory ones and not really faded. They were the silver ones as well, and the finish on them was in really nice shape but I just prefer the look of the black instead of the silver. Sooooo...I masked them up and shot them with some SEM Trim Black. (made for trim and other exterior stuff in a satin black finish)
Here is one before, and one after shooting the black on it (and still masked up obviously)

And close up of the colors before and after...

And while I was at it, I also switched out the rear bulbs to LED ones...nice and bright ! (and come on instantly of course as well) The bulbs themselves light up red and orange as well.
You can see how nicely the turn signals shine

Oh, and here is one of the old lights out of the car..the center red had noticable faded when you see it out in the sunlight (other one even more so)

Oh, and here are the styles of LED bulb I went with..

Posted 23 April 2012 - 11:16 AM
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 23 April 2012 - 11:39 AM
Posted 28 April 2012 - 06:42 PM
Posted 28 April 2012 - 11:12 PM
Hi JeffNope....twist out the old ones, twist in the news ones, and go ! (no problems with the flasher either...)
If you put the LEDs in the front indicator as well you will need a different flash relay, i put LEDs all round recently and it wouldnt flash properly even with an electronic flash relay fitted.
See in this thread, http://www.gmh-toran...post__p__583710
Put in this, http://ledshoponline...lasher_cans.htm and works fine, you just need to put an earth wire onto the frame somewhere.
P.S. i like your amber lamps better than mine as they spread the light in all directions, mine only show straight back, with the center bar on the lens it interferes with the light.
Can you add a link to where you got your globes?
Edited by LX2DR, 28 April 2012 - 11:15 PM.
Posted 28 April 2012 - 11:31 PM
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 29 April 2012 - 11:13 AM
Oh, and yep on the orange globes...that is why I got both of them with the leds all the way around the sides as well as the end. No odd shadows or dark spots in the light housing, it's nice and diffused all the way around.
I hadn't got to doing the front ones yet. I was more worried about the back since anything you can do here to make people notice you slowing down or turning, the better

Posted 29 April 2012 - 10:22 PM
Exactly where my head is, a hit around the front could be handled, but any damage in the back would be a disaster for a Hatch due to minimal replacement panels, its easier to spend a few bucks and reduce/minimise the risk.I was more worried about the back since anything you can do here to make people notice you slowing down or turning, the better
but will get to the front ones before too long too, and do the flasher change if need be then too
Having said that i just ordered some indicator globes, wish i knew about those before

_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 30 April 2012 - 07:11 AM

Just the kind of person you don't want behind you if you are in a good car, that's for sure !
Posted 30 April 2012 - 02:53 PM

_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:20 AM

_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 03 May 2012 - 07:50 AM
These are the same 8 piston type ones I had mocked up before with the borrowed caliper off a mate of mine. They are to suit the 2005 Mercedes SL55 AMG (same application my front rotors are from)
Sure they are overkill I suppose but what the heck

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_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 03 May 2012 - 07:55 AM

They use 4 seperate brake pads per caliper, kind of a cool design.
This was mocking up the one on the car again as well. Looking forward to getting them on the car for real now! . Then just a matter of figuring out about going to a larger rear setup perhaps using the front 4 piston calipers after I swap them out ? (my rear ones now are a single piston PBR caliper on 330 discs)

Posted 03 May 2012 - 01:56 PM
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 03 May 2012 - 02:09 PM

Posted 03 May 2012 - 04:34 PM
Something with a good size block and garage and preferably double story....
Got any link's to any realestate places over there for me ?
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 04 May 2012 - 10:24 AM
You'll really have to narrow it down way more than just "California" ??
That said, housing is in abit of a slump now here of course, but for a "good" area and a place that big and everything else you will be looking a pretty decent dollar. But again, depends a huge amount on location.
I don't know the market at all in central or northern California. Around here or south of here (San Diego area) it still varies a bit. How far inland or close to the coast you are, be in a higher end area or just out in the outskirts areas where it might be a little cheaper but much warmer in the summers, etc.
Posted 04 May 2012 - 11:41 AM
What's your neighborhood like and how's the house prices there ??
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 04 May 2012 - 12:15 PM
Not all too many two story places right around here, just a few here and there and haven't noticed what they have been selling for but would guess in the 7 - 8 range ? b
Closer you get to the beach the more they will get. You could still go 3 or 4 miles closer or just north or south about the same distance away and be similar range or maybe a little cheaper, but not as many larger properties of course.
Knew a guy in a gated commuties in southern Orange County... he had a 2 story place, newer built, etc. Think that place was around 1.2 or 1.3m ? But no yard to speak of and being a gated community...good luck if you want to work on a car, ha ha.
Again, prices vary a huge amount out here within an hour's or hour and a half's drive of me. From crap areas in the 180 - 250 price range, up to many multi million dollar mansions not too far away either.
Of course the housing market here was way higher a few years ago during the bubble, then came way down..and just creeping up a little bit in some areas now. (before the big bubble hit they were pretty reasonable)
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 04 May 2012 - 12:19 PM
Posted 04 May 2012 - 02:37 PM
as there are alot of Mad Max Fans, importing the XB Ford Coupe to the USA.
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 04 May 2012 - 02:44 PM
I've brought 3 Toranas here in total, along with a heap of Valiants.
Here is a mock up mad max one along with my old Charger and the Torrie behind it.

Posted 04 May 2012 - 02:55 PM
The real Mad Max Car, has moved to Florida in the USA, it was in the Cars of the Stars Meseum in England, but they sold there big collection to the museum in Florida, so the Last of the Interceptors is in America
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