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Torana hatch in California...

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#526 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 01 September 2012 - 01:47 AM

I am sure there are plenty of readers who can give you their individual reasons my friend.
I personally have left numerous messages for Tony to call me back (to no avail), and you have to get past the woman who answers the phone.
Last call I made complaining about the fitment reduced her to tears as she told me of the loss of her Son. I naturally expressed my condolences but it doesn't fix my problem.

I guess when new guys to the restoration business see a product that says, (Fits LH,LX,UC,L34,A9X) advertised by a company that has numerous listings, excellent feedback etc. etc. May just buy the very thing they are looking for hence my reason for putting it out there for all to see with the assistance of you experienced guys. (also at LH, LX Big Brakes thread)

Heck, I got the "kit" off of him in person originally...and had told him I was bringing it to America to use on my car, etc. That was years ago. (had traded some stuff to him for it) and when I eventually got the stuff here and was to the point of seeing it wouldn't clear anywhere I had called my mate there to go over to find out what was wrong, I had assumed I had the wrong kit or something. He was just told I might have to 'trim' things a little.

Soon after that is when I decided to just stick the 'kit' rotors and calipers on the shelf (where they still are sitting) and go from scratch with the hubs. Oh, and I did use the brake hoses that had come with the kit..they seemed pretty nice and the length worked better on the Brembos I think then the setup they were sold for, ha ha

#527 _ToranaL67_

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Posted 01 September 2012 - 02:31 AM

Hey California Kid

On a lighter note - I don't know if anyone has mentioned to you about, "Toranafest"
15th and 16th September 2012 in Newcastle, New South Wales. ... be there! HA! HA! ... would be great.
Approx. 300 Toranas from all states of OZtralia converge on Newcastle.
Will definitely do pickies for you.

On that note my friend it's 2.29am in OZ and I'm going Nite Nite ...

#528 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 04:31 AM

I've read bits about it here, yep !

Bit of a long drive though for me though :badabing:

#529 _ToranaL67_

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Posted 30 September 2012 - 11:14 PM

Check out 'Toranafest 2012 - Qld convoy" thread. (that's our crew)

#530 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 01 October 2012 - 09:39 AM

Cool, I will take a look !

#531 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 20 November 2012 - 01:52 PM

Well...finally got the last batch of containers loaded and on thier way so I can get back to playing with the car !

I got my few things from over there just a few days ago as well. Including some rear springs (Thanks Welby!) so door trims (they are actually the old ones from the car that had been hacked up pretty bad over the years, that I just had repaired a little bit for the moment since I was not able to get new ones ordered in time) plus my K-mac sway bars as well.
Not all that impressed with the finish on things for the cost, but will see how they all fit soon as I get to getting the car on stands and things mocked into place..

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#532 A9X


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Posted 20 November 2012 - 02:14 PM

if your unimpressed with the finish, wait till you try the fit :(

And your welcome.

#533 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 20 November 2012 - 02:20 PM

That doesn't sound good... :wacko:

I tried to talk to the guy from K-mac at SEMA but he was tied up each time I walked past...if I knew what it was going to be like, I would have made more of a point to talk to him..just see how I go I suppose at this point. (Didn't even come with instructions for the rear, so was going to email on that anyways..)

(Hope Datto took care of you on the spring deal as well,thanks again)

At least I have these to get me through the install process....ha ha ha..

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#534 _berro59_

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Posted 22 November 2012 - 03:52 PM

mmmmmmmmmmmmm beeeeeeeeeeeeeer..........

#535 _Emu_

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Posted 22 November 2012 - 09:02 PM

lol, great car dude......SHIT beer though :D

#536 76lxhatch


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 09:14 PM

Imported green water...? :huh:

Everything fits fine with a bit of modification and just the right amount of swearing

#537 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 30 November 2012 - 09:19 AM

lol...hopefully the rain stops here and it warms up a little bit to enjoy a couple cold green cans. (nothing like a cold one on a warm day)

And the more I look at the sway bars, the more it bugs me what they are for the money. The mounts look they were made by a high school welding class (at the begining of the class)

I'd like to come up with some better end link ideas too and what not...

#538 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 30 November 2012 - 11:50 AM

Pictures of the rear setup.

Some other swaybar pictures here.

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#539 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 02 December 2012 - 02:27 AM

Thanks for the pictures...

The brackets that came with mine, that mount to the diff...don't even have the holes drilled quite large enough to slide over the shock stud though.... Nice...

#540 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 05 December 2012 - 01:50 PM

I picked up some material yesterday, and going to remake a few of the items I don't like about the kit...will post some pics as I get to cuttin' and welding :)

#541 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 05:22 AM

Well, finally playing around with mounting the front bar today...and it hits on the lower radiator hose and lower cooling fan. Not out by much, just need to decide the best way to go about changing things..either lowering the mount a little bit, or moving it towards the rear slightly instead. Hmmm..think I will look around a little here at how other people have done it too for ideas along with what is already floating around in my head. :D

#542 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:07 AM

Just made up some spacers out of 15mm thick aluminum plate...seems to do the trick and allow the bar to clear the fan and lower radiator hose as well. Hopefully that does not throw anything else out of whack. I am going to use adjustable rod ends for end links, so can even everything out with the bar being slightly lower I figure.

I still will put holes/notches in the splash shields too, so they will definately be going back on...just off while working on things of course.

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I will just have to watch where the end links go and what not around the brake hoses. I might make a small bracket to hold the hose slightly back to just make sure it will be out of the way of everything.

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And the bar is close to the lower fan, but there is clearance..and I can still slide the bar back slightly more if need be (with the slots in the hold down clamps)

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#543 _LS2 Hatch_

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:06 PM

I like your work.
You will have to let us know your opinion when finished. I still have to do this to mine. Not sure which one I will use yet.

#544 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 18 December 2012 - 10:43 AM

The finish quality and weld work on it all is sure average (high school shop class or so?) but after changing some things around and making some of my own parts instead of what came with them...think things will work out ok. Just painted the mounts for the front bar that go up to the chassis rails and modified my splash shields and repainted them today as well. I use paint from Eastwood over here (extreme chassis black) and it is a awesome bullet proof sort of stuff, just slow to cure so tomorrow will keep at things. Going to get the bars powdercoated I think too..the paint finish they came with is crap.. (could have them sandblasted and paint with the chassis paint, but might go a color other than black for them)

#545 _Emu_

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Posted 18 December 2012 - 10:58 PM

Nice work, looks neat.

I noticed you run the remote oil filter...what size are the fittings on it and where did you get the plumbing from? TIA

#546 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 02:09 AM

Thanks, and I made all the lines on the engine...from oil filter, to heater, fuel, etc. The fittings themselves came from Jegs (I normally buy everything from Summit, but liked the fittings themselves Jegs sell)

The lines from memory were -10AN. The sump I used, have no provision for the filter so it has to be a remote style one. The filter mount itself is an older Moroso one (from memory ? I can double check the brand if you were curious when I am under the car today mounting the brackets back up)
I made a mounting plate as well that bolts to the frame rail and the filter adapter bolts to it. Keeps things tidy that way and I trimmed a nice area out on the splash shield to change the filter.

#547 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 10:40 AM

Here are things so far...

Frame brackets and splash shields on now...and bar hanging in place.. (I still plan to have it sandblasted once I have it all sorted out)

I did take a bunch of pics as I always do, so I can look back at how things fit or how I did stuff, ha ha, and to share with everyone else how stuff looked and fit. You can see the spacer blocks (aluminum) to sit the bar down a little lower here. I did end up having to redrill a hole in the frame brackets too. They have slots so you can slide it forward or back to line it up..only stupid problem is, the slots are both the wrong way, so with each bolt in you can not slide it either way. I wanted it slid as far rearward (for clearance to the fans and lower radiator hose) as possible, so I ended up reslotted the hole towards the front of the car and have it slid back to where it is. (lining up with the rearward slot as far back as it originally was)

It worked out a little closer to the lower fan than I like really...so might either just lightly grind a small spot on the fan housing, or see if I can slide the bar towards the rear a fraction more. Just have to watch how close I get to the control arms,etc of course too.

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#548 YiriSS


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Posted 20 December 2012 - 10:07 PM

That doesn't sound good... :wacko:

I tried to talk to the guy from K-mac at SEMA but he was tied up each time I walked past...if I knew what it was going to be like, I would have made more of a point to talk to him..just see how I go I suppose at this point. (Didn't even come with instructions for the rear, so was going to email on that anyways..)

(Hope Datto took care of you on the spring deal as well,thanks again)

At least I have these to get me through the install process....ha ha ha..

Good to see you have great taste in beer

I worked in the brewery here for nearly 16 years , I got sick of seeing over 15,000 pallets in the warehouse ;)

#549 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 22 December 2012 - 11:54 AM

I had a couple last night actually....and always liked them since first trying them years back, so good work ! :D

(have a few VB things in my 'beer collection' too ! )

#550 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 22 December 2012 - 11:57 AM

And getting there...

I had planned out (and started making) some aluminum adjuster clamps, but had this idea for a real simple steel version too so cobbled one up real quick earlier today. Still might go the billet idea, but these are not too bad either it seems. (and a heap nicer than the push-bike-seat-holder looking ones the bar came with)

I got rid of the bolt in this pic and used something nicer/better as well for the mock up one.

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