Thought I would post up some pics for Welby of the ball joint tool I made (that we talked about last night..)
It's really simple and just made from some stuff I had laying around at the time, lets you pop the ball joints loose without hurting the boots or paint on the spindle, etc (like a fork would do or hitting the side of the knuckle hard with a hammer (which is the method I use most other times))
The pic from last night I showed you, and another one..just shows the lug nut that I drilled out so it will slide over the bolt. (Again, could use a piece of thick tubing instead of the lug nut, but I just had it laying around at the time...ha ha)

Then you just hold it in place, and unscrew the nut on the it is in place, of course you'd pull the cotter pin out and either just loosen the ball joint nut on the bottom off and leave the nut there if you had the arm hanging down, or if you have a jack under the arm and the weight of the car compressing the spring somewhat, just pull the nut right off.

Then you just simply hold the head end of the bolt with a open end ring spanner....and "loosen" the nut on the bolt with another spanner. As you loosen it, it will push up on the lug nut and pop the lower ball joint loose. Nice and muss no fuss.

Oh, and on the washer I used...they sort of do two thing...they act like a bearing in a sense and make it easier to turn the nut without the lug nut wanting to turn, and act as a spacer since the lug nut was not quite long enough (along with the length of the bolt) to seperate enough, ha ha.
Hope that makes it easier to visualize from telling you about it last night..