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Torana hatch in California...

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#151 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 12 March 2011 - 09:40 AM

One box per day????

Skip to 1:30.


#152 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 12 March 2011 - 10:44 AM

Import me for a couple of weeks and accommodate me and i'll spray it foc for you :spoton:

Do you bring your own paint and supplies? :lol:

How long does it take by ship? :dontknow:

About 4 weeks, so better bring lots of ice to keep the slabs cold as well! :badabing:

#153 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 12 March 2011 - 10:46 AM

LOL imagine customs opening the container and a wall of empty beer bottles falling on them and me staggering out blind with a spray gun in each hand yelling "WHERES THE HATCH AT".

Will bring my guns and a few other bibs and bobs.


Edited by Bomber Watson, 12 March 2011 - 10:48 AM.

#154 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 12 March 2011 - 10:53 AM

Just think of how great the video of that would be! ha ha... I'll go out in the shed and get the compressor on and airhose ready to go B) Posted Image Posted Image

#155 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 12 March 2011 - 10:56 AM


#156 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 12 March 2011 - 11:23 AM

You know it! lol..

I did bring some red paint(and clear) over actually that I used to spray the engine bay...in a container, not game enough to try getting that on the plane, ha ha..

#157 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 01:01 PM

Got my rear speakers in today (6.5" component Polk's) and nearly done with the 1/4 trim panels !

Just have to decide on some rear compartment lights...I have the factory one still from the RH side, but thinking I will go with some '67 Camaro deluxe interior ones (they look very similar) and run one on each side..just will drill a hole in each new trim panel, nice and easy!

Oh, and on the panels..just made them out of MDF and added a reinforcement (thicker piece glued on right after the pics) on the back in the center area..help keep them from flexing from the speaker I figured.

Have to decide where to mount the tweeters as well still...then just wire them up, run the time alignment processor I have and be about done inside! (aside from new carpet and vinyl work that needs doing)

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#158 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 05:02 PM

got to say this is a great build thread and story,

i find it very interesting that australian treasures make there way to the USA,you must be a one in a million.

your hatch is a dream machine,me likem very much,bet it halls ass,

are there many monaro,s over there?here,s a few pics of mine,these holdens are 1968 factory fitted chev cars.
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#159 _LS1 Hatch_

_LS1 Hatch_
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Posted 16 March 2011 - 09:47 AM

Thank you !

There are a couple of Monaros over here I've heard of over the years, but not many compared to how much Yanky stuff is there of course!

I actually really like the early Monaros and thought about getting one right after I got my first Toranas (this red one included) but decided to wait a while and bought a few Valiant Chargers, etc instead...thinking I could get a Monaro "later" then of course you know what happened to the price of them over the past 10 - 12 years, ha ha...

#160 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 09:54 AM

Oh, and some other pictures from today...

Got one side's panel all finished and in (other side is done, just waiting for the paint to dry then install speakers,etc)

Here is how it came out...I'm happy with it, flush mounted the tweeter and mid-range is nice and sturdy as well. The other side will be a mirror of this one and going to do something different for the cargo area lights.

The panels are held in place with stainless counter sunk machine screws, and I just added some threaded inserts into the body where the original spring clip holes are.

Probably will end up covering them in black viynl eventually when the other bits of the trim get redone.

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#161 _LS1 Hatch_

_LS1 Hatch_
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Posted 16 March 2011 - 09:59 AM

Oh and to cut the holes for the tweeters, I used one of my favorite odd ball tools...a hydraulic punch !

Awesome thing. I originally got it to punch holes in doors and firewalls for running grommits, wirings, looms,etc through but it worked awesome on the little trim panel as well. Its perfect for sheet metal since it does not distort or tear like a hole saw will. And no heat of course as well if it's a painted surface.

I have a bunch of different sized dies for it, and will go through steel or aluminum like butter ! B) You just drill a pilot hole, slide the threaded bit of the shaft through the hole, then screw on the cutter part of the die until it just hits the surface you are cutting, then just a few pumps on the handle and it pops through!

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#162 308 Sunbird

308 Sunbird

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 01:03 PM

Mate,now thats a niffty tool.What sort of cost?

#163 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 01:19 PM

This is it here...


As I said, it's very handy! Used it for holes for the air conditioning lines, punched the holes in the door and pillar (in the picture) for the boots for the wiring for power windows and locks, and a bunch of other places too!

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#164 _Herne_

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 02:30 PM

This is it here...


As I said, it's very handy! Used it for holes for the air conditioning lines, punched the holes in the door and pillar (in the picture) for the boots for the wiring for power windows and locks, and a bunch of other places too!

Cheaper than I expected :)


#165 _LS1 Hatch_

_LS1 Hatch_
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Posted 16 March 2011 - 02:38 PM

It's America, stuff usually is cheaper, lol..

And I have a couple of the those stores nearby (one about 15 minutes away, one about 20ish) so just drop in for stuff like that. They sell mainly just china made stuff versus higher end US made tools, but some of the stuff (like the punch) are pretty decent quality for what they are at least and way,way cheaper than anything similar made here. (I do try and buy all US made tools when I can though, but sometimes it's just too far out of the way cost wise)

#166 _LS1 Hatch_

_LS1 Hatch_
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Posted 18 March 2011 - 10:06 AM

Stereo stuff is pretty well done and came out pretty nice I think and sounds excellent! :)

I even dug the old carpet for the boot area out, been rolled up in the corner for a couple years now, lol... gave it a quick vacuum but still kinda curled up. No matter as will need a new one anyways since this has the slit in it from the old swinging timber floor panels. Just will have it as a smooth single piece now...can worry about that when I get the other carpet and vinyl work done on the car I reckon.

Oh, and I decided I am going to move the cargo lights into the little corner trim pieces (the metal ones you remove to get to the taillight bulbs)

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#167 WhaleOilBeefHooked


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Posted 18 March 2011 - 02:25 PM

I was wondering what the thunder was over Sydney, LS1 teesting his boom box out :badabing:

#168 _LS1 Hatch_

_LS1 Hatch_
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Posted 19 March 2011 - 11:10 AM

:badabing: It's not that loud....but it does do the job pretty well, I've always liked good stereo stuff. :D

#169 _LC_138_

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 05:17 PM

Just came across this thread, what an awesome car!

#170 _SS Hatchback_

_SS Hatchback_
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Posted 19 March 2011 - 08:05 PM

Great car , red hatchbacks my favourite ;) , Seriously though mate it mustn ove be a blast driving around with it over there, nice work and some excellent mods , will be checking back often :spoton:

#171 Collo


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Posted 20 March 2011 - 12:11 AM

LOL imagine customs opening the container and a wall of empty beer bottles falling on them and me staggering out blind with a spray gun in each hand yelling "WHERES THE HATCH AT".

Bomber, I figured you'd do that anywhere you ended up...

#172 _LS1 Hatch_

_LS1 Hatch_
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Posted 20 March 2011 - 10:16 AM

Just came across this thread, what an awesome car!

Thank you!!

Great car , red hatchbacks my favourite ;)

Red hatchbacks are the best of course! :D

#173 _mr hatchback_

_mr hatchback_
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 10:12 AM

Hi Jeff,

I did try too leave a reply last night thou I was unable too regarding your LS1 Hatchback & I think that it is really a great job that you have done & good to see an Aussie Muscle Car
in the USA as we are somewhat of a smaller of a country in comparison to USA & we did not make as many Muscle Cars as you guys did due too our smaller population, I have an
an SS Hatchback that I am doing some work on at the moment & also a SLR 5000 that I will be performing some custom work on also in a little while so I did appreciate all of your
info & the photos that you posted as I have downloaded the photos & saved the thread mate & I also loved that tip on the Hydraulic Punch.

All the best mate....

#174 _LS1 Hatch_

_LS1 Hatch_
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 03:21 PM

Thanks Mark, I am glad you have enjoyed hearing about mine, and feel free to ask if you want to see any other pictures of anything I did (I have plenty that I took all along the build so far).
I know Australia never had the quantity of cars like we did over here, but they can certainlly hold up thier own in alot of ways I think to anything we had here.
Oh, and the hydraulic punch is a cool thing for sure! I have a pretty good assortment of tools and always seem to be adding to it..when I come across something usefull for the task at the time, I tend to buy it (if possible of course) as a use for it always seems to come up again somewhere or other.
My crimper for air conditioning lines was like that...it was not a cheap tool (I bought a good quality USA made one, around $200 from memory?) but the local A/C shop wanted to charge $20 per crimp if I brought the lines into them. So I decided to buy the tool and do them myself. Not only did I know how they would come out, but I could double check the angles/clocking of each fitting a couple times right on the car and crimp them a couple feet away with no fear of the lines getting twisted, etc.

The punch though at under a hundred bucks was a great bang-for-the-buck sorta thing! (I loaned it to a buddy of mine who used it to punch some holes in some aluminum sheet on a 40's era vintage camper trailer he is restoring.)

Oh, and I do have a good 'ol Aussie made Multi-tool for my bench grinder that I have used constantly for the build (along with for a million other things over the lot of years I've had it) so every place does come up with some cool tools!

#175 _mr hatchback_

_mr hatchback_
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 10:58 PM

Hi again Jeff,

I am really glad that there is an American that is into our much beloved Icon of a strong race bred Aussie Muscle Car that can mix it with the best from all corners of the globe, I have tried too get in touch with the company that supplies the Hydraulic Punch thou they have not gotten back to my email yet & I should give them a day or two as I was straight onto it as soon as I saw it (thanks again mate) I will also do a google search for one over here as there maybe a company here that has one.

I will be in touch soon as I will most likely be asking you some questions from the land down under regarding the great work that you have done & I am sure will continue to be doing, I will also look into the crimping tool that you mentioned too as I am sure that I will get good use out of it as I did mention that I have two Torana's & my mate Joe ( LS26LH ) also has two & my mate Michael ( LXSSTORANA ) has two Hatchbacks also, I do agree that you can always have more good quality tools that make the job easy as I am partial to a good tool for my tool chest.

All the best mate.

Thanks Mark, I am glad you have enjoyed hearing about mine, and feel free to ask if you want to see any other pictures of anything I did (I have plenty that I took all along the build so far).
I know Australia never had the quantity of cars like we did over here, but they can certainlly hold up thier own in alot of ways I think to anything we had here.
Oh, and the hydraulic punch is a cool thing for sure! I have a pretty good assortment of tools and always seem to be adding to it..when I come across something usefull for the task at the time, I tend to buy it (if possible of course) as a use for it always seems to come up again somewhere or other.
My crimper for air conditioning lines was like that...it was not a cheap tool (I bought a good quality USA made one, around $200 from memory?) but the local A/C shop wanted to charge $20 per crimp if I brought the lines into them. So I decided to buy the tool and do them myself. Not only did I know how they would come out, but I could double check the angles/clocking of each fitting a couple times right on the car and crimp them a couple feet away with no fear of the lines getting twisted, etc.

The punch though at under a hundred bucks was a great bang-for-the-buck sorta thing! (I loaned it to a buddy of mine who used it to punch some holes in some aluminum sheet on a 40's era vintage camper trailer he is restoring.)

Oh, and I do have a good 'ol Aussie made Multi-tool for my bench grinder that I have used constantly for the build (along with for a million other things over the lot of years I've had it) so every place does come up with some cool tools!

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