Gear Knob
Posted 06 August 2006 - 06:21 PM
note the seller and buyer. maybe this guy has bought the original one and reproduced them?
Posted 07 August 2006 - 02:57 PM
No because reverse is on the other side and up.
These Muncie boxes were used behind 350 Chevs in HQs.
Not sure about whether or not the factory gear knob was smooth or textured as I got a Speco shifter and it is smooth without the shift pattern engraved into it.
Edited by JBM, 07 August 2006 - 03:04 PM.
Posted 07 August 2006 - 03:14 PM
WTF $449 for a gear knob get the f#*k out of here, oh i reckon it might be wise for me to come and get one of those gear knobs off you les
Posted 08 August 2006 - 09:50 PM
1. The pic supplied by Les is the same one on Ebay by Monowai or whatever he calls himself at $38/40 each.
2. I dont buy off Rare Spares unless I can get 3 things together as the minimum ship postage of $12 turns me off. I needed 2 gaskets for front blinkers on a LC , a sticker etc etc all under $20 total and I get penalised by $12 for shipping. If Rares Spares changed the post system to a more happy middle ground they would sell more...especially the small things.
Now I am off the buy the knob off Ebay at $40 plus $7 shipping (still over the top) and saved $7 on the deal..Sorry mate, it is a commercial reality that RS needs to address.
(climbs down off soap box)
Edited by rorym, 08 August 2006 - 09:52 PM.
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:34 PM
Nice pick up RedA9X, I will bet your right by the look of the photo's not a bad job either.
Tell me are Rares selling the knobs or not, I cant' find them even using Les' part number on the site. Also are Rares selling plain black or with H pattern on them??
Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:01 PM
Point12 Things that need to be said,
1. The pic supplied by Les is the same one on Ebay by Monowai or whatever he calls himself at $38/40 each.
2. I dont buy off Rare Spares unless I can get 3 things together as the minimum ship postage of $12 turns me off. I needed 2 gaskets for front blinkers on a LC , a sticker etc etc all under $20 total and I get penalised by $12 for shipping. If Rares Spares changed the post system to a more happy middle ground they would sell more...especially the small things.
Now I am off the buy the knob off Ebay at $40 plus $7 shipping (still over the top) and saved $7 on the deal..Sorry mate, it is a commercial reality that RS needs to address.
(climbs down off soap box)
Some smaller operators do not have to worry about GST which gives them an advantage but it is our product
Point 2
The reason we have a delivery charge of $12.00 is because we do not know what maybe ordered and where it maybe sent (it covers most cases). Where the part is over $12.00 we advise the customer and charge the extra, I have now advised our Roxburgh and Bayswater stores to reduce the postage on smaller items where applicable. As fore our other Distributors I can only tell them what we are doing and hope they do the same
Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:46 PM

_The Baron_
Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:49 PM
The example I went to pick it up was rather poor.
It had a BIG ridge around the circumferance, sh!t stuck to the lettering and not polished very well.
Quality issue? Like the Battery tray.
Sorry Les, I admire the effort but Gee. My 30yr old Gear Knob was better.
Posted 24 August 2006 - 07:12 PM
Let me know how you goOK..Good move..I am back in then..See? That wasnt hard!
Now I will get those small things I need when I want them, not wait until there is a few or forget them altogether.
Posted 24 August 2006 - 07:22 PM
We have had some very favourable comments on the gear knobs, can you send it to me and I will replace it, a faulty one may have slipped thru. Send it to Les McVeigh C/O RSP P.O. Box 10 Somerton MDC 3062 Vic.************Look before you buy.***********
The example I went to pick it up was rather poor.
It had a BIG ridge around the circumferance, sh!t stuck to the lettering and not polished very well.
Quality issue? Like the Battery tray.
Sorry Les, I admire the effort but Gee. My 30yr old Gear Knob was better.
Posted 24 August 2006 - 08:16 PM
_The Baron_
Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:56 PM
If you have a good sample can you forward it to Restorer's Hotline in Adelaide with my name attached and I will fix up Andrew when it comes in.
Posted 24 August 2006 - 10:15 PM
Posted 05 September 2006 - 04:56 PM
Having now seen these knobs I have had them quarantined until we can resolve the issue and improve the quality.************Look before you buy.***********
The example I went to pick it up was rather poor.
It had a BIG ridge around the circumferance, sh!t stuck to the lettering and not polished very well.
Quality issue? Like the Battery tray.
Sorry Les, I admire the effort but Gee. My 30yr old Gear Knob was better.
Posted 06 September 2006 - 04:31 PM
Posted 06 September 2006 - 06:47 PM
Posted 06 September 2006 - 11:49 PM
Most were incorrect which pissed me off, as the correct procedure was not followed, the blame must come back to me even though I was in Thailand and then Sydney , I only got back to work this week I will fix the problem. I must say when I was in Sydney I went to the GTR XU-1 nationals and was a bit disappointed in the standard of cars they are no where near the quality of cars I have seen at the Ford GT nationals , except for one that stood out rego no. RAREAZThats bad news. Are they all like this?
Posted 20 September 2006 - 09:35 PM
Posted 20 September 2006 - 10:12 PM

The pics are hard to see clearly, but the knob has a ring around it, the same as the sample you sent me and the finish is still very rough. The font of the letters is different too, but you have to put the knobs side by side to see that.

the RTS badge is about 3mm shorter, and to get the tangs at the rear to line up, moves the badge across to a slightly different location. These were used in VB Commodores too, so there is no way it would fill the hole in a VB dash correctly. The decal is as you can see, different to the original. Originals were also an aluminuim decal, exactly the same as the one used in HX and HZ's. Do Rares still sell the new HZ badges? I know they used to.
Posted 21 September 2006 - 02:03 PM
As I stated on the 24 AugustThe pics are hard to see clearly, but the knob has a ring around it, the same as the sample you sent me and the finish is still very rough. The font of the letters is different too, but you have to put the knobs side by side to see that.
the RTS badge is about 3mm shorter, and to get the tangs at the rear to line up, moves the badge across to a slightly different location. These were used in VB Commodores too, so there is no way it would fill the hole in a VB dash correctly. The decal is as you can see, different to the original. Originals were also an aluminuim decal, exactly the same as the one used in HX and HZ's. Do Rares still sell the new HZ badges? I know they used to.
Having now seen these knobs I have had them quarantined until we can resolve the issue and improve the quality (in other words I had them take off the market)
So in fact I agree that the quality is poor and we will not be selling any more until they are improved hopefully the next shipment will be ok.
As for the badge we do have shrinkage , but not 3mm we have measured it against a NOS one we have and it is .7mm shorter not 3mm. The badge on your car maybe from a different supplier than the sample we used , this has happened before with parts like the HR and HK grille badges , the decals for the wheel caps we have come across 4 different types and other parts we have looked at. This is the best we can make for the price, if we could improve it at minimal cost we would but unfortunately we can not. As I said this is the best we can do, we had rejected 4 previous samples. No we do not have the HZ RTS badge they were NOS.
Posted 21 September 2006 - 02:10 PM
Posted 21 September 2006 - 02:32 PM
Posted 21 September 2006 - 06:37 PM
I can not say when the new knobs will be available, this is the first time we have used this manufacturer and they are not overly happy about a credit and modification to the tooling. I did not think you were having a go at me I just wanted to point out the facts as other people read these posts and may not be fully awareThe RTS chrome portion of the LX badge only came in the LX and VB Commodores. The centre section, which is a piece of sticky backed aluminium with the writting printed onto it, was used in all models introduced with RTS and right through to about VH I think it was when they were made from a black backing. How long before the new knobs are expected to be finished LES? BTW I was acknowledging that you had stated you weren't happy with the knobs, not having a go at you.
Posted 21 September 2006 - 06:43 PM
I was talking about the LX RTS badge they may have been made by more than one supplier and there could be subtle differences , I have come across this on occasion. One that really stands out is the HQ Monaro door window the one made in Adelaide appear to be different from other models and will not interchange.RTS badges come from all sorts of holdens, even geminis. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all slightly different.
Posted 03 October 2006 - 07:29 PM
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