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QLD Torana Drag Day 2011 - Sat April 9th

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#26 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 05 April 2011 - 01:23 PM

^ A couple from here, a heap from QTCC, a few from Waynes club, couple of rotors, few blokes from T'ba, couple from GTR club and a smattering from other forums.

Should be a good day, enough to cover costs easily and not too many to clog up the staging lanes :spoton:

Cant wait !!



#27 _nos 598_

_nos 598_
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Posted 05 April 2011 - 08:29 PM

Hope to bring our red hatch out for a skid , so might see ya on the day .

#28 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 08 April 2011 - 08:55 AM

Weather forecast for tomorrow is looking promising, lets hope the wet stuff stays away.

I have been getting a few calls from Torana owners not normally seen around here and from what they tell me, there are going to be some bloody quick passes and real nice cars coming along.

I havnt tallied up the number of cars attending but off the top of my head there will be at least 40 and most are Toranas :spoton:



#29 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 08 April 2011 - 06:57 PM


Just in case anyone is wondering if the event is still going ahead due to rain we had today, IT IS !!

The forecast for Ipswich is looking good tomorrow with a very slight (15%) chance of a shower. Even if there is a shower, the track drys out very quickly so it wont be a big issue.

If there is any change I will update here in the morning.

To get a 48 hour forecast, please visit http://www.weatherzo...tailed-forecast

See you there !!



#30 _mumstaxi_

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Posted 08 April 2011 - 07:06 PM

For those who have not been to willowbank and are planing to race please keep in mind...

If you wish to RACE,you WILL need to have/bring the following...An Australian Standards approved helmet (sticker on the helmet meeting Aus standards,normally on back)

Long sleeve shirt, long pants (no shorts), covered shoes (no thongs)

You will most likely required to fill out a indemnity form, from experience its better if you bring your own PEN (you wont get one with your form)

It can also get cold out there after the sun goes down, so make sure the kids have warm stuff to wear after dark.

For those who are racing, Time slips will be issued from the scrutineering shed (not the tower as is normal) the scrutineering shed is the first large shed/building you will see after you finish a race (on the left hand side of the return road)

more info can be found here... http://www.willowbank-raceway.com.au/

See ya ther ! ;)


#31 _SLR Goat_

_SLR Goat_
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Posted 08 April 2011 - 10:14 PM

Looking forward to tomorrow see ya's all out there :buttrock:

Edited by SLR Goat, 08 April 2011 - 10:14 PM.

#32 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 09 April 2011 - 07:19 AM

Well its sunshine and lollipops outside today :D Hoo-friggin-ray

Down to the shed to do a quick oil change and then Im getting ready....

See ya's out there.

#33 _UCV80_

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Posted 09 April 2011 - 07:53 PM

Was a great day out, blasted my goals for a sub 13sec pass with a 12.16 pass :nudie: :burnout:

Cheers for the biscuit tin, pretty surprised there wasn't younger guys racing.

#34 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 09 April 2011 - 08:40 PM

Yep, it was an awesome day. The rain held off, we had some really quick cars, good looking cars and quite a few not normally seen at club events or on the forums. I had a blast with 10 runs and a best of 13.9. Pete Bundy managed to squeeze in 26 runs for the day !!

For me the highlight was lining up against Howard in his A9X. It really was great to have such a desirable car out there being put through its paces.

Above that though was seeing everyone have a great time in a low pressure relaxed atmosphere. The day is all about having fun and even those who broke stuff were still smiling. I met quite a few new people and I know others did too, so aside from the racing, the social aspect of the day was definitely a winner.

As I was too busy racing and chatting I didnt get any photos but Mellisa managed to get a bit of video footage which I will try to get onto youtube as soon as I can.

A big thanks to all those who helped out, the committee of the QTCC and of course Steve (mumstaxi) whose assistance and provision of PA equipment was invaluable. Thanks mate :spoton:

I will post the trophy winners and what not later on, as for now, I am buggered and need to kick back with a coldie and unwind.

Stay Cool,


#35 _sprintmaster_

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Posted 10 April 2011 - 06:29 AM

Well done Tony and the QTCC !
Had a great day,met new people with a common intrest in our cars, but as you stated it was the Low pressure and Relaxed atmosphere
that did it for us.Thank you all once again.

#36 _TorYoda_

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Posted 10 April 2011 - 09:18 AM

I had a great day myself. My LJ wasn't as quick as expected but it launched well and was extremely consistent so I went home happy. I was thrilled to see my efforts to help Nathan (UCV80) in recent weeks payed off so well for him, gaining over a full second! Now he wants 11's. :buttrock: Congrat's to you mate! Time to start developing mine now so I can chase you down! :lol:

Everyone I met was happy and friendly. QTCC definitely seems to be the club I will join. Thanks heaps to everyone who made me feel so welcome.

Edited by TorYoda, 10 April 2011 - 09:22 AM.

#37 _mumstaxi_

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Posted 10 April 2011 - 11:14 AM

Thanks T ,great job putting this on.

Cant belive i didnt get to chat with you Nathan :Headbang2: congrats on the time anyway mate.

I was't really on form with regard to pic's, missed most of the early torana action talkin to people etc

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Edited by mumstaxi, 10 April 2011 - 11:22 AM.

#38 _nos 598_

_nos 598_
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Posted 10 April 2011 - 12:17 PM

a big thanks to the Torana car club. My wife and i came along in our red hatch had some fun and came home with a cpl trophies . We will endeavour to come along on one of your cruises in the near future . All in all a good atmosphere and as many passes as you wanted almost . We didnt saty for the test and tune as i had to work however great value for all .

#39 _OLC383_

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Posted 10 April 2011 - 01:20 PM

Big Thanks to Tony & the QTCC, for the invite to the drag day yesterday, we had 6 passes all up & had a great day, a 10.14 @ 132 was our quickest for the day & we also tried out a few ideas we have been wanting to try for a while, all in all it was a great day

Thanks again
Wayne & Kay

Classic & Musscle car club of Ipswich

#40 Mort


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Posted 10 April 2011 - 01:49 PM

Still got some great shots MT, there was some really nice cars there, i hope to make one of these days or even a run with you guys on one of my visits down south, i like the one of the humpy, did it go down the track or was it just there for show :spoton:


#41 _Pallbag_

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Posted 10 April 2011 - 02:52 PM

Posted Image


Is this from Dalby ????

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