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LED TAIL LIGHT BULB PACK... anyone interested?

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#1 _@milco@_

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Posted 27 February 2011 - 10:55 PM

guys i am thinking of putting together some LED bulb packs for toranas so you can replace your standard bulbs with led bulbs ( less power consumption less heat plus brighter)

so i was thinking

two yellow bulbs BA15S
two red bulbs BA15D
two red bulbs BA15S
around the $30-$40 mark? might be cheaper need to finalize prices first

plus i will have packs to suit the lights in clusters in cars as well.

what is the bulb for lh/lx torana clusters anyway?

Edited by @milco@, 27 February 2011 - 10:59 PM.

#2 _@milco@_

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Posted 27 February 2011 - 11:16 PM

i am hoping to get the price down to $25ish even at 30 i think this is cheap considering the bulbs are around the $10 on ebay plus shipping and at jaycar they are $24 each!

#3 _Kush_

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Posted 28 February 2011 - 09:57 AM

I'm interested to see what you can do :)

#4 GML-31


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Posted 28 February 2011 - 10:16 AM

is that supposed to read 2 clears as you have 4 red?

#5 71xu1



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Posted 28 February 2011 - 10:37 AM

Count me in.

Cheers Dave

#6 _@milco@_

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Posted 28 February 2011 - 10:48 AM

is that supposed to read 2 clears as you have 4 red?

sorry the lx pack will be two red two amber and a clear for the number plate.

#7 _@milco@_

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Posted 28 February 2011 - 10:50 AM

i am planning on having the following.

LH/LX complete brake and turn signal light pack.

LC/LJ complete brake and turn signal light pack.

LH/LX cluster pack.

LC/LJ cluster pack.

HQ cluster pack.

#8 ReplicarSLR


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Posted 28 February 2011 - 02:02 PM

Good idea

Might also be worth while to include a note, for those who may not know, that you will need to change the flasher to the electronic solid state type if you still have the old type bimetalic (mechanical) type flasher as the LED's indictors don't pull enough current through the old mechancal type flasher for it to flash.

#9 _@milco@_

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Posted 28 February 2011 - 04:48 PM

well i thought if your lenses are even a little bit faded the colored led globes would be better

also why would there be less light than a white led rated at the same brightness as a colored led globes?

#10 _torbirdie_

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Posted 28 February 2011 - 11:58 PM

what is the bulb for lh/lx torana clusters anyway?

?? you are supplying bulbs and dont know this? :blink2:

Tail/stop is 5/21W and blinker/reverse is 21W, hopefully you know what led lamp is the equivalent brightness, and how bright you can go before you exceed the regs for tailights and stop lights?

Do these led lamps work properly in terms of dispersion through the lenses?, just asking.

The other advantage you might mention is that there is basically no delay in the leds reaching operating brightness, filament globes take ~0.2 secs, this has been touted as a safety feature in having the people react 0.2 secs faster to your brake lights, it could make the difference.

Edited by torbirdie, 01 March 2011 - 12:13 AM.

#11 _torbirdie_

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Posted 01 March 2011 - 12:09 AM

any benefits to use coloured leds when the lenses are already coloured? i would have thought it would just result in less light.

Fair question Josh, with normal filament globes where the glass is coloured Id say yes, as the power rating of the globe is how much heat is generated by the "white" filament within it and not how much light is coming out of it.

the same could be true of a budget led where it is simply covered with a lens of the desired colour, but I think the leds we are talking about come with clear covers/lenses and the actual diode emits light in the desired wavelength(colour) so in theory all of the output of the device makes it through the coloured filter/lens on the vehicle and would have more light leaving the lens than a white led of the same power.

#12 S pack

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Posted 01 March 2011 - 01:55 AM

what is the bulb for lh/lx torana clusters anyway?

?? you are supplying bulbs and dont know this? :blink2:

G/day Torbirdie

I could be wrong but I think you'll find he is asking what type are the instrument cluster bulbs, that's how I interpret it anyway.


#13 _torbirdie_

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Posted 01 March 2011 - 05:59 AM

what is the bulb for lh/lx torana clusters anyway?

?? you are supplying bulbs and dont know this? :blink2:

G/day Torbirdie

I could be wrong but I think you'll find he is asking what type are the instrument cluster bulbs, that's how I interpret it anyway.


Yes, that makes sense.

#14 _@milco@_

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Posted 01 March 2011 - 06:53 AM

Do these led lamps work properly in terms of dispersion through the lenses?, just asking.

i am receiveing some sample units for testing but i believe they should disperse the light as per a normal globe as there are led mounted on the sides and facing forward plus each led has a "lense" on it which will help spread the light

The other advantage you might mention is that there is basically no delay in the leds reaching operating brightness, filament globes take ~0.2 secs, this has been touted as a safety feature in having the people react 0.2 secs faster to your brake lights, it could make the difference.

yes i have read that and at the time thought that was a excellent thing to have with our old cars because they are so precious... and it make sense really i wonder how far a car travels at 60KMH in 0.2 sec? it well could be the difference between a rear end accident or a tense moment hearing some tyres squeal

#15 _@milco@_

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Posted 01 March 2011 - 06:56 AM

any benefits to use coloured leds when the lenses are already coloured? i would have thought it would just result in less light.

Fair question Josh, with normal filament globes where the glass is coloured Id say yes, as the power rating of the globe is how much heat is generated by the "white" filament within it and not how much light is coming out of it.

the same could be true of a budget led where it is simply covered with a lens of the desired colour, but I think the leds we are talking about come with clear covers/lenses and the actual diode emits light in the desired wavelength(colour) so in theory all of the output of the device makes it through the coloured filter/lens on the vehicle and would have more light leaving the lens than a white led of the same power.

yes the led's in the globes i am getting are a desired wave length ( color) not a colored lense/colored epoxy/colored filter

#16 _ls1lj_

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Posted 05 March 2011 - 11:12 PM

The LC almost caught fire caus of dodgy wiring so doing a full rewire and upgraee to satelite tracking. I would be interested in a full set for LC. do you have a replacement for the interior light also? When will they be available?

#17 _@milco@_

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 09:02 AM

the sample globes should arrive next mid next week.

i also can get the gps tracking modules as well as full gps tracking alarms

#18 _uctorry_

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 09:15 AM

dont forget the mighty uc
wou;d be interested in the bulb pack

#19 _@milco@_

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 11:09 AM

yeah i will work out a pack for uc's as well

#20 _ls1lj_

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 03:08 PM

the sample globes should arrive next mid next week.

i also can get the gps tracking modules as well as full gps tracking alarms

ALready brought the alarm/gps but PM me when you are ready to take orders.


#21 _@milco@_

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 03:18 PM

the sample globes should arrive next mid next week.

i also can get the gps tracking modules as well as full gps tracking alarms

ALready brought the alarm/gps but PM me when you are ready to take orders.


yeah no worries mate should be about a week or so till i have it sorted

#22 _BradTorana_

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 07:26 PM

When you have it sorted any chance of some pics?

#23 _2DR_

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Posted 07 March 2011 - 09:59 AM

i will be keen on a lc set also



#24 _Viper_

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Posted 07 March 2011 - 10:07 AM

Im keen on a LH Set.

#25 _@milco@_

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Posted 07 March 2011 - 10:18 AM

i will post pictures up to night or tommoz.

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