It was running a fairly worn 253 and trimatic and had a couple of centimetres of play in the steering. It sounded cool but really wasn't much chop to drive. And to top it off it reeked of that black ice air freshener. When i got it home the first thing I did was pull out all the interior and take off the bumpers and bits of trim that would have to come off for the respray.The respray was a pretty dodgey rush job involving a bit of bog here and there but after helping Brad do his Torana and with my final year of uni coming up I didn't have a whole lot of time. My folks had gone away for two weeks and I had kept this a secret from them (otherwise i wouldn't have been able to do this), so with the help of Brianna and Brad i spent about four days hardly sleeping flat out getting the whole car painted in white acrylic.

After wet rubbing it and cutting it back it came up alright

Going back a bit further i had already planned to get a 'white VK wagon' and run a 202 with an M76 five speed and straight LPG, so i had been secretly (from my folks) been gathering bits and pieces for quite a few months. When they went away last melbourne cup weekend I brought home a 202 and five speed out of a VK at the wreckers and stripped the 202 down, hiding the block under the workbench in the garage and all the other bits and pieces in my bedroom. The 202 was in reasonably good nick and on its original bore so I cleaned it out and gave the bores a hone. I got new rings and main and conrod bearings but reused the same pistons. I bought a cam off Ryan (MR5000) with an alloy timing gear and reassembled the motor with new gaskets when my folks weren't home. Ryan lent me a some tools for working on the head (including a die grinder) so i stripped it down and didn't go nuts porting it or anything but just cleaned out some of the lumps and bumps and sharp edges behind the valve opening, then took the head to Rob Bakers in Box Hill where they reground the valves and seats and got everything to seal up nicely.
The cam isn't massive just a crane cam with 254 degrees duration on the inlet and 264 on the exhaust and 382" valve lift on the inlet and 408" on the exhaust. I don't want to be revving it up just to move in the traffic.