The Hatches would still be trying to finish their first race if it wasn,t for the fact they took pity on them and allowed them to use a real engine out of a 4 door none the less
based on the following
i must eat humble pie
dave.1 a9x hatch
wayne. 1 L34, 1 a9x hatch, anymore i don,t know of!
craig (eyepeeler) 1 L34, 1 real racecar as in the IPRA sedan
and the 4 dr powered 202 lx sl hatch
that bomber would love
and i take it that,s what you were referring to
when you say they took pity on them and allowed
the use of the allmighty 202
in craig,s sl hatchback
it is apparent to me now that eyepeeler is the clear winner
in the garage stakes.LOL