Not much to report on the Torana, most of the front sub frame parts have arrived and waiting to go in. I'm picking up a set of CP5555 calipers this week and will be sorting the rotor out this week as well.
Long week end provides a good opportunity to work on a project car, just as good is a weekend of camping with the family. We went to a camp ground on a lake just outside Chidlow. Nice spot, this pic taken early in the morning.
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Just out of interest, I thought you guys might be interested in a car that is sitting next to my Torana, its a late model Monaro being built for IP as well. The cage has been done, not as many bars as the Torana, but trying to save weight.
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The steering column mounts have been fabricated and the pedal box has been mounted to the firewall, as you can see the holes for the cylinders are cut out.
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The sealant has been wire brushed away as the plan is to stich the strut towers at the seams with the mig welder. Got a bit of stich welding to do inside the cabin as well.
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Edited by eyepeeler, 03 June 2013 - 06:08 PM.