xu1 tank
Posted 19 October 2011 - 06:01 PM
cheers gene.
Posted 19 October 2011 - 06:20 PM
If you just brought a tank on its own then you'll have to buy or shorten your existing fuel filler spout and one of theses sender kits.http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/TORANA-GTR-XU-1-LC-LJ-FUEL-TANK-SENDER-UNIT-/300610553300?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item45fdc905d4
Then you have the breather issue,weather you have got or a can get the xu1 breather pipe or if you want to make do for now just run some rubber hose.
cheers dane
Edited by sunburst73-xu1, 19 October 2011 - 06:22 PM.
Posted 19 October 2011 - 06:33 PM
the breather can be bent to shape using bundy pipe
Posted 19 October 2011 - 07:03 PM
Posted 19 October 2011 - 07:47 PM
Thanks dane and limo for the info i bought tank, filler pipe, and sender unit no one said anything about a breather pipe bloody cars shit me sometimes
G/day Gene
The XU1 tank vent pipe is 1/4" tinned bundy tube and the std tank vent pipe is 3/16".
Did you also get the hexagonal brass flared fuel pipe connector and the short fuel pipe piece to go through the boot floor grommet?
Edited by S pack, 19 October 2011 - 07:47 PM.
Posted 19 October 2011 - 09:37 PM
i have looked in the box again just like i said tank sender unit and filler neck
where would i get this hexagonal brass thingo and fuel pipe from any takers
Posted 19 October 2011 - 10:11 PM
Posted 19 October 2011 - 10:29 PM
Posted 19 October 2011 - 11:37 PM
Thanks macka i will give them a try see how i go must be someone in perth that do these surely
Link to Brad's website page with pics of fuel pipe and brass connector assy plus the fuel tank vent pipe.
Posted 20 October 2011 - 05:35 AM
cheers Dane
Posted 20 October 2011 - 05:53 PM
any way all good sorry about the questions thanks for all the help
still need tank breather pipe more money does it ever end.
Posted 20 October 2011 - 06:11 PM
Posted 20 October 2011 - 08:54 PM
Posted 20 October 2011 - 10:01 PM
Posted 20 October 2011 - 10:25 PM
the answer to your question err no i dont think so
you never know one day its on the bucket list
i will be there for sure see what you have started you created a monster wayne

cheers gene.
Posted 21 October 2011 - 08:24 AM
Well it is long range wayne would still need a few 20litre drums my triple carbed fuel guzzling power thirsty torana
the answer to your question err no i dont think so
you never know one day its on the bucket list
i will be there for sure see what you have started you created a monster wayne
cheers gene.
And im real upset about it too Gene
Catch up when you come over for Homebush ?
Edited by 2ELCS, 21 October 2011 - 08:26 AM.
Posted 21 October 2011 - 11:04 PM
Posted 06 October 2013 - 02:16 PM
I have just installed one of these new extra u -1 tanks into my LC. I have got it all plumbed up fine. But can someone tell what kind of electrical connector I need to get, to go on the fuel sender unit. Oh and where I could get one from.
DSC08236.JPG 116.94K
Posted 06 October 2013 - 02:23 PM
Posted 06 October 2013 - 02:27 PM
Blair, the connector is similar to a female bullet connector. The original LJ connector is a 90 deg arrangement encased in a hemispherical shaped rubber insulator.
If you want to get the original type and make up an adaptor lead then cut one off (if you can find one) any LJ 4 or 6, or LH/LX harness or any HQ,J,X,Z Holden.
Posted 06 October 2013 - 02:48 PM
Blair, the connector is similar to a female bullet connector. The original LJ connector is a 90 deg arrangement encased in a hemispherical shaped rubber insulator.
If you want to get the original type and make up an adaptor lead then cut one off (if you can find one) any LJ 4 or 6, or LH/LX harness or any HQ,J,X,Z Holden.
Thanks Dave,
I just had a look at my original LJ and I see the 90deg bit. With my LC it's about function over originality so I might pop down to Jaycar and see if I can find a suitable spade connector, it currently has the hole type bolt through terminal thingymajig. I am clearly not the first to mess with it.
Thanks again for the prompt replies.
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