After some measuring I welded the centre of the hub as ATI don't make one to fit a Holden 6, then set it up in the lathe & started machining. This is the end result.

I then modified a timing cover by removing the timing marker as the ATI damper is larger, this hasn't been welded up at this stage.

This is the damper fitted to a spare motor so that it's easier to work on.

As this damper doesn't have a belt groove in it,(because I ordered the wrong one) I purchased a 5.25" Moroso pulley to bolt on the front. The smaller pulley also keeps the alternator speed down.

Also had to move the water pump pulley forward, I'll make an alloy one when I can get a bit of alloy the correct size.
Because the balancer is heavier, the crank is drilled so that a bolt can help keep everything on.
Here's a pic of a std & modified alternator bracket to move it forward.

Almost ready to fit to the car, just need to refit the electric fan as I prefer to use an engine driven, but there's not enough room in an LJ.