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Differences between street and Race built XU-1's

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#1 _Mike73_

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 01:23 PM

Hello all,
There at times has been some confusion between Street version XU-1's and race built XU-1's.
Race specials were built, and these did not generally get sold to the general public, but over time several have ended up in private hands.

Many in the past have confused the race XU-1 specs to the street versions, ( myself included ), the CAMS documents in the Fiv Antoniou book for example, are actually refering to race special specifications and things likes camshafts were not as specified for street going XU-1's.
A hint as to how higher performance camshafts were fitted can be seen in the topic on this site about 71 Bathurst XU-1's, in this it states that higher perfomance cams were available but only fitted on a special request.
Some of these specifications, accordingly are at odds with the parts books, things like the flywheels according to the parts books were all the same for late 72 and all 1973 street going XU-1's.

The parts books do however contain mistakes, shortage of revisions for the later models and do not show some supersessions.

There are many differences between street version XU-1's, Holden built race versions and race team built XU-1's

These differences seem to include;
reduced body deadening,
Different colour fuel tank cover,
Rim widths and diameters and
Engine specs

There will be more, this is just to get the topic going.


#2 _Skapinad_

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 06:58 PM


I think the reason u cop so much flak is lack of proof...... Doing extensive reasearch extensively....doesnt amount to much without concrete written evidence.... Saying you know more than someone who doesnt know what they know or whatever it was u said in that other thread is such a waste of internet space.... Spill the beans if you have the answers, i cant see how keeping secrets is helping the knowledge bank, unless you need some ammo for this supposed book in feb? I for one am sick of all the xu-1 comspiracy ( read bullshit) heresay stories!

#3 _stroker 208_

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 07:10 PM

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

#4 S pack

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 09:58 PM

There at times has been some confusion between Street version XU-1's and race built XU-1's.
Race specials were built, and these did not generally get sold to the general public, but over time several have ended up in private hands.
All XU-1's were produced for racing, however the majority of them never ever saw a race track.

Many in the past have confused the race XU-1 specs to the street versions, ( myself included ),And you are still confused me thinks.

the CAMS documents in the Fiv Antoniou book for example, are actually refering to race special specifications and things likes camshafts were not as specified for street going XU-1's. What the???

A hint as to how higher performance camshafts were fitted can be seen in the topic on this site about 71 Bathurst XU-1's, in this it states that higher perfomance cams were available but only fitted on a special request. Yeah, the dealers had to sell and install 200 of them to their customers road going XU1's to allow the new XH cam to be used in the race cars.

Some of these specifications, accordingly are at odds with the parts books, things like the flywheels according to the parts books were all the same for late 72 and all 1973 street going XU-1's. ???

The parts books do however contain mistakes. Yes, and GMH advised dealers when mistakes were found and recommended the dealers amend their catalogues, unfortunately a lot of dealers probably didn't carry out those instructions.

shortage of revisions for the later models. Would you have liked GMH to produce an updated LC or LJ parts catalogue with every new homologation of the XU1???

and do not show some supersessions. Part number supercessions were contained in separate books.

There are many differences between street version XU-1's, Just look at all the Homologations that occurred.

Holden built race versions. The Bathurst specials???

and race team built XU-1's :dontknow:

Edited by S pack, 21 December 2011 - 10:06 PM.

#5 xu2308


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 11:53 AM

Well the Race Teams would have to follow the C.A.M.S Rules to Race the LJ's, so the
Race LJ's should be all the same in theory under C.A.M.S Rules, we know the HDT Race LJ's were faster
as the Fox did what he could to the HDT LJ XU-1's under the rules that did not break them but made
his Cars alot faster

#6 yel327


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 12:04 PM

You have to remember also that a Parts Catalogue is not or never was a historical document. It was GMH's way of making sure a Nasco (later GMP&A) outlet could sell current parts to allow a vehicle to be kept on the road. When the first issue of a catalogue was released it was normally mostly correct. However later revised editions replaced parts with bits off later series, one good example is front guards for HK. In the later Parts Catalogue revisions the original 74 prefix HK guards were replaced with 28 prefixed HT and HG part numbers. The same applied for most other parts, right down to buying a brand new 1-tonner chassis for a HQ in 1989 got you a WB chassis for example. LC/LJ were no different.

Interesting aside, people cannot get a straight story about these cars 40 years on. People who built them are still around! This observation alongside my research for the Sandman book makes me wonder about other stuff in todays society that people argue and fight over. Like God, Jesus, Mohammed, the Bible, the Koran, the Torah etc. They all argue that their book and their beliefs are correct and fact. Not everyone can be right! If we cannot get XU-1 history and facts nailed after 40 years, how can 2000 year old stories be perfectly correct!

Edited by yel327, 22 December 2011 - 12:10 PM.

#7 xu2308


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 12:32 PM

Same with the V8 LJ Prototypes, before 2002 the Lone o Ranger V8 LJ was Destroyed at Lang Lang, but
not the case as Vic Roads have the proof of this by Rego Records.
Was the PINK LJ V8 Destroyed, ????????? i dont believe it was, as the Lone o Ranger LJ left
GMH with its Big Fuel Tank and Twin Fillers, so if any car should o been destroyed it should of
been the orange car not the pink car you would think,but it was SOLD in 1974

#8 meanmachine72


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 01:44 PM

There at times has been some confusion between Street version XU-1's and race built XU-1's.
Race specials were built, and these did not generally get sold to the general public, but over time several have ended up in private hands.
All XU-1's were produced for racing, however the majority of them never ever saw a race track.

Many in the past have confused the race XU-1 specs to the street versions, ( myself included ),And you are still confused me thinks.

the CAMS documents in the Fiv Antoniou book for example, are actually refering to race special specifications and things likes camshafts were not as specified for street going XU-1's. What the???

A hint as to how higher performance camshafts were fitted can be seen in the topic on this site about 71 Bathurst XU-1's, in this it states that higher perfomance cams were available but only fitted on a special request. Yeah, the dealers had to sell and install 200 of them to their customers road going XU1's to allow the new XH cam to be used in the race cars.

Some of these specifications, accordingly are at odds with the parts books, things like the flywheels according to the parts books were all the same for late 72 and all 1973 street going XU-1's. ???

The parts books do however contain mistakes. Yes, and GMH advised dealers when mistakes were found and recommended the dealers amend their catalogues, unfortunately a lot of dealers probably didn't carry out those instructions.

shortage of revisions for the later models. Would you have liked GMH to produce an updated LC or LJ parts catalogue with every new homologation of the XU1???

and do not show some supersessions. Part number supercessions were contained in separate books.

There are many differences between street version XU-1's, Just look at all the Homologations that occurred.

Holden built race versions. The Bathurst specials???

and race team built XU-1's :dontknow:

well said dave.... lol lol lol more smoke and mirrors from mike73

#9 Dr Terry

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 01:48 PM

Another thing that is often forgotten is that the XU-1s raced under 2 different sets of rules (3 of you count 1970,71 & 72 ATCC).

1970, 71 & 72 were raced under Series Production regulations, while 1973 onwards raced under early Group C regs. Group C regs had many more freedoms in areas like wheels, tyres, carbies, camshafts etc. etc.

Cars that ran in the 1973 Bathurst had SUs or Webers, & much bigger cams & wheels than factory issue.

Dr Terry


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 01:54 PM

To my knowledge Brocky ran triple 58mm Webers at Bathurst, but had one of the venturis blocked off on each carb. But I'm not sure how much truth is in that.

#11 _73xu1_

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 06:28 PM

I for one cant wait for this book to come out....because Mike73 mite shut up with all the theories of c#*p he drums up.. maybe he wont have time to think it all up
because he will be to busy counting book sales.. surely he must have a kick back from sales.....

Edited by 73xu1, 22 December 2011 - 06:29 PM.

#12 Litre8



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Posted 22 December 2011 - 07:50 PM

I heard the same on the 58mm webers, one of the venturis on each carb was blocked/blanked as you could only have the same number of venturis as the factory original (3 x zenith-strombergs).,

#13 Dr Terry

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 06:29 AM

^^^^^^^ Correct, Brock's car had 3 Webers with one venturi in each carb blocked off & Bond's car had SUs.

Harry was having an each way bet. Brock's car had more grunt while Bondy's car had better economy. Wait a minute didn't that cost Brock the race win, I think it did.

Dr Terry


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 11:06 AM

So you say they only ran the Webers in 1972?

#15 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 23 December 2011 - 02:15 PM

they ran webbers in 73,with the new group C rules ,58mm, with one venturi blocked


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 02:28 PM

I wonder if the OP will argue the point on this?

#17 Dr Terry

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Posted 24 December 2011 - 11:59 AM

So you say they only ran the Webers in 1972?

No, Brock lost the 1973 race because his ran out of fuel when Doug Chivas was driving.

The 72 cars were Series Production which meant bog stock carbies right down to the needles & jets.

Dr Terry.

#18 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 24 December 2011 - 12:21 PM

Brock lost because Chivas ,tried to clutch start the car , instead of gliding to the pits ( as instructed ), according to what I've read , and that Harry tested and knew it would make the pits , from the top of the mountain .

#19 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 24 December 2011 - 07:14 PM

it was and still is so frustrating watching that weekling trying to push that car,i know the big tyres and detroit locka make it hard but WTF was he thinking, they were told the car could make it to the pits from the top

#20 _CraigA_

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Posted 24 December 2011 - 07:28 PM

I pushed that exact same car at Phillip Island Historics in March thIs year with my brother and nephew and thought how hard it must have been for Doug Chivas to push it up that slight rise by himself after what had to be a difficult driving stint.

The cause was over optimistic fuel range by Harry - the effect was Chivas had to push the car.

The desperation on his face is testiment to how much he cared.

#21 _Anubis_

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Posted 24 December 2011 - 08:10 PM

Just my 2 cents worth

There were no 'instructions' to run out of fuel and 'glide in to the pits'
Doug was told to come into the pits as he passed pit lane on the lap he run out on
The 'test' to see if it could make it - was actually conducted after the race - not before - no one had any idea, least of all Mr Chivas
The 'optimistic' fuel range is almost true - the fact is the team (not just Firth) had calculated fuel range based on Brock's figures - quicker time = greater burn (not so - but easy to be wise in hindsight)
Calling Mr Chivas a 'weakling' is an insult to the man and easy to say when you have never been in his position - (long Bathurst stint, heat of the day, heat of the car, and the pressure knowing what has happened)
Feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss anything I have said above - but I would hope this adds a little more fact to the theories out there



#22 _oz772_

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Posted 24 December 2011 - 08:11 PM

I pushed that exact same car at Phillip Island Historics in March thIs year with my brother and nephew and thought how hard it must have been for Doug Chivas to push it up that slight rise by himself after what had to be a difficult driving stint.

The cause was over optimistic fuel range by Harry - the effect was Chivas had to push the car.

The desperation on his face is testiment to how much he cared.

Nicely put Craig. Doug was a champion driver and a champion fella. He shouldn't have been faced with having to roll the car into the pits out of fuel. However, as I'm pretty sure Brock himself said, everyone has a hard luck story at Bathurst. (Unfortunately, poor old Doug had one in 1970, another in 1972 and this one in 1973).

#23 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 25 December 2011 - 07:01 AM

i must appolagise,

i was out of line in my oppinion,which was very unfair,and yes the poor fella was left stranded by the teams calculations.

i was under the belief they were instructed before hand.

#24 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 25 December 2011 - 08:47 AM

It's good to hear the other side of the story , and as you say blame should not rest on one mans shoulders . But you will never convince me , that Harry with all his years at Bathurst did not know you could roll from the top of the mount to the pits untill it was tested in a Torana , after the race .
Sorry if I upset anyone with my view on the matter , and have a good Christmas !


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Posted 25 December 2011 - 07:46 PM

The simple fact was Chivas was paid to drive the car, not push it. The Falcon drivers practiced pushing their cars out of neccessity.

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