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The rebuild

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#226 _mikecatts_

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 08:44 PM

Hi all...
I finally got the old radiator support panel off and have clamped/teched the new one in place. :)
I had to use the fence strainer again to pull the chassis rail in 6mm to line up with the bumper hole on the left side. Ill leave in place untill its all welded together as it set with this helping.

Im still waiting on the front vallance, so I will not weld inplace until I get that and make sure all is well.... Its on its way..
I will also weld in some patches to make the panel look like an original LC support.. Ill do when all together so it doesnt move.
I tell you what guys.. Its a job making sure everything is lined up... It has taken all day to get right.. I also changed the bonnet catch plate as the chrome one was bent.. and it also had cable release. My car never had cable release.. The new/old one is as it should be.
Seems all the chrome pieces are stuffed....

Now I will have a go at fixing the inner guard. Its a mess as you can see. It doesnt look too hard to do, a little thought and take my time.. should work out fine..

Edited by mikecatts, 25 September 2012 - 08:46 PM.

#227 sibhs


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 10:35 PM

Hi Mike, coming along nicely, keep it up.

Cancelled rotiserie request below, just found pics.
I notice you have a shop made rotisserie, I have just bought one today and was wondering how it attaches to the car. I have read your thread a few weeks ago and was wondering if there are any close up pics of the mounting to the car. Yes I could look back thru the thread, but feeling lazy.
If yes, I will look, If no, could you post up a few pics when you have time?

Edited by sibhs, 25 September 2012 - 10:38 PM.

#228 _mikecatts_

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Posted 26 September 2012 - 10:51 PM

Hi Mike, coming along nicely, keep it up.

Cancelled rotiserie request below, just found pics.
I notice you have a shop made rotisserie, I have just bought one today and was wondering how it attaches to the car. I have read your thread a few weeks ago and was wondering if there are any close up pics of the mounting to the car. Yes I could look back thru the thread, but feeling lazy.
If yes, I will look, If no, could you post up a few pics when you have time?

No problems..

#229 _mikecatts_

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Posted 26 September 2012 - 11:03 PM

Hi All...
I did some little jobs this arvo.. Im still waiting on the vallance..
I fixed the rust in the front guard bottom.. It was only a little hole but I wanted to replace the whole area with new metal.. Turned out ok, good penetreation. Fits nice and snugg on the inner guard sheild and no warping.
I made the patch out of some left over sill panel.. Matches the sill...
Will do the same for the other side.. It has some small rust holes,.. I might as well replace while Im at it.. It doesnt take long.. and new metal..
I have to build up the front of the LH guard as it was crumpled when hit.. Im doing little strips to make the shape as its curved.. Then ill grind and lead fill to shape, fiddlley but worth it..

Friday morning it is getting the first of the panel beating done.. Doing the front guards as I want to take off then rust proof /paint the whole engine bay/inside guards/innerguard/rad support.. Then weld the guards in place for good.

Its a barter system.. Im going to concreat his shed next week, If he beats my car Friday so I can keep going with the work.. Easy trade..

#230 _mikecatts_

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 07:20 AM

Hi all.... The rust is gone... Im happy.. I did the last little patch yeterday...
i made another panel patch out of a sill piece.. Works well and matches the sill. And it cost nothing..

Guys, if you can make the replacment panels you are heaps better off thatn tyring to fit the rpo ones that dont fit.. saves a lot of cash and headaches... My opinion anyway

The poor old girl is going to get a beating today... and lots more to follow.....

Its nearly ready for some colour... I just have to sanblast the engine bay and inside boot....

What a job to fix the rust... I reacon about 600-700 hours, some sweat and blood, 1 grinder, 2 bottles mig gas, 1 roll wire, 20+ cutting discs, 10+ grinding discs, 2 tubes panel bond, 1 tube seam sealer, 5 packs dremel cutting discs, 4 cans weld through primer, 8 sticks of lead, 2 wasted repo panels in bin, 2 sets of welding gloves..., + 1 old smashed LJ 2 door coupe....
The end result is a saved Rusty old LC GTR XU-1... Its worth it.. Im happy :)


#231 RIM-010



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Posted 28 September 2012 - 07:40 AM

It's a good feeling isn't it :)

I made a lot of the rust repair patches for my LJ myself, it's a lot easier than trying to fix rare spares patches IMO!

#232 _mikecatts_

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 08:12 PM

Hi all..
The panel beating went well today. She enjoyed it :).
I learnt a bit and the major dent, The LH guard flute area is fixed, It still needs a little work but its heaps better.. Done some of the RH rear quarter..
Im going to give it a go..
Ive got his tools which you cant get any more,, real old school dollies/hammers/slappers.
The pics show the nice curves it now has.. It looked easy to do. But Im sure its not :)
He assures me if I stuf it up, he can and will fix..

I wish some retailers.. namely OLD SKOOL PARTS AND PANELS were the same.. They suck big time.. Thats the story with my front valance anyway.. I posted that story elsware.. I recieved a rusty repo valance and Joe from Old Skool is being a rude person about it.. Dont deal with them..

The rusty 'new" repo valance..

#233 debkar


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 07:51 AM

Hi Mike

Coming up well,

That panel does look really bad, I can't believe they would ship it. I won't ever buy from them after seeing that and hearing how they treated you, just not good enough

Keep the pictures coming,

Regards Simon

#234 _mikecatts_

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 08:49 PM

Hi all..
Well, what a job to fit the LH inner guard/RAD panel and valance.. Took 2 days.. It was fiddley or I was being fussy.. Nothing really lined up.. I think it was due to the front being damaged..
I Made sure it all fitted together. Making sure the guards and the bonnet still line up.. After some pushing and pulling, some swearing and cursing and some blood... It fitted... I stayed as far away from the number as I could..

I then marked and tacked the LH inner guard in place, pulled apart, then welded together.. Worked out well... The Rare Spares inner guard fitted nicely, well the front piece did... Pity about the manufacturing defects... Ill fix..

After doing all that Ive had enough for one day.. :)
Next to clean the engine bay while its apart.. Should be fun...

#235 _pico76_

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 09:04 PM

Mike, i know all about the swearing and cursing and yes blood, fun and games. Rare spares parts are never right , the bever panel i bought needed pannel beating and the bottom of the guards i threw in the bin and bought my bits elsewhere. Keep up the good work, coming along nicely.

#236 _mikecatts_

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 07:02 PM

Hi all...
Been at it again...
I sandblasted the engine bay and etch primed. Looks a lot betetr than the old patchy crap that was there and you wouldnt know I replaced the LH front piece.. :)
Im going to POR15 the top tray area as its a bit rusty. Ill do that when I get some new tips for the blaster..
Ill do in the vent area as well.. Will be tricky getting in there, It has to be done..
Next week..

Edited by mikecatts, 05 October 2012 - 07:02 PM.

#237 debkar


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Posted 06 October 2012 - 04:37 PM

Hi Mike

Great work as usual. Nice job keeping away from that important number on the passenger inner guard, looks really nice.

What's your plans for the repro guard front, Will you heat and massage the ripples out?

Great pics, keep them coming

Regards Simon

#238 _mikecatts_

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 10:17 AM

Hi Mike

Great work as usual. Nice job keeping away from that important number on the passenger inner guard, looks really nice.

What's your plans for the repro guard front, Will you heat and massage the ripples out?

Great pics, keep them coming

Regards Simon

Hi Simon... I hope I done the right thing by replacing the damaged inner guard.. i know someone wil jump up and down about "altering the numbered guard".

The ripples will go. Thats the Panel guys job... Im not too good at "shrinking" yet..and being a very visable spot..I want it nice...


#239 debkar


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 10:55 AM

Hi Mike

I reckon you did the right thing, plenty of pics as well of the work,

Great work as usual,

Regards Simon

#240 _mikecatts_

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Posted 10 October 2012 - 02:31 PM

Hi all...
I sprayed the engine bay with 408 Epotec...
First I had to take off all the 426 etch primer..

Reason being after a lot of talking to the Protec people is that the 426 is an acid based etch and the 408 doesnt like acid... And me doing led fill... The 408 is the go as the 426 wont stick to lead either. 408 can be applied to bare metal as its a primer surfacer.. I sandblasted the etch off so it stuck real good. I can bog over 408, And thats good to...
This is what Ive been told by the powers that be who are in the painting game/Protec...

Its a bit strange how Protec have not got an etching primer for Acrylic paint only.. Only their 426 , which comes in 3 differnt types and isnt really suited for acrylic paints???? Bloody strange. I know people use the 426 with acrylic and have had great results..
Their internet site says theres a 421 acrylic etching primer.. But it doesnt exist anymore..
PPG has bought Protec and its all changing.. So Ive been told by the guys behind the counter..

I sandblasted the new/rusy front valance as I have to fill the pits.. Ive still no reply from those people.. Old Skool Parts and Panels can go jump..

I Patched the LJ holes in the RAD panel to be an LC.. I used panel bond/spot welded.. When finished you wont know..
I have to wait for a few days for the 408 to dry as its cold here at the moment, the can says 60 hours at 10deg..

I decided to fit the LH rear tail light bracket.. I fitted the lights for a look.. Looks ok. The light still need tightning/sealing so there a bit saggy.. But over all a nice fit.
Getting there..

#241 _sting_

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Posted 10 October 2012 - 07:27 PM

just read your thread nice work keep the good work up ,i to got stuff from rare spares i had got two door skins and they were bullshit crap anyway keep going.
cheers sting

#242 _mikecatts_

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Posted 25 October 2012 - 07:31 AM

Hi all..
Its been a while..I havnt had much of a chance to do some more on the car..
Ive rebuilt my missus kitchen at her house for her.. Took out the old crap.. and built a new one ..Used IKEA.. not too bad.. I did it all myself.. Still dont trust/need trades people when I can do myself.. 2 weeks solid work and all done.. Just need to do some little things to finnsh..
All for under $10k, including a $5k oven..
Now shes happy and will leave me alone to get on with the important things.. The XU-1 ..

#243 _LONA-CK_

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Posted 26 October 2012 - 05:34 AM

nothing like a few cones to get a job done
:P :P :P

cheers gong

#244 _mikecatts_

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Posted 26 October 2012 - 08:24 AM

You said it :)..... Blame the missus.. not me.. Im dopey enough as it is:)...
Hows the LJ comming along John?

#245 _2runa_

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Posted 26 October 2012 - 11:34 AM

nothing like a few cones to get a job done
:P :P :P

cheers gong

Spotto...guess you could explain it this way...new instrument to test for gas leakages

#246 _geepee_

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Posted 26 October 2012 - 09:52 PM

Mick, your work on both the car and cabinetry is nothing short of amazing.

That LC XU-1 is coming along - absolute quality work.

You should be proud of your wormanship.

#247 _mikecatts_

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Posted 27 October 2012 - 10:21 AM

Spotto...guess you could explain it this way...new instrument to test for gas leakages


#248 _mikecatts_

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Posted 27 October 2012 - 10:25 AM

Mick, your work on both the car and cabinetry is nothing short of amazing.

That LC XU-1 is coming along - absolute quality work.

You should be proud of your wormanship.

Ta mate. Its the fourth Kitchen I have made.. I made mine from solid Aussie Cypruss pine.. I made the tops 900 wide and cabinets 790 high.. Its a custom job all done by me. Ill take some pics ad leave the bong out :)

Im wanting to get back into the car.. But, The missud has more jobs.... She want some tiles in the hallway and the master bedroom...
Built ins in her powder room, and re do the bath room..

Ive made a deal.. If she lets me get the undercoat on, while the weather is good.. Then Ill complete her projects..
Ill talk her into it..

#249 _mikecatts_

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Posted 02 November 2012 - 01:23 PM

Hi all.... The Kitchen renovation is completed.... The missus is happy....

I did something different for the splash back..
With her house being near the sea, 500 meters away.. I wanted something to do with the ocean.
I found the pic tile in a gift shop.. Looks ok and its an ocean scene as well. It was a LOT cheaper than a fancy tile from the tile shop..
Restoring cars is expensive, Go find some non-standared tiles, now thats a joke... Makes cars cheap!!
I used 2" glass tiles for the diamonds.. It took ages to cut the angles.. I wanted to have something from the oven splash back in it.
I placed the tiles flat to work out cuts/spacing, then cut, then glued.... A good quality tile cutter is important. Those cheap rubbish cutters from hardware shops just wont do, they are crap.

I saved her heaps in labour and product markups as my good mate works in a tile/plumbing shop..

Im getting back into the Torana next week... Works quiet so I might as well take advantage of the nice weather and finnish the body work..

Im going to the SA torana day on Sunday.. I need to see what the colour the engine bay/ underneath is and also see what bracket set up they have for the 5.5 spare wheel.... And gaps.. I think Im being too fussy.. Ide like to see other examples.. Looking forward to the day...

#250 _mikecatts_

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Posted 02 November 2012 - 01:42 PM

More pics of kitchen..

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