Posted 01 May 2012 - 06:20 AM
cheers gong
Posted 01 May 2012 - 07:33 AM
Posted 01 May 2012 - 11:43 PM
Been busy this evening..
Done a tricky rust repair..Well I thought it was going to be easy..Ha..I repared the right Quarte window channel. It was rusted through...
Took a while..But its done now. Killed the rust behind and primed..Zincweld between overlaps

Made one boot latch supprt out of two..One was rusty and one was cut..You would never know..
Will finnish off grinding/welding tommorrow night. Then lead fill,( another skill I have to learn). Then its done and move to the next piece..
Im getting more confident as I go.
The rusty bits.
rusty bits gone.
the donor piece.
tacked in.
fixed boot support.
Edited by mikecatts, 01 May 2012 - 11:47 PM.
Posted 03 May 2012 - 10:34 PM
Finnished the window..looks good and no more rust..Will lead fill then put the channel back on..Zinc primed just to keep it clean..will take off before leading..
was tricky to do but doable..
Took of the rusty rear rih quarter..To reveal more rust..The beaver side was gone..so i made a patch and fixed..While the beaver was open..I cleaned/ fishoiled heavily...
Was easy to do..
looks good..
the rust
the cut
the patch .8 zinc plate
welded in
undercoated with zinc primer
finnished with tar..wont rust again..
Posted 03 May 2012 - 10:40 PM
cartched my head a bit..The donor cars was no better..My brother has a few LJ's laying around his block..A carton of beer and some time later..i had a fairly good one..It was a tad too narrow after cutting out rust..I made a piece and welded on and patched some bits..
Will grind and finnsh the fit tommorow..Im happy, you wont even know it was done..
They do need to make these panels as rust repair peices..Im sure every torana needs one....Lucky i found one..
Posted 06 May 2012 - 01:10 PM
Posted 07 May 2012 - 07:59 PM
Looks good..
Posted 07 May 2012 - 08:05 PM
Wasnt to hard..fixed the rust..Did a nice butt weld..getting better..all done.
Now to put on the replacement bottom panel..
Getting there..
Wanted to do tonight..But Im out of MIG gas..
Got my lead sticks/flux today..Looking forward to trying some lead filling...
Posted 08 May 2012 - 09:14 PM
I got some more gas on the way home..
I thought Ide give cutting the rust out in patches rather than replace the whole RH beaver side..
Was fiddley, but worked a treat..
Was in the mood so I gave the RH corner piece a go..Easy..all fixed and all the cancer is out of that arear..
Getting more confident with my welding as I go..
Now the Bottom quarter..
I gave some lead fill a go as well..Was easier than I thought..works very well and fills the seams no worries..I will use it as much as I can..
Its very easy to shape and finnish..
On another note..I found me a good LC GTR dash with the correct dates..very good condition..
1 less item to find.
Posted 09 May 2012 - 09:14 PM
Looking good - nice to see another LC being saved! It looks like you have plenty of work to keep you occupied for a while.
I too am a novice @ panel repairing, but have loved having a go. I've learnt that taking your time & attention to detail are key. One thing to avoid like the plague though is looking a few too many rust holes ahead of where you're up too! It can get a litttle depressing....

Keep up the good work and post plenty of pics.

Posted 10 May 2012 - 08:01 AM

Any way..I finnaly bit the bullet and welded on the RH rear bottom quarter...Was tricky to line up and keep straight..Turned out ok..
The spare wheel well turned out brilliant..matched up well...Now to lead fill and etch prime..
One thing I have learned..Do not weld on a ridge..It creats more work..weld on the flat..
Now onto the gurad itself..
Im getting better at welding panels...
Posted 10 May 2012 - 08:31 AM

Great metal work and good to see another torana saved, especially an XU1.
Posted 10 May 2012 - 07:58 PM
Been at it again tonight...Not getting much done around the house, Im a bit obssesed with the car, I figure it will stop soon..Any way..I lead filled some of the RH rear guard area, I must say, the more I use the lead fill, the more im impressed...Filled in the seam line no probs..
I cut out the LH beaver that was like Swiss cheese, I had cut a piece from the donor car previously, cut it down some more and welded in. Notice I had a piece of square tube clamped to keep straight and it had my alignment marks on..worked well...
Looks good, Just need to grind, lead fill and the rear beaver is done, as well as the RH rear guard area,and the spare wheel well..
Im happy..
Thought Ide throw in a pic of the RH rusty guar and the patch..
This weekend Im hoping to finnish the LH rusty guard..
Posted 11 May 2012 - 06:16 PM
Ground the welds..Found some holes and re-welded.ground off..Lead filled..You wouldnt even know it was patched..Love the lead, and Yes..I do ware a GOOD cartridge type breathing mask and gloves when doing the lead...
Primed and done..Im happy..I even filled some little dents in the boot with lead..
Just have to put the tail light bracket back on and all done.
Now the LH guard..Its a mess as the pics show..I have a piece from another car..so I can save the donors for later use/sale....Will have to make the inner section..wont be too hard...
Looks like my weekends planned...
The house needs a clean, the dishes need doing, got to go shopping, the lawns getting longer, the gardens full of weeds, the dog stinks, the chicken shed needs a clean, the cow needs a kick, etc , etc. But the car needs work.. the lawn, etc can wait till next weekend..and theres takeaway

Edited by mikecatts, 11 May 2012 - 06:21 PM.
_Agent 34_
Posted 12 May 2012 - 06:14 AM
haven't seen your post for a while, so i assume that you are keeping the donor and not taking off the rear quaters.
I'm sure that you have worked this out, but you can use the same wheel arch as the four door upto a point and this is about where the rear door hits the arch , while this will give you the arch back on the wheel it may not fix where the arch has been flared higher.
Also there is no need to cut the inner guard right back to the join, right in the center of the wheel arch as you will have to drill a heap of spotwelds to get the guard out. bot at the top and the bottom. just cut to get rid of the flaring of the inner guard and im pretty sure that this is also ( the inner guards ) as the four door as well.
If you can poke along and continue to do the rust repairs, leavng thoes quaters on will save you heaps of time.
PS fixing and puttin the gutter mould back on is a real bugger of a job.
good luck grant
Posted 12 May 2012 - 06:36 AM
The RH gutter mould is done..I will weld it on the rotisseier so its on its side..will be easier..Yes it was a bugger to fix..buts its done now and all the rust has gone..
Thanks for the help/advice..
Talk soon.
Posted 16 May 2012 - 08:11 PM
I Finnished the RH rear side guard..I made a piece to fit from the donor cars front guard. It was smashed/cut any way. I saved the whole RH rear guard/panel off the donor car..Im happy about that...The piece was only 50mm long so it was easy..and the curve was spot on...
Im getting better at the welding as I go..Im very happy with the repair..Covered in lead, then a light zinc coat to stop rust. I will file back later..
The pics show the tinning and the lead of the finnished RH guard. The dents in the side of the guard are from the previouse owner, Looks like a side swipe....They are only 1mm deap so no use trying to cut/bang out. The lead will fill them.
I Started The Lh rear guard..What a mess..I had to destroy the donors innerguard as i needed a big piece and way too tricky for me to get the right curve over that area..I was very sorry to cut out the inner guard off the LJ..but thats what its for.
Will try and weld in tomm night..Its starting to get cold out here at night..ground temp at 5am was 0 deg today..
Then the outer guard..Lucky the car came with panel to fix..and a piece off the LJ...Wont be too hard..
tinned all sealed.
close up of the tinning
the lead on..looks messy but its sealed and a LOT will come off.
Posted 17 May 2012 - 07:49 AM
Anyway..Im wanting to finnish the LH rear today...
Ive posted some pics of the panels Im using and the car it came from and the car where they are going.. Should be easy as long as I take my time.. Im going to make some butt weld clamps for this job as the panel is long and too hard to hold and weld..
John Gong my man has sent me a parcel. Hes a champ.
Looking forward to getting that job done as well, rear window and parcel shelf..
Ide say the car, after today is 50% done in the way of panel work..
Im wanting to get a colour on it by October, finnish by Christmas..
Still have to find some bits n pieces, but the car will be a goer with out some bits..
the piece out of the donor car
the car with the rust out
the 3 pieces I need to fix the LC, the tape is my cutt guide
_Agent 34_
Posted 17 May 2012 - 07:56 PM
You read my mind..I made some today...was easy and took 1/2 hour to make 4.. dont look pretty but work a treat.
Was hoping to do the guard, but after cutting off the outer piece, I found the beaver side was gone..killed/cleaned/sandblasted all the rust off the whole area that I could reach while it was open. primed and alls good. The inside of the beaver looks good. I de rusted and fish-oiled the beaver while it was open. smells, but wont rust.
Fixed the beaver....Now Im happy to move onto the inner guard, after fixing some small holes..I will cut out and patch..wont take long..The dremmil is a brilliant tool for cutting small patches..I use little magnets to hold in place while tacking..
the clamps
inside the beaver loks good, i treated while I could.
the patch
all done
the treated inner guard area..
Edited by mikecatts, 17 May 2012 - 08:02 PM.
Posted 18 May 2012 - 09:29 PM
Finnished the LH rear quarter tonight..Put all 3 pieces together and you wouldnt even know...Just have to grind back and fill....
Solid metal and the rust is all gone..all primed and sealed..
Pics are in order as I done the job..
Off to my Girls house for the weekend..Will continue next week..
Getting closer every day..
Bought a rotissiere..Will have a go at getting on..thats the next job.
Edited by mikecatts, 18 May 2012 - 09:32 PM.
Posted 21 May 2012 - 07:09 PM
Got my rotisserie today...went together well...Now I just have to work out how to put on?
Bargain for $660, I was going to make one..This wasnt much more to buy..Its tough and solid..
Posted 21 May 2012 - 08:04 PM

Posted 21 May 2012 - 08:15 PM
Posted 22 May 2012 - 09:42 AM
Well done mate for giving it a go,very gutsy,its turning out really good by the looks.
Hi..Thanks for that..Its a b it of a job, Im enjoying the challenge, Not the grinding though...
hey mike great work m8 looking real good where did you gett the rottisery from???
Hi Daryl..how you going?
I got it off Ebay...Lucky the depot is in SA..saved $200 freight as it weighs 200kg..
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