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The rebuild

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#826 _mikecatts_

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 08:50 AM

Mike, have you checked the voltage going into the LEDs for the different gauges? In my experience differing voltage can change the colour of LEDs slightly.

yes mate.. all 12 volt..Im using a 12volt power supply as to a battery... Ill pull the dash out and test differnt globes.. I should of done that before.. Oh well.. just another job..

#827 _mikecatts_

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Posted 02 May 2017 - 06:59 PM

Hi all....

Its been a while.... good news.. After 1 year and 6 months!!!!!!!! The motor is very close. To speed it up Ive put my hand up for the dirty work.


I have spent the day assembling my motor under quidence..... All went together well.. he checked all clearances and got them spot on.... Have put ARP studs, bolts etc in.... Flat top pistons "00" size... nice tough rods, cranks good, needed some balancing... heads shaved.. As i left he was starting to grind the seats.... head will be together tomm, then on dyno for a run in with the 4 barrel carby/elec ignition, then when hes happy the tripple CD's, XU-1 dizzy and coil, then run and tune.. I bring home and put in ready to go..


The fly wheel is not too flash so Im going to buy a Yellow terra lightend one.. might as well..... 6lkgs as to 10kgs??? must make a difference.. Any thoughts on this guys????





Ill take pics/vid of the first start....


then assemble the car..

Im happy.. :clap:


Hi all....

Its been a while.... good news.. After 1 year and 6 months!!!!!!!! The motor is very close. To speed it up Ive put my hand up for the dirty work.


I have spent the day assembling my motor under quidence..... All went together well.. he checked all clearances and got them spot on.... Have put ARP studs, bolts etc in.... Flat top pistons "00" size... nice tough rods, cranks good, needed some balancing... heads shaved.. As i left he was starting to grind the seats.... head will be together tomm, then on dyno for a run in with the 4 barrel carby/elec ignition, then when hes happy the tripple CD's, XU-1 dizzy and coil, then run and tune.. I bring home and put in ready to go..


The fly wheel is not too flash so Im going to buy a Yellow terra lightend one.. might as well..... 6lkgs as to 10kgs??? must make a difference.. Any thoughts on this guys????





Ill take pics/vid of the first start....


then assemble the car..

Im happy.. :clap:


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#828 _mikecatts_

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Posted 02 May 2017 - 07:11 PM

fark knows whats going on.. its hard nowadys to upload pics??????


ohh.. good to see after its been striped of the paint that it aint a restamp :P


he opened up/deburred/cleaned the ALL of the oil gulleys/traps etc to help with oil flow.... it was messy from factory..


the last pics are of his workshop... and engine build room... My motor looks a bit silly hanging around the big boys.. He does speedway engines..

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#829 _mikecatts_

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Posted 02 May 2017 - 07:19 PM

I replaced EVERYTHING with new improved bits.. only original bits are the block/head/crank covers etc.. Inside its ALL new. new cam, harmonic ballancer, steel head gasket- that alone cost $380..fark me.. but that is what he wanted to use.. oil pump, fuel pump by me, the list goes on and on... rods, pistons ARP studs/bolts... and my very expensive carbies!


re-sleved to "00" using american race sleeves that I had made.. not off the shelf stuff. I have reciepts for everything spent.. you guys dont want to know how much... pretty expensive today to build a motor.. even at mates rates..

put it this way.. my Lina Mint will cost half the amount with all rust done, new front panels and painted.. doesnt make sense really.. but what do u do?



#830 LJ RB30


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Posted 02 May 2017 - 07:31 PM

On the flywheel...........


Depends on the use!


Racing/drag racing etc where you want the motor to rev up quick it will be good


If you drive it regularly/daily/in stop start traffic etc it could be abit painful as it will stall easier than a standard weight flywheel


Like i said depends on the intended use & the driver

#831 _mikecatts_

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Posted 02 May 2017 - 07:40 PM

On the flywheel...........


Depends on the use!


Racing/drag racing etc where you want the motor to rev up quick it will be good


If you drive it regularly/daily/in stop start traffic etc it could be abit painful as it will stall easier than a standard weight flywheel


Like i said depends on the intended use & the driver

Ta for that..

It has the 71 spec cam. Comes in it around 2800-3000rpms  to 6800.. wont be an easy car to drive on the street anyways....

#832 piquet


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Posted 02 May 2017 - 08:19 PM

What rods are you using please

#833 warrenm


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Posted 03 May 2017 - 07:11 AM

As LJ RB30 has already mentioned, 6kg is to light for a road car, might be fine for a track car, but I find the 8.6kg a better choice, which is the same weight as the XU-1 flywheel.


#834 _mikecatts_

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 06:44 AM

Hi all.... a quick engine update.. Its together and painted..


Had some dramas with the valve springs that were on the head.. They were compressing too early and wasnt letting the valves open enough.. After much measuring/checking, we managed to get some double V8 springs/cups/retainers to get it right... What a headache.. Now we can order the correct lenght push rods...

Also, we could not buy any correct lenght head studs.. Tried all sizers and in the end we machined down some to fit.. So much for after market Holden 6 bits.. getting hard to get it seems.


A pic of my $280 head gasket.. fark me... But that is what he wanted to use.. He says they are the best and wont leak...


Painted with the correct "rocket red".. what a drama tring to get this colour.. All the shops had the wrong red and were adament that it was right.. Be carefull as VHT was bought out by Duplicolour and they have deleted a LOT of the VHT colours.. DO NOT buy the rocket red that they try to sell you.. Its wrong??? I managed to track down a box of 12 rocket red.. Only way I could get it.


 I couldnet get a Yellow Terra flywheel.. Had to ge elsware,, They sent the wrong one.. I wanted 8 kilo and they sent a 5 kilo.. Oh well.. Cant put on dyno until that arrrives....


It will be finnished next week, run in, tuned and ready to go... Cant wait..



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#835 _mikecatts_

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 06:50 AM

more pics..

Ive started to rebuild the front quarter vents.. The Rares rubbers fit nice... and all the shiney new chrome bits.. Nice..


The correct Duplicolour Rocket Red... Dont use anything else that they sell as its wrong.


My 2 babbies asleep for a bit.... Lina Mint and Rally Red....


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Edited by mikecatts, 28 May 2017 - 06:56 AM.

#836 jd lj

jd lj

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 08:29 AM

Hi Mike,
I've been wondering how you are going with this project. How much is left to do now? Have you got much left to restore /prepare before assembly?

#837 _mikecatts_

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 09:49 AM

Hi Mike,
I've been wondering how you are going with this project. How much is left to do now? Have you got much left to restore /prepare before assembly?

Hi James.. The car is done and ready for the engine..Ive been waiting since NOV 2015 for it.... All bits are ready to go, only small fidley bits to finnish..Ie hang doors and assemble internals is the only major bits..

.. Its still on the trolley waiting to lower over the engine.. I reacon It will only take a month to finnish... Then sell it.... Any takers???????

#838 _rich243_

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 10:50 AM

Any idea where one might pick up a can of the correct rocket red? The duplicolor chev orange-red was the closest i could find, it didnt seem far off and its alot closer than the new rocket red they do.

#839 _mikecatts_

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 10:55 AM

I went to a supplier that ny engine builder put me onto, I could only get by the box of 12 as they are wholesalers..... The chev orange isnt right if you want to be fussy, Its too red...Hes keeping the rest as he knows he wont be able to find them again..


Any idea where one might pick up a can of the correct rocket red? The duplicolor chev orange-red was the closest i could find, it didnt seem far off and its alot closer than the new rocket red they do

#840 grumpy xu1

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Posted 28 May 2017 - 09:10 PM

I got it mixed in protec via the original paint code in 2 pack. Gary

#841 _mikecatts_

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Posted 03 June 2017 - 07:55 AM

Hi all....

After messing about all day.. We finally got the motor hooked up to the dyno.. Hooked up a heap of censores/thermometers, etc etc..

This dyno setup is used for big block speedway motors.. We had to redo the extracktors to fit and make some differnt sensores... This awsome gadjet has everything. Very exspensive nice toy..


Had to muck about with the carby jetting and open up all 4 pots.. Started with 2 blocked, but it wanted more fuel....

Had to add some washers/shims to the oil pump to get a bit more pressure.

Started first pop, a credit to the bilder, ran for a minute.. Alls good, now he wants to pull off the rocker cover, check the valves and add the proper double springs. Then run again, then Take off 4 barrel/dizzy/alternator.. Add the CD's/ original dizzy/coil.. run for a bit, check, then do the final run in..

Sounds nice.. Havnt got it over 3k revs... Sowly build up to full revs after we are positive everythings ok..

Im happy.. been a while..



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#842 SA EH


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 01:33 PM

Nice Mike, I've been watching this from a distance & it's coming together bloody nicely.
The engine sounds nice on the dyno, I'm sure once the triples are on it'll sound like a symphony, great job👍
Nice to see twin oxygen sensors on the exhaust too. I'm guessing it's just for testing & you won't carry this to the car...?

#843 _mikecatts_

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Posted 16 June 2017 - 07:40 AM

Hi all vids of the final dyno runs...











Edited by mikecatts, 16 June 2017 - 07:56 AM.

#844 _mikecatts_

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Posted 16 June 2017 - 08:39 AM

Hi all.. some pics of the final setup on engine dyno.. Looks the part.

more pics

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#845 _mikecatts_

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Posted 16 June 2017 - 09:15 AM

engine bits,  plus.....  , US made sleeves and install. crank ground/balanced/tested, head/block crack tested. all machining. water pump,  2 x  oil, MSD coil set, Comitic steel head gasket, engine gasket set, roller rockers, ARP head stud kit. main bearings stud kit .flywheel bolts, 304 lift cam, bearings, cam bearings, oil pressure sender, sealers, goos, and all other bits ive forgotten.. etc etc..


Works out to be roughly 10k for me to get built & dynoed ready to fit.. He said he used all good stuff, not rubbish..I dont know if thats the right price, but at least its done now..


1year 7 month wait...



We had to rebuild the carbies  AGAIN!!!!! As the guy that i paid to build didint really know what he was doing..  waste of cash on him..



"00" Piston kit cost me $1600 to get made and shipped via air from USA... Fark me!

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Edited by mikecatts, 16 June 2017 - 09:31 AM.

#846 warrenm


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Posted 17 June 2017 - 06:39 AM

Sounds good.

What were the final dyno figures?

#847 _mikecatts_

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Posted 17 June 2017 - 09:20 AM

This is not the final run pic.. Buts its close.. It went a bit harder towards the end and didnt drop off untill after 6200rpm... Not sure what the figures mean.. He still is putting to gether build sheet with all info....


He said that after fitting the airfilters.. it changed heaps.. He said the "trumpets" straght through would be nice.. I wont run open carbies..


He says each engine dyno is differnt in what/ how it displays things.. He says it should be higher but his dyno is set for big block speedway motors..


He set the MSD ignition set to 6200 rpm...


anyways.. I happy that its done and can be fitted... Its still a gutsy little motor either way..

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#848 _mikecatts_

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Posted 22 June 2017 - 08:14 AM

Hi all..

just a quick post to show the clutch/gearbox/selector is on and my "push in" original oil filler cap.. looks the part.. Im not changing the rocker cover.. It works and clears the roller rockers.. .. nearly ready to go on

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