Posted 31 August 2012 - 11:57 PM
If you believe your LC has some racing history then it is probably best not to weld up those extra holes or remove the extra h/brake cable bracket (whatever it was for) as they may well be unique identifiers that will help to uncover the history you hope it has. Once you weld up or remove them that part of the cars identity is gone forever except for in a few photos that could easily be of another car for arguments sake.
Posted 01 September 2012 - 04:54 AM

only my thoughts on this is mabe a brissy worker moved to adel and thought he was still putting the brackets on in brisbane only to be told we do the the other way here mate, and them 2 front holes you have in the drivers side footwell are for the excelarator pedal mounting screws, the hole under you seat would not of been for a roll cage, the lh side hand brake bracket does have a support bar welded to it and that is the intresting part as mine dont but mabe your had give way at some time....
cheers gong
Edited by LONA-CK, 01 September 2012 - 05:03 AM.
Posted 05 September 2012 - 08:33 AM
Hi Mike
If you believe your LC has some racing history then it is probably best not to weld up those extra holes or remove the extra h/brake cable bracket (whatever it was for) as they may well be unique identifiers that will help to uncover the history you hope it has. Once you weld up or remove them that part of the cars identity is gone forever except for in a few photos that could easily be of another car for arguments sake.
Hi Dave
I have left the bolts in... Im leaving ALL identifiers alone.. Just filling holes that Should not be there..
Edited by mikecatts, 05 September 2012 - 08:37 AM.
Posted 05 September 2012 - 08:36 AM
there was a few car that came of the adel line like that this is a pic of my old plumdinger xu1
only my thoughts on this is mabe a brissy worker moved to adel and thought he was still putting the brackets on in brisbane only to be told we do the the other way here mate, and them 2 front holes you have in the drivers side footwell are for the excelarator pedal mounting screws, the hole under you seat would not of been for a roll cage, the lh side hand brake bracket does have a support bar welded to it and that is the intresting part as mine dont but mabe your had give way at some time....
cheers gong
Ta John..
So the 3 brackets arnt unique? Pitty..I thought I has something here..
I have bolts on both sides where the seat mounts.. What are they there for? Can I remove?
Posted 05 September 2012 - 08:57 AM
Ive managed to do a little more...
Ive welded in the floor patch.. I made a piece to fit from the donor LJ. Fits well and sealed nice. I think better than the repo floor pans. and saved me $70.
I made a new piece for the RH rear A-arm support.. 1.2 mm Galve spot welded the washer on.. Nice and strong.
As the RH chassis rail was full of crap.. I decided to have a look inside the Left side.. And yep.. Full of mud/crap... and the rusty metal tube bit as well.
See the pic..
I cleaned out with degreaser and a high pressure gun.. Got nearly all the shit out.. Half a bucket worth. I then stuck the sandblaster inside and cleaned as best I could.. Rust proofed. Now to weld in the bracing and finnish..
I fixed all the rust holes in the floor.. Gave it a quick sandblast.. Im POR 15 today...
I want to paint the boot/underfloor and engine bay in Satin Black, as per the original boot colour... Should look good.
Does anyone know the correct colour for the boot?
It seems to be a slight grey/black satin..The LJ has the same colour.. So I assume its factory..
A liitle more progress..

Posted 05 September 2012 - 06:35 PM
Ill do the engine bay/ front guard inside when I have the guards on.. I want the POR 15 to help seal the joins.
Posted 06 September 2012 - 04:04 PM
I started to clean the inside of the boot.. Its going to take a while..I have to scrape all the tar that they coated it with, then sandblast and paint...
Next time.
Posted 06 September 2012 - 06:26 PM
Brilliant work, you must be happy with how the car is turning out.
Will you do the paint as well?
Regards Simon
Posted 07 September 2012 - 05:48 AM
your doing a great job there mate,,, keep at it
cheers gong
Posted 07 September 2012 - 07:52 AM
Hi Mike
Brilliant work, you must be happy with how the car is turning out.
Will you do the paint as well?
Regards Simon
Hi Simon.. Im am happy with how its going... Its taken a while.. ALL the rust in the chassis/body is gone, gone, gone.. and rust proofed so no more will come back..
Yes I will be doing the paint.. Im confident in that department.. I want to finnish ALL the repairs before paint.. Getting there slowly...
Edited by mikecatts, 07 September 2012 - 07:56 AM.
Posted 07 September 2012 - 07:56 AM
hi mike i would guess that the extra holes you have under and near your front seats would be for aftermarket or even race seats
your doing a great job there mate,,, keep at it
cheers gong
Hi John... Yes you could be right.. But why on both sides? Did they have a navigator in rally cross? Im assuming my was rally cross....
Posted 07 September 2012 - 08:15 AM
I'm loving this build, truly inspiring stuff... Makes me want to dive head first into my Premier build!
Posted 08 September 2012 - 05:03 AM
Could've just been aftermarket seats in a road car, not necessarily for rally etc...
I'm loving this build, truly inspiring stuff... Makes me want to dive head first into my Premier build!
Hi Tim... Ta for the words.. Still looking into the extra bolt holes..
You should do your rebuild.. Its enjoyable and rewarding..
Posted 11 September 2012 - 03:35 PM
Looking good, your getting there mate. its very rewarding when you get to put some paint on and you know all your hard work has payed off.
Keep up the good work.
Edited by pico76, 11 September 2012 - 03:35 PM.
Posted 14 September 2012 - 04:56 AM
My birthday present came early..
I now have my radiator support and inner guard.. I didnt want to use the ones off the spare front ends as they are not to my liking..
Ill weld in the LJ splash guard holes and make the bumper holes smaller.. It will look like an LC one.
The Repo inner guard is a bit sad, its a cold press unit and has a few stretch marks.. I got it at a discount. AS I only have to use some bits off it so it should do.. Im going to take vids and pics of me doing the Inner guard repairs to document that its a repair and not a renumbered car.. I wont go anyware near the number..
I managed to get some more panel bond so I can finnish the A-arm supports and some other flanges as well.
I cleaned up the LH front inner guard area.. Looks like the original colour is the red oxide over painted with some stone guard.. Ill be doing it in GMH black.
Edited by mikecatts, 14 September 2012 - 04:58 AM.
_Agent 34_
Posted 14 September 2012 - 05:30 AM
better than socks or undies !
At least you can use this and get some enjoyment out of the present.
Posted 14 September 2012 - 05:33 AM
I thought I was the only mad man who cant sleep? and yes, better than socks n jocks..... Pity Im not using an original one. The ones I have access to are full of holes and a bit rusty.. I wanted this piece to be "perfect" well as far as the rpo one goes anyway.. Ill have to do some work to hide some shoddy workman ship..
Hows your car comming along?
Edited by mikecatts, 14 September 2012 - 05:34 AM.
_Agent 34_
Posted 14 September 2012 - 05:47 AM
Was out at the panel shop this week for a look and talk, all the colour inside the doors, the a pillars , around the quarter windows has been done and the doors are swinging. all the engine bay has been painted. I will say that the colour is amazing and cannot wait to see the whole car painted in the green, it's just a trip back to the 70's in a big way.
We both talked about the amount of work that has gone into the car and to rush it at this stage would be a shame with the paint. Still marching with the other bits, but looks like it's a christmas bolt together at my place, but that's ok and the missus is over seas visiting family for 10 days.
Yep i would agree to leave as much of the original guard in and just do minimal repairs on the original inner skirt. so long as it's documented then it shouldn't be a problem.
Posted 20 September 2012 - 08:21 AM
Works been flat out so I havnt had too much time with the car the last couple of weeks..
Any way, the work so far..
I managed to finnish the RH Front A-arm support.. weld up some seams.
Im putting on a new LH bonnet hinge holder as the original one is bent.. Rust proofed and now ready to go on.
I also seam sealed and TIE COATED the POR 15 under the body... I was up at 2am with heaters on in the shed as the second coat needed to go on after 12 hours.. Lucky I have no neihbours or I would be dead

I will paint satin black...
Then off the rotisserie.. The the front..
_Agent 34_
Posted 21 September 2012 - 06:38 AM
See on your chassis rails the indents under the main door area that was what mine was like and it's from a trolley jack. If it has been taken to the track or other then the excessive denting of the rail may be explained by this area. Your car had heaps of the red dirt through the car in placed that you would not expect unless it spent most of it's time on dirt roads or the owner lived on a dirt road.
Posted 21 September 2012 - 08:20 AM
How are you going?
Hows the GTR going? Ive read your blog.. Dont rush it..You might as well enjoy the rest.. And when your missus goes for 10 days.. Plenty of time for the rebuild.. I should come over and help

Any way.. Yes there was lots of red, fine dirt/dust in some strange places.. All gone now though..
I was woundering how the rail got soo smashed.. I was thinking of filling, but will leave as is..
It was raced Grant..way too many signs for it not to have been... I wouldnt think a normal every day driver would be as bad as this car was.
I also managed to weld on the LH bonnet hinge bracket.. All straight and de rusted.. I went a bit overboard with the spot welder.. At least it wont come off /move

Im taking off the rotisseier today.. I want to start the front... I reacon Ill paint all the underneath, engine bay and inside the boot at the same time..I think its all the same colour.. The blue/black satin...
Ive started to paint strip the inside of the LH guard.. Its a mess,, Lots of repairs.. Ill try and fix.. If not Ill put a differnt one on..I dont want to as this fits and matches the nose/RH guard..
Posted 21 September 2012 - 08:43 PM
Had a busy day with the car today..
I took it off the rotisseier.. Took the paint off the LH rear quarter.. Its not as bad as I thought.. Not too much involved to get right... Im getting taught to "shink" metal.. Its an art, I tell you what.
I managed to get the front guards/nose cone and bonnet on... I had to make a puller to bring in the LH inner guard 10mm to line up the guard.. I used an old fence wire stretcher, an old seat belt. Bolted a bar to the inner guard, attached the belt, tightened, worked well..
I now have to spend some time getting the gaps/lines right as when corret Ill match the new radiator support to the guards.. It should work out.. Ill take my time and get right..
I wont weld on the guards just yet, They are held in place with riverts/tech screws and celco clips... I want to paint the whole engine bay before doing so..
Nearly done...
After all the repair work.. The painting/panel beating will be enjoyable..
By the way, The POR 15 TIE COAT has cured.. Its rock hard, but sands ok.... Good stuff..
Posted 24 September 2012 - 07:12 PM
Starting to look like a car again, great work. Brilliant idea for the fence strainer,
Regards Simon
Posted 25 September 2012 - 04:08 AM
I stuffed raound tryin to align the bonnet.. It would not close all the way down, it Took ages.. It wasnt working out too well..
My old mate from around the corner came over.. He spotted the problem straight away.. My flash, chromed hinges are stuffed.. He gave a good set, and no worries.. seems mine were worn out.. Aklls good now.. Going to take off the radiator support today..
Posted 25 September 2012 - 05:52 AM
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