Thought id do a bit of an update.
Ive had to have a bit of a change of plans cos i just havent been able to find the time to work on the paint aspect. With 2 young kids and me and the mrs both workin full time and a million house chores Ive realised Im just never going to find the craploads of hours needed to sand and paint it myself.. So ive found a local bloke who is gunna fo it for me at a decent rate. Ive decided its easier to do a few overtime shifts at work to get some extra cash than it is to paint it myself!
Anyhoo, I painted the floor and front end with POR15 which came up great but i didnt get too many pics.
The boy loves it and was quite upset to see it go...
I did a trade for an EJ wagon to make some space for him while he works on it
Ive got some decent wheels to play with now. 15 x 7 and 15 x 8 performance challengers.
The door trims have been put on new backs with new carpet and look a million times better.
Consoles ready to rock
And the fun begins.... Will update as shit happens... As it apparently does.