What I suggest is a mix of both group shots and individual shots. Everyone brings along their cameras. At one location we just take it in turns to position one car at a time in front of something cool (eg. a funky graffiti wall or other nice backdrop). Leave the car there for 5 minutes so anyone wishing to take a happy-snap can, then move it and bring in the next car.
At another location, we could then position all cars together and get some great group shots. Depending on the turnout, we could also do model specific group shots (ie. get all the LH/X people together, or the LC/J's etc.... a group shot of flared cars, a group shot of unflared cars etc..... Then go by colours, sometimes they make the best shots when you have a series of different colours, or same colours for that matter. There is a lot of potential for some great shots if the turnout is good.
I realise it's the worst time of year to suggest this - we could either fluke a nice sunny day, or hold off until Spring time, but it's something I'd definitely be keen on.
After we finish, we could then wind up somewhere like last time (Daisy's) for a pub lunch and a couple of drinks (Plenty of good car parking which is viewable from pub). So it would probably work best having this on a Sunday.
Good excuse for everyone to dig out the polish, tyre black and of course their camera.
Just spewing it's now Winter, getting a decent day is just luck of the draw.
Edited by LXCHEV, 06 June 2006 - 12:52 PM.