Peter Brock Race XU1 Prototype
Posted 04 July 2012 - 06:32 PM
Posted 04 July 2012 - 06:50 PM
S pack
DUDE im not mike73 and Back to the Books for you
Yeah maybe you're not, but I still think the two of you should get together, pool your knowledge (I use that word loosely) and then you can collectively re-write history. It would be a great read and then I can use the book to light the BBQ.
Posted 04 July 2012 - 06:59 PM
i was told willow is Blue colour, anybody on the forum know for sure about the willow colour ?????????????????
Looking at the Torana paint charts it appears that 'Willow' is a Greenish Grey colour.
Posted 04 July 2012 - 07:07 PM
Posted 04 July 2012 - 07:23 PM
The supercarscare was in 1972, everyone knows that but you, C.A.M.S changed the rules cause of it, and 1973 race season went to Group C cause of it
Group C it was mearly to free up the mods reqiuered to race if you look at todays standed of race car you would never get on registerd
Group N - Touring Cars
This group caters for production touring and touring cars built before 31st December 1972. The group is divided into three time periods defined as Na, Nb and Nc, and is unique in that individual cars are not required to have a competition history in order to be eligible
Group C – Touring Cars
This group caters for vehicles with a competition history established in the period 1 January 1973 to 31 December 1984, in events run to regulations promulgated by CAMS for Group C Touring Cars in the period.
Posted 04 July 2012 - 07:29 PM
Thanks DUDE a conformation for just onceLooking at the Torana paint charts it appears that 'Willow' is a Greenish Grey colour.
XU2308 didnt beleave me
A XU1 Bathurst speciel Painted WILLOW a 1 of WOW WOW WOW
Posted 04 July 2012 - 07:42 PM
Thanks DUDE a conformation for just once
XU2308 didnt beleave me
A XU1 Bathurst speciel Painted WILLOW a 1 of WOW WOW WOW
Yeah well that would be about the only thing you are right about in all your posts so far.
These guys know what they are talking about so LISTEN TO THEM and forget the crap that some misguided/uninformed journalist has written in years gone by or the myths that a mate has told you are the gospel truth.
Edited by S pack, 04 July 2012 - 07:42 PM.
Posted 04 July 2012 - 08:20 PM
i never said i dident believe you about willow paint colour, i was told it was a blue colour, and i asked did anyone know on the forum, as going off your track record on other stuff you have posted here, can you blame me

Posted 04 July 2012 - 08:28 PM
do you own the one and only painted willow coloured LJ XU-1, as you seem to know about it etc, get it on the XU-1 Registar, start the willow LJ XU-1 Registar for it, if you own it or you know lots about it.
Posted 04 July 2012 - 09:16 PM
Reason being if it has a normal paint code , 5 digit then it is likely there was another or more painted in this colour , if it is like the above mentioned code then it would be the first of the model range painted in that colour.
I am not that familiar with the colour but it certainly is not mainstream so i wonder if it is/ was a fleet colour ? do you know who the first owner was or previous owners names as they may be able to offer some answers.
Posted 04 July 2012 - 09:44 PM
Sagman owns Saggy Sarah - the provenance is known beyond a shadow of a doubt. This has been confirmed with over 40 people involved in building and racing the vehicle throughout it's career. The story on the Street Machine website is over a year old............
He also owns Barney's Shirt, the one off colour styling XU-1 which was used to mock up the proposed body modifications for the V8 program........and possibly more.......
There are a small cohort of members including xu2308, sagman, Sloper, rorym, myself and a few others who know more about the XU-1V8 program than anyone else.....information obtained first hand from those involved and original documentation that is not publically available.......in the future when the complete story is available everyone will know........
Coming on these forums and pushing "facts" and "reasoning" that is incorrect, and ignoring those who have tried to help explain things does you no justice.
Many previous publications such as Fiv Antoniou's book do contain numerous errors based on the information available at he time and rumour and innuendo.
Get a copy of Norm Darwin's Torana Tough - there is a link on the index page - this is the current definitive source of information regarding everything torana, including info on the V8 program, 24C and Saggy Sarah.
Feel free to browse the forums and be part of the community, however further posts attacking members or pushing information that is known to be blatantly incorrect will be removed and may result in warnings and bans coming into effect. Please ensure you are familiar with the forum rules.
Admin Team
Posted 04 July 2012 - 11:50 PM
Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:03 AM
There was a complete set of tags from a Brisbane built XU 1 , willow in colour allegedly from the 150 list on E-BAY that sold for $15,200 on the 26th of April 2012 .
Perhaps there was more than one ?
Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:03 AM
I'm finding richos threads very hard to read. Any chance of a spell check and some punctuation?
Hi all
Come on - it's obvious that someone wants to create a bit of mischief. Nobody could write and spell that poorly unless it was on purpose.
My 2 cents.
Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:31 AM
Very very interesting
There was a complete set of tags from a Brisbane built XU 1 , willow in colour allegedly from the 150 list on E-BAY that sold for $15,200 on the 26th of April 2012 .
Perhaps there was more than one ?
Maybe there was only one and now Richo has "reshelled" it

Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:57 AM
Well i will start of saying SORRY to Sagman for inaproprietly branding his car as fake,Its an awsome car dude you have and if it is what you say it has the best history obove any XU1 i read about or seenRichard, re your paint colour .......... on your paint and trim tag does it list the as 568- with a 5 digit code or does it have sommething like 1155-1A-222 as an example.
Reason being if it has a normal paint code , 5 digit then it is likely there was another or more painted in this colour , if it is like the above mentioned code then it would be the first of the model range painted in that colour.
I am not that familiar with the colour but it certainly is not mainstream so i wonder if it is/ was a fleet colour ? do you know who the first owner was or previous owners names as they may be able to offer some answers.
Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:58 AM
Maybe there was only one and now Richo has "reshelled" it
Or he is going to reshell it.
Posted 05 July 2012 - 01:06 AM
Secandly to the ADMIN enderwigginau Sorry if some guys cant handle discussing fact or fake but i can help notice the information on these cars are just not credeted by legit docomentation and most is word of mouth or reaserch by enthusiasts out to make a buck from there books sorry if i coused a bit of an upror or bonbardment of mesages to you about this thred, i now the rules and will Keep my mouth shut from now on and leave it to all you guys to write the wrongs SORRY ADMIN.RichoX1 - I would suggest you spend a bit of time looking around the forum here before telling certain members they are wrong. Your "research" is flawed and you appear to have confused a number of cars, years and events.
Sagman owns Saggy Sarah - the provenance is known beyond a shadow of a doubt. This has been confirmed with over 40 people involved in building and racing the vehicle throughout it's career. The story on the Street Machine website is over a year old............
He also owns Barney's Shirt, the one off colour styling XU-1 which was used to mock up the proposed body modifications for the V8 program........and possibly more.......
There are a small cohort of members including xu2308, sagman, Sloper, rorym, myself and a few others who know more about the XU-1V8 program than anyone else.....information obtained first hand from those involved and original documentation that is not publically available.......in the future when the complete story is available everyone will know........
Coming on these forums and pushing "facts" and "reasoning" that is incorrect, and ignoring those who have tried to help explain things does you no justice.
Many previous publications such as Fiv Antoniou's book do contain numerous errors based on the information available at he time and rumour and innuendo.
Get a copy of Norm Darwin's Torana Tough - there is a link on the index page - this is the current definitive source of information regarding everything torana, including info on the V8 program, 24C and Saggy Sarah.
Feel free to browse the forums and be part of the community, however further posts attacking members or pushing information that is known to be blatantly incorrect will be removed and may result in warnings and bans coming into effect. Please ensure you are familiar with the forum rules.
Admin Team
Edited by RichoX1, 05 July 2012 - 01:08 AM.
Posted 05 July 2012 - 01:50 AM
Richard, re your paint colour .......... on your paint and trim tag does it list the as 568- with a 5 digit code or does it have sommething like 1155-1A-222 as an example.
Reason being if it has a normal paint code , 5 digit then it is likely there was another or more painted in this colour , if it is like the above mentioned code then it would be the first of the model range painted in that colour.
I am not that familiar with the colour but it certainly is not mainstream so i wonder if it is/ was a fleet colour ? do you know who the first owner was or previous owners names as they may be able to offer some answers.
Ok well the color Sagman is willow the standed HQ LH LJ willow solid color it is not a vairent of willow it bears the 5 digets as u say,most likly there posably maybe others if and only if they have savived the holacost of crushing machiens and scrap merchants?
If any one has one you now i whould like to see some pics of it.
I dont own this car but its highly likely that there was very few or if any more ever made and suvived as the colour is very underzirable color dont you think.
The previous owner menchand there was maby only 4 ever this color.
Posted 05 July 2012 - 10:26 AM
just read about in the forum and learn young man, and do your self a favour and buy the well researched and brand new Torana Bible, by Norm Darwin, its called Torana Tough, its a great book and Norm worked for GMH and knows the guys that made the Torana's at Holden, and he is a great researcher.
Get a Book now
Posted 05 July 2012 - 11:07 AM
Secandly to the ADMIN enderwigginau Sorry if some guys cant handle discussing fact or fake but i can help notice the information on these cars are just not credeted by legit docomentation and most is word of mouth or reaserch by enthusiasts out to make a buck from there books sorry if i coused a bit of an upror or bonbardment of mesages to you about this thred, i now the rules and will Keep my mouth shut from now on and leave it to all you guys to write the wrongs SORRY ADMIN.
Hay Richo
Seams to me you're the one who carn't handle the truff. Maybee you coold do everone a favor an jump in yaw tyme mechine, go back two the 1970's und duckumint eccactly whut hippened with heeps of pics und video fuutage of testemoanials from the like of Harry Firth, Colin Bond, Peter Brock, and the countles other people that wear working on and racing these cars. Thin uou can come und share the truth weth all off us.
Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:52 PM
Maybe there was only one and now Richo has "reshelled" it
Hello Potta , I had my thongs on when I posted above , my steel cap boots are within easy reach if need be .
Posted 05 July 2012 - 03:06 PM
Hay guys this reminds me of loging back in and seeing all you spiting chips jumping up and down with the ADMIN right behind you jumping over your sholder to shoute at me.
all of you piled in a pink LJ XU1 Prototype
you can spell ok in this one, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think its someone

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