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Joe Felice denies that any Bathurst spec car was Built

XU1 and GTS

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#101 _rob350hatch_

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 09:56 AM

well if they can decipher the spelling at gmh when he is chasing info they should be at the cia deciphering codes :stirpot:
but im glad he did show up craig it was starting to get a bit boring on here. :ZZZ:

#102 _fatlh5000_

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 10:29 AM

4 pages of threads with BIG claims before any pics !!!!!!

If you say its a 1 of 150- show the proof. No one is saying it is not. You are saying it is. There is no proof.

There is no point making silly claims on an enthusiast website that you have a rare car and no evidence to say it is genuine or otherwise.

With genuine cars or claims that cars are 'genuine' my rule is- NOT GENUINE UNTIL PROVEN TO BE GENUINE.

All I see in the pics is a white two door with fluted guards.

On second glance it looks like a four door- thats how much attention I paid to the pics.

Edited by fatlh5000, 09 July 2012 - 10:30 AM.

#103 meanmachine72


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Posted 09 July 2012 - 10:58 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong but in Richo's last pic it looks like a std 10gall fuel tank vent pipe or could it be the sender unit wire on the rear panel behind the seat.

well spotted dave...that pic tells the tale...mad mikes first cuz...

#104 S pack

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 12:00 PM

I remember reading about that they finished one particular head brang it out front slamed it down on the counter and some one said "Yella Terra" refering to the head and that suposadly stuck in Harrys or Daves mind,
From there the name of Yella Terra was bourn.

^^^ LOL. Funniest thing I have heard in a while. Maybe it was Shane Bourn or could it have been Jason Bourne, nah, he's too young.
'SALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM, sh&t, now that heads f%$ked I'll have too start again' said Dyno Dave.

#105 Collo


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Posted 09 July 2012 - 05:26 PM

Dave tells the story of how the YT heads got there name in the AMC article about him. It's along those lines, but that's not it.

#106 _RichoX1_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 06:25 AM

^^^ LOL. Funniest thing I have heard in a while. Maybe it was Shane Bourn or could it have been Jason Bourne, nah, he's too young.
'SALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM, sh&t, now that heads f%$ked I'll have too start again' said Dyno Dave.

Acturely i think the head was slid across the flour from back of the shop out to the front and then slammed down that was the one they used on the HDT car at bathurst,
nice to see you havent lost your sence of Huma S Pack
and you guys too
he cant spell,
std 10gall fuel tank vent pipe,
Dave tells the story but but but but that's not it.
it looks like a four door
And im still hear Laughing my head off each time i go and work on my 1 of 150Attached File  roflmao.gif   1.26K   1 downloads

Attached File  ani-gifs-emotes-691072081.gif   25.19K   0 downloads

Edited by RichoX1, 10 July 2012 - 06:26 AM.

#107 _Quagmire_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:53 AM

reread the story rich
dave stubbed his toe on the head numerous times as it was painted yellow....hence the name "yellow terrors"
which was abbreviated to "yella terras"

#108 wot179


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Posted 10 July 2012 - 10:01 AM

I think thats anough Pics for now the others will com laters tags engine and more on the resto.

Yeh my HT GTS hasnt mooved from that spot in the last 20 years hay

What a shame,it looks like a good thing.

You should give it a tub,pump up the tyres and drive the wheels off it.

Looks like it rolls on SNOWWISsers too.

Col will love you.

#109 REDA9X



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Posted 10 July 2012 - 02:29 PM

Im sure this bloke is just here for a shitstir.

I'm convinced

#110 _RichoX1_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 03:18 PM

What a shame,it looks like a good thing.

You should give it a tub,pump up the tyres and drive the wheels off it.

Looks like it rolls on SNOWWISsers too.

Col will love you.

Nar shes looks good just where she is, i had taken my engine from the car she was a 010 runing small underbonnet 174 Blower 9inch half roll cage about 500hp
Got my little Bambeino XU1 to deal with right now

Edited by RichoX1, 10 July 2012 - 03:18 PM.

#111 _RichoX1_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 03:32 PM

I'm convinced

Red A9X
I will try not to repeat my self in futer,
THE BITTER TASTE OF POOR QUALITY is somwhat sweet Attached File  rock.gif   1.77K   1 downloads

#112 _fatlh5000_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 04:13 PM

You are a luck guy Richo...... is your car build No. 01 off the production line ?

That is 001 of the 150 ?

#113 Stinga



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Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:19 PM

Red A9X
I will try not to repeat my self in futer,
THE BITTER TASTE OF POOR QUALITY is somwhat sweet Attached File  rock.gif   1.77K   1 downloads

i dont speak the best england, but is futer short for in front of the computer?

#114 _Skapinad_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:32 PM

Red A9X
I will try not to repeat my self in futer,
THE BITTER TASTE OF POOR QUALITY is somwhat sweet Attached File  rock.gif   1.77K   1 downloads

Richo, have ya met shagsdrags?

#115 Tyre biter

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:49 PM

I've been penning this for a while now.
I admit it is a tad mean spirited of me but hey, I can't by and endure Richo's posts any longer - sorry.
The funny thing is I am not cruelling his content - I for one wouldn't have a clue as to the veracity of his comments.
Cheers, TB

...he cant spell...

Hello pot...this is kettle. Can you appreciate what you have done to our language lately, as evidenced in most every post you have made here? Don't answer for this is called a rhetorical question - yes, you'd better look that one up.

To be clear, I am indeed all for the English language evolving, growing and modernising - it is not Latin after all - and will morph no matter what the beardy types have to say about it. And I am not by any means aligned with the grammar police; you see, I just used the word 'and' to start a sentence as an example of my contemporaneous outlook - not that you would have realised the historic indiscretion in doing so.

Regardless, those in glass houses ought not cast the first stone... or in your case, any number of stones when punting folks for poor spelling - you of all people are kidding right? Eh, another rhetorical question just in case you wondered... yep, like I said, go look that one up.

We are not talking typos here; we are all want to do quite commonly, no less myself. Rather, it seems you have an arsenal of the darned abuses at your call... Make no mistake, I couldn't give a rat's arse about what you own, or if indeed it is actually what your mate owns but which you now claim to be your own, nor the provenance of the same, nor otherwise by any means - it is all none of my interest, concern or business. However, given your hypocrisy, I can only enquire as to what spelling, grammar or prose has ever done to affront you to abuse them in they way that you do? Yep - look up the word 'affront' whilst you are looking for 'rhetorical' - right after you reach for the dictionary for the first time in decades... or might that be, ever?

I apologise; 'dic·tion·ar·y' is a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology - don't worry about that last one... or maybe even the second one.

And no, this is not an elitist or classicist tirade - you are making an argument for goodness sake, and so the very best you could do to assist your cause would be to mount a well constructed and coherent text, let alone one that might be grammatically correct God forbid! After all, English is only your and this forum's first bloody language after all, and so may I suggest or indeed assert that you ought to use it properly before you assault others with criticisms like those made by you!

Sorry; assert
as·sert v. as·sert·ed, as·sert·ing, as·serts
1. To state or express positively; affirm: asserted his innocence.
2. To defend or maintain...oh, forget it!

Jeepers, get your writing in order man - your message regardless of the merit it might contain is being lost from the get-go. It is doing my head in - more than this puritanical 150 membership some cling to! I am by no means an educated person, nor am I employed in teaching the English language, and I am certain there are many more here who are more significantly more qualified than will ever become to comment on the subject - I assume those folk are either wiser, weary or amused from this and similar debates they have not interjected. However, in my long-standing forum memberships, I have yet to see a fellow member who routinely and reliably ridicules the public education system such as you do, and whom notwithstanding their skills-gap, subsequently provides a terse commentary toward others for the same conduct.

In terms of a dictionary, I suggest to you the Macquarie Dictionary - the Australian vocabulary dictionary found at your local...oh, forget it, like you have ever been to one. That is all.


#116 _Skapinad_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:55 PM

Laugh out loud!

#117 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:58 PM

TB's post made my brayne hurt lol

#118 Tyre biter

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:02 PM

It hurt my head writing it Bomber - that is the best I can do mate - like I said - I am by no means a literacy genius.
Just that poor Richo's posts were beginning to annoy and his shot at another for poor spelling just tipped me over.
Sorry for the verbose offerings - never knew I had it in me - but jeepers it annoyed.
Feel somewhat better now for the experience.
I believe a well versed literary type might call it cathartic even :)
Cheers, TB

#119 _Quagmire_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:06 PM

very interlech..interlecl...er smart way of putting it :) tb

#120 _Big T_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:35 PM

Laugh out loud!


And I mean that in no judgmental way toward the target. I just found TB's post quite humourous 'tis all.

Richo, download firefox and install the following https://addons.mozil...ian-dictionary/ Then we can all benefit from what you have to say man.

Edited by Big T, 10 July 2012 - 09:36 PM.

#121 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:41 PM


TB you are light years in front of me bro,it nearly fried my brain,but it does read very well.

Richo has another thread,and is after a 27F3 head for the XU1,
PM,S were exchanged.
I know of a fully serviced one for around 2k to 3 k,and he tells me how there are many about,and how repro ones are being made with what ever cast numbers you like,for a price aswell,
Now i feel, if you genuinely own the XU1 he claims to own or his friend owns,one would think he would jump on what was offered,but no

Or is that thread all part of the brain frying game,bet you always won scrabble.

#122 _RichoX1_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:51 PM


And I mean that in no judgmental way toward the target. I just found TB's post quite humourous 'tis all.

Richo, download firefox and install the following https://addons.mozil...ian-dictionary/ Then we can all benefit from what you have to say man.

Big T
i dont use fire fox only IE
TB is very agresive about the english langauge he failed to interpritade that the post i made was refering to I being told i cant spell not me saying someone els cant.
very comprahensive speech if i do say ao my self
I was always told from my mates to make a speech like that you should have a micriphoneAttached File  sing2.gif   1.54K   0 downloads

#123 _Big T_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:58 PM

Download firefox Richo, for me it is more stable than IE anyway. Plus it has spell check which I find invaluable, especially when typing in a hurry on forums.

We all got used to calculators to make sure we didnt get ripped off in our pay packets. Spell check is the same, that is, to make sure our online messages are not misinterpreted :-)

#124 _RichoX1_

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:59 PM


TB you are light years in front of me bro,it nearly fried my brain,but it does read very well.

Richo has another thread,and is after a 27F3 head for the XU1,
PM,S were exchanged.
I know of a fully serviced one for around 2k to 3 k,and he tells me how there are many about,and how repro ones are being made with what ever cast numbers you like,for a price aswell,
Now i feel, if you genuinely own the XU1 he claims to own or his friend owns,one would think he would jump on what was offered,but no

Or is that thread all part of the brain frying game,bet you always won scrabble.

Craig i dont mean any thing buy it not exsepting the offer,
I have a long way to go for my Xu1 and the buget is the main thing on my mind not just to jump on any part i needed just becouse its avalible eaven thow its Genuine.

Edited by RichoX1, 10 July 2012 - 10:00 PM.

#125 Tyre biter

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 10:03 PM

Sori fala, mi noa savee iu fala tumas.
Lukim iu, TB

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