Dirtbagging a BMW : )
Posted 13 August 2012 - 11:04 PM
Macka I'll do a quick mock up tomorrow with some cardboard in regards to my fuel filler idea so you can see what I mean. Not sure about Vic but I know the mod in Qld is 100% legal.
Posted 13 August 2012 - 11:18 PM

Then there's these ones.

As much as I like black cars I agree the shape is lost on the black one compared to the silver one.
Edited by dirtbag, 13 August 2012 - 11:21 PM.
Posted 13 August 2012 - 11:45 PM
how about the fuel filler behind the number plate tim like a lx torana just a thought
cheers gene
Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:10 AM
Yes please Tim explain more. I like the idea of no fuel lid visually from outside.
OK, so here's the offending filler door

The area inside around the boot channel is rusted anyway, so this simple mod will fix both of these.

Obviously this is just cardboard, so if/when I make it out of steel it probably wont look this impressive : ) But it would be a bit smaller, this is purely to show my idea.

Modifying the filler neck would be a breeze as it's right there!

So the point of this excersice is to have the filler in the car, but not the fumes. So the idea is to remove the old boot seal lip where the rust is, and run the seal lip around the new filler area, keeping the sealed area inside of the filler. The boot lid will need slight mods just so the seal can seal against it.

So the seal would just follow around this new piece.

The bootlid has a couple of bits of rust in it so needs some attention anyway, so modifying the underside a little bit to give the boot seal a nice flat surface wouldn't be hard.

So I hope that's enough info to get my idea across. We used to do this mod to late 30's early 40's fords to get the ugly filler off the nice smooth rear guard.
Normally I'd use an unleaded filler neck with the screw on lid, so the new panel needs to be dished to give the lid clearance from the under side of the boot lid. This is simple and just requires a drain tube so the dished panel doesn't fill with water or spilt fuel.
So let me know what you think anyway Macka, and if there's anything i haven't explained well enough just say and I'll try and do better : )
Oh, and the only downside to this is you have to open the boot to fill the tank, so be careful if you've got any bodies in there when you go to the servo : )
Edited by dirtbag, 14 August 2012 - 09:11 AM.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 02:20 PM
1st Silver
2nd Daylight
3rd Orange
4th Silver/Orange or Orange/Silver
5th Black - I agree you do lose the definition of the shape but it canstill look good.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 02:39 PM
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 14 August 2012 - 02:40 PM
Oh, and the only downside to this is you have to open the boot to fill the tank, so be careful if you've got any bodies in there when you go to the servo : )
What about making a little seperate 'door' on the corner of the boot lid for the filler ?

_Bomber Watson_
Posted 14 August 2012 - 06:36 PM
HOK Tangarine candy??

I frOcking love that color, and would play nicely on the lines. Being a candy can be made lighter or darker depending on the base color.
Edited by Bomber Watson, 14 August 2012 - 06:37 PM.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 07:26 PM
As much as I'm not into silver cars, I think silver would look great on this. Probably not the stock grey silver, but a more vibrant sparkly silver.
Anyway, Macka let me know what you think of the fuel filler idea when you get a chance. Not that I need to know right away, just interested : )
I'm going to spend some more time tomorrow pulling bits off it (hopefully it'll release some bits anyway, it's stubborn) so will post any further progress as it happens.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 07:35 PM
After looking at all those colours i think you might be right macka silver might be the go but i still think the body should be clean no badges no indicators on the body at all but im sure tim will sort it all out for you
how about the fuel filler behind the number plate tim like a lx torana just a thought
cheers gene
Tim what are your thoughts about Gene's idea of behind number plate?? Not really fussed though just as long as we can't see it.
In regard to badges l can really see it with no badges and it would have people guessing as to what the car actually is. I am trying to think of a subtle way of maybe putting a badge or two on the car. I was thinking of maybe only the c pillars badges initially but can see what others are saying that it will take away from the smooth lines we are wanting to highlight. Maybe only the bonnet one?? Confused!!! It will have a BMW badge on the Nardi steering wheel. And l want to have one on the gear stick knob. Maybe thats nice and subtle and people would have to look inside car to maybe figure out what it is.
I am also looking at number plate options. Am think of going those long Euro plates but not sure if that is a bit wanky? Thoughts please.
Edited by Macka, 14 August 2012 - 07:37 PM.
_Bomber Watson_
Posted 14 August 2012 - 07:46 PM
I know what you mean about the orange candy tim, good calls all round. More suited to show cars/motorbikes, show cars never getting chips and motorbikes having small panels to repair

Have you guys considered a straight silver tinter??
I know Protec 706 line has three silver tinters, fine medium and coarse, being the size of the fleck in them. Im a big fan of pure colors, ie white to me is straight white tinter, black is straight black tinter, orange is straight orange tinter, yellow etc etc etc. I think there the nicest of colors. Blues and Greens are an exception. And i also think that just a straight silver tinter would look good on this.
The blower on my coffee table is striaght silver tinter, medium fleck

As was the frame/engine/wheels on my old ZZR600

If you want to stick to a basic color like Silver, then theres no going past the pure variety IMO
Perhaps get a small amount of each tinter and spray a little section out.
Edited by Bomber Watson, 14 August 2012 - 08:01 PM.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:11 PM

_Bomber Watson_
Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:14 PM
I recon it would look good on that car.
The fine is definitely a bit like shiny primer, the medium has a real pearly pop to it, the coarse is a touch more old school....
I would be tempted to just blow a few panels of the car as it sits now, some in medium some in coarse, just to get an idea how it may look, just one coat of base and one wet coat of clear, no prep bar a wipe with prepsol....
Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:26 PM
Had a passing thought of a custom grill but I think that might be taking it to far.
Opinions please.

_Bomber Watson_
Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:28 PM
And please tell me your leaving the chrome strip along the top of the nose.
Edited by Bomber Watson, 14 August 2012 - 09:31 PM.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:45 PM
Oh and the BMW badges should stay I reckon.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:52 PM
Bomber, pretty sure we're removing the side trim from the car, that includes the piece across the nose cone as it actually wraps the whole way around the car. I don't think it'll be any worse without it myself, but it's not my decision in the end : )
Edited by dirtbag, 14 August 2012 - 09:53 PM.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:59 PM
Posted 14 August 2012 - 10:16 PM
Posted 14 August 2012 - 10:40 PM
How bout silver mink with red trim?
Not as silly as it sounds with red interior. I am toying with the idea still but I have red in my HK Monaro so would like to do something different. Also as blue is the original color would be easier to go with that however not finalized yet!! Here are some with red interiors.

I also like this one with custom front seats.

Posted 14 August 2012 - 11:15 PM
Posted 14 August 2012 - 11:47 PM
+1 on the silver. It really does suit this body shape. :thumbsup: The Honda (car) colorchart has some nice silvers.
I don't know about a blue interior on a silver car when the world is your oyster so to speak. The sports seats really do look like they belong.

Just my opinion. *suscribed*
Posted 15 August 2012 - 12:40 AM
I opened it thinking that it was created by someone else, and that 'dirtbagging' a car had become a new thing all the kids are doing : P
My 2c -
If car is silver, all chrome grill would be too much, black is much better.
Hard to imagine an appropriate custom grill.
Also with the badges I think a couple like these would be nice, maybe just for the wheel caps, possibly with modded lettering to be blank or say GMW or whatever. I like the idea of glowing blue LEDs for the coloured parts aswell.

Posted 15 August 2012 - 01:34 AM
I also like the idea of just having the BMW logo badge on the bonnet and boot. (Hood and Trunk for Jeff. hehe)
Oh and Macka, How many nice cars you got? The LC GTR, a Monaro and this? Is the Monaro up to the same level as the LC? Pics?
Edit: I just found the thread on the Monaro. Nice. You have a great little family of cars, Macka.
Edited by MictheAussie, 15 August 2012 - 01:39 AM.
Posted 15 August 2012 - 07:49 AM
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