Macka, I think it would be best if I just rego it in Qld and drive it around for a little while for you, to iron out the bugs. Maybe for just a year or ten : )
Well I have done a little bit of work on the car. Nothing exciting though, so these pics are purely so Macka can see what was under the paint.
I wanted to start on the drivers side front guard where all the big blisters were just to see what was causing them.

As usual, it was surface rust. This is the exact reason I rust convert and etch prime everything BEFORE doing any body work.

I use a wire wheel to do the window openings and smaller nooks and crannies. The good thing about that is when the wire flies out and stabs you hahaha!

Little bit of filler in the front right corner.

And also up near the windscreen.

This is just behind the drivers side front side indicator mount.

The roof is looking a bit special too.

As is the rear end.

The bog in the roof is a charming 13mm thick!

Here's the repair that buckled the roof skin. This will be fun to fix : )

So anyway, after a full day I had one side stripped back. Originally I was going to get the whole car sandblasted inside and out but after going over it with a magnet I realised there was a lot of filler in it so stripping it by hand was going to be the best option, as blasting wont remove bog. I will however get all the inner surfaces blasted as stripping them by hand is a nightmare.

My friendly python comes out each day to see what's going on : )