Ok, that little childhood memory (my favorite show as a youngen) aside, lets get started.
I've been belting on boring people in the shoutbox for ages about how i want to fix the old place up a bit, generally whilst sitting on my ass drinking beer (like now).
I have several ideas in mind, but no idea where to start, as im rather like Tim Taylor, just a bit less accident prone, or just tougher, dunno which.
Generally im useless with wood though, I will stand there and stare at it for hours working out how to join the shit, cant weld it sadly.
But, i've started. I've started in an area thas a bit more my style though, instead of Tim Taylors usual quote "more power", relevant as it is to the life of Bomber Watson, atm its "MORE SHED"
Now i already have a sizeable shed for suburbia, its about 126sq/m, and takes up most of the property. The hosue is a piddly 80sq/m or so including the pergola lol.
But alas, as the old saying "you live to your income" goes, so do you live to your shed space, no matter how big the shed it WILL be filled with useless junk, thus leaving no room for this junk to be used for anything usefull. My ski boat is currently a 15ft work bench, as an example.
I dont know how much Holden six gear is appropriate for one man to own, but i think im getting to the upper limit short of buying 100 acres somewhere.
I have been cleaning up quiet a bit, but i've found myself just moving the junk pile from one area to the next, so something has to be done.
Most of the people who follow my drivel will have seen these picks

Well the car trailer had a lot more "scrap" steel (more like priceless items) on it and has since been emptied again, somewhere other than my yard.
Good start. Basically that was last weekend, clearing up that area and loading the trailer up, then a little bit of trailer loading this weekend cleaning up out the side of the main shed.
I do have a small 2mx3m approx parts storage shed, but alas, thats full of stuff to. Some of it usefull, some of it im currently scratching my head. Do i really need 20 holden six lower thermostat housings, for example?
Behind this shed was a massive pile of junk amassed around an old brick BBQ that has been far from in service for many years now. Literally this pile was amazing. One of the downfalls of buying a house off your parents is the previous owners dont clear all there shit out when they leave, so i still had quiet a bit of the olds junk.
Dad used to rebuild small engines, lawn mowers and the like, on the side. He got the shits with that a while ago when people didnt want to pay for the work at all, often he would get a mower going for some old bloke, then the old lad wouldnt even want to cover the cost of parts.
So that hobby got given the flick, but the acres of random mower/small engine stuff remained. I pulled no less than six very large boxes of shit out of this area, buried underneath lots and lots of my random shit (exhaust systems, random steel i've picked up, that UC front end i'll probably never use, etc).
Naturally the ass was eaten out of most of these boxes, so it made for a rather irritating mission. Heres an example.

Yes, thats the bottom of the box still on the ground there. Did find some little green friends in that one, a nice surprise after the big frOck off spiders/rats i found lurking around the others.

On the note of the rats, the old bittie who lives next door to that part of the property had been bitching for years that rats were living in that pile of junk. And living there they were, but they were eating macadamia nuts off HER tree and making a nest out of the leaves off HER paperbark, so when she came out for another winge when i was cleaning the area up she got a rude responce. This lady has lived there as long as i can remember (parents brought this place when i was 6 months old) and she has been old the whole time, i wouldnt dare guess how old she would be now days....Felt a bit bad telling here off but ffs.
So after shoveling about 500,000 macadamia nut shells and 100x that leaves off her paperbark out from around the bbq, hacking some branches off the old ladies paper bark with my machette and generally moving all the shit, i had something that looked like this

Moved some of the stuff that looked usefull around to the back of the shed, what was that about moving the pile around and around in circles again?

Infront of the shed looking a lot messyer, worst part about massive cleanups like this, gotta make it worse before it gets better

Then i used some old eaves i found in the pile, and some bits of reo bar i found in the pile, to make a little wall, and when i went to dump off the trailer full picked up some 90mm pvc pipe on the way back, as this corner of the properrty is a bit of a low area. I've never seen water run through there, but the old bittie says it does so i threw $20 worth of pvc in the ground to shut her up.

Then the fun began, while i was at work dumping the car trailer load off (just rolled in and dropped it there, the boss can collect the money from scrap, i dont really care, it was easyer that way) i also nicked a big ass sledge hammer, and got to nock down the old BBQ.

Work has never been so fun.
I smashed the bricks up into reasonably small pieces and used these as fill, i'll get a couple of cubic meters of gravel to make a proper foundation, but i figured theres no use wasting good fill like the BBQ, plus it saved me having to take it away

I left this little corner of the BBQ for now, as i think its cool, like a roman ruin or something haha, small things.....

After i fill the area with gravel, im going to cover it all with some black plastic, then some sand and pave it with pavers out of the pergola, then put a few of those little clip together sheds on it. Im doing it that way because there a non fixed structure and the council cant bitch about them

Heres one of them, currently dads mower shed, its getting buggered off around the side, and i'll get another one similar but probably a bit bigger to put there to to put my holden sixes and gearboxes etc in

Thats as far as i have gotten for now, i'll get back to this shortly with some picks of the house currently and some of my stupid ideas....
I have absolutely no idea what im doing here, im just winging it, so if im doing something stupid let me know.