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#26 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 14 August 2012 - 07:02 PM

Laundry/pergola arnt on the council plans.

According to them we still have an outhouse, hence im going to be carefull as to what i do....

Yes i know everything is asbestos, just going to leave it and paint it :D For the one part i mentioned perhaps moving, the little cubboard, well in my line of work im used to working with horrible dusts, and have carbon filtered masks etc. Plus have done a bit of reading on the subject, so though no where near TempesT's knowlege level on the subject i have a rough idea how to proceed.

I should make one thing very clear, i have no intention of knocking half the house down and doing anything massive.

Im prepared to blow a few tens of grands on this over the next two years or so, not 100k. I do not have the knowlege, time, patience, or want to undertake such a procedure on my own. I DEFINITELY do not wish to pay someone to do such a modification.

Everything that i have planned out and listed out im confident i can nut out on my own.

Things like moving the toilet, i wouldnt know where/how to start on that one. Plus where would i put it? No room anywhere else. I refuse to have the toilet in the bathroom, plus its no where near big enough anyway. Simply moving the sewerage pipe would be a massive undertaking and something im not willing to even entertain the thought of.

Most of it is rather well built, well ist still standing anyway, and more than likely better than i could do.

As far as opening that rear section goes, im not so sure, surely some of the posts and the like would be structual. I may look at opening it a little bit a bit more, but at the end of the day the laundry is in that area to, and again no where to put it, so thats probably best to keep a bit hidden.

Now, i have made a plan, and i have picked one thing to start with. I dunno what you would call cleaning up and building more sheds to clean up further, but to me thats a reno, so EADC

Some of the projects may overlap a bit though, like i intend to use the pavers from the pergola area for the new shed area, so something will have to be done with the slab there sooner rather than later, but appart from that most of the major stuff will wait for a while.

Forgot to mention, the roof of the house is held on with old lead heads that are #@$^%&, so im going to get a few quotes to have them removed and rescrewed (i could do that, but cbf'd). Then i will paint the roof :D Wow such a major undertaking that one.

Actual order of proceedings apart from that will basically be as i mentioned things in my littlie walk around post, as i see it atm.

NOW, im going to get a couple of meters of gravel dropped off later this week to spread out over the weekend, how long should i leave it before starting to do the paving thting? I was going to put a layer of black plastic down then some sand then pavers, to try to stopo a bit of moisture coming up.

Should i water the gravel after i have it down to help it settle??


#27 Ice



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Posted 14 August 2012 - 07:26 PM

Dj spread the gravel then just water ita bit then maybe compact it a little then you can put you plastic down then sand then pavers

#28 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 07:50 PM

Ok so it can all happen pretty well straight away?

Was thinking i should leave it for a week or so?


#29 TempesT


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:01 PM

maybe i missed it but what area are you paving?

Also I think you will find most roofers are going to recommend re-roofing it. But it would be super easy to re screw it yourself...... you also get to justify buying a sweet ass screw gun

#30 _Skapinad_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:04 PM

Wont plastic under the sand hold water and wash the sand out?

#31 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:05 PM

I have a sweet ass screw gun, its called a Hitatchi 18v cordless drill :D

Have the contacts for a few roofers who like cash, need to make a few calls. The sheet is in excellent condition for its age.

Look back to the first post, the area thats currently covered in rubble.

Skap, i dont know, sounded like a good idea to me at the time. Any better suggestions? Can i just pave straight over the plastic? Thought you needed some sand to settle the pavers.


Edited by Bomber Watson, 14 August 2012 - 08:05 PM.

#32 _Skapinad_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:08 PM

Yeah i mean, leave out the plastic, you will need the sand to level them, screed it off before placing the pavers, then lock in the edges with some concrete, trowel it on a 45 degree angle all the way round to hold em together......

Edited by Skapinad, 14 August 2012 - 08:09 PM.

#33 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:10 PM

Will moisture come up through the ground with that setup? Can i use wooden sleepers instead of concrete?


#34 TempesT


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:11 PM

also paves are expensive....

Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
for 30k i managed to:
-new bathroom
-repaint whole house
-repaint all downstairs
-9x3m new deck with extended roof
-box out the copper logs and little roof section around front door section
-air con
and a whole chit load of other incidentals that pop up ohh i also did the glass bricks and tinted the glass on the decking.... and the painting wasn't quite finished in that pic

Edited by TempesT, 14 August 2012 - 08:13 PM.

#35 _Skapinad_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:13 PM

No idea, suppose you could use plastice as a moisture barrier...

Sleepers? I suppose but probably be more stiuffing around.

#36 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:17 PM

I have the Pavers Jim.

Adam, i just mean like i did across the fence line. The only cement i know how to mix is Moroso engine grout. Wouldnt know where to start with the other stuff, but i suppose i could learn.


#37 _nial8r_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:19 PM

well that took 2 beers to read that but you seem to know what you want done and were!!! first thing first DJ like when i bought 5 yrs ago. i cleared and cleaned up/ chucked shit to the tip untill it was a house on a block of grass. no tres, driveway etc.... to me i think you have started off in the right direction. get rid of all the shyt you dont need and that will give you room to move. get some storage for timber/ steel that can be used ( even if you dont think you will use it ) then pick one project at a time which it seems you have your heart set on the entertaining area ( good thinking:D ) and go from there. stack your pavers somewhere out of the way for when you pour the slab. dont try and do more than one reno at a time as it will turn in to a frOcking big mess with shit everywhere. belive me i was doing the 2 kids rooms, entertaining area and the Torana all at the same time and was seeing nil to sweet frOck all progress!!!
when you go to move the fibro get you self one of those weed pump bottles and do a mix of 50/50 dish washing liquid and water and spray/soak it all then pull in down then wrap in plastic. with the blue metal where you want to pave get blue metal dust, its really fine and hire a plate compactor. go over the rubble 1st with it then throw your dust down hose the shit out of it then hit it again with the compactor again. you may have to do it a couple of times but once you have it done the shit sets like concrete and then you can just trow your sand on scread it out and pave away. also like AL said use the water proofing shit ( i take a pic or the shit i used ) in the kitchen, you spill water on it and it beads like a just polished car...

whats the rent like up there ?? i would love to come and attack your joint, i could rent my joint out and come up to Rocky for a 6mth holiday, last tie i was up there was in '98 so i guess things have changed a big by now???

#38 TempesT


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:19 PM

easy to learnt dj!

so its the area directly outside the shed where the torana shell lived?

do you want it to sit a couple inches higher than the existing grass ect ect?

Even better than the 50/50 dish washing liquid is a similar mix of pva glue and water.

im going to do a pic dump in the home reno thread. There are heaps of pics of the waterproofing I did in the bathroom. Same shit I would use for any waterproofing under tiles in wet areas.(just realised te pics are on my external HD at work :(, ill get em up tomorrow)

Edited by TempesT, 14 August 2012 - 08:33 PM.

#39 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:32 PM

Cheers Lee.

Blue metal instead of gravel? When they la yed the shed slab they used gravel and its set really hard, blue metal we have used elsewhere is still really loose? Wasnt the really fine stuff though. Now im confused as to what to get.

Hiring the compactor sounds like an idea, might investimagate that.

Wont need to stack the pavers anywhere, as they will be coming out of the entertaining area and straight around the corner, i'll have a dirt floor entertaining area untill i get a slab poured but i can live with that.

Not sure what rent is like here, i havnt rented in years, but i think it varies between about $230pw for a shithole up to $450pw for a reasonable place and up from there if you want really flash lol.

Probably average about $350pw?? Ludicrous IMO, but probably not that bad i suppose.

Jim, directly behind the little side shed which is directly behind where the Torana shell lived.

I was planning on just putting dirt beside the paved area and letting grass grow up to it?

That whohle area wont be paved, im only putting 1.52m wide sheds in there, its about 3mt wide. I was going to pave the whole area up to the pa door in the shed, then just where the sheds will sit after that, if that makes sence....

Something like this.

Posted Image

Sorry about the incredably dodgy drawn on picks, I only have Paint on this computer and my other computer with photoshop on it shat itself, i suck with paint.


You can kinda see the current lay of the ground in that pick, the area im going to pave is a low area, but will be built up to about the same height. Water doesnt run down there.

#40 _nial8r_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:37 PM

I have the Pavers Jim.

Adam, i just mean like i did across the fence line. The only cement i know how to mix is Moroso engine grout. Wouldnt know where to start with the other stuff, but i suppose i could learn.


DJ with the pavers once you have your floor section down and if you have left over pavers turn the vertical so you can concrete 90% of them in the ground and they will hold the floor section in place for yrs. and frOck the plastic off, once you have the sand down trown a couple of bags of cement down on top of the sand, lay your pavers, broom in your sand or sand and cement dust mixed 60/40 then a light spray with the hose and they will set and the cement underneth with sock up any moisture, bond with the sand and stop and weeds,moisture etc,

#41 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:44 PM

Thats a good idea.


#42 _nial8r_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:45 PM

ill post some pic's up from when i did my shed and enertaining area useing the blue metal dust, after it was wet & compacted i could drive my car on it and cheap too

#43 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:52 PM

What happens when it dry's out?

#44 TempesT


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:54 PM

as for your level. just fall it toward the boundary.

that patch of grass is small enough to be top filled and re grassed as described. Wet and compact the sand around the rubble you have laid well to try and avoid any gaps and subsidence. as said above you can do a little trench and cement as described. that will also hide a first time attempt at concreting.

2 questions: 1. what are you going to replace them with in your outside area?

2. where am I going to piss when I wander around the side and need to take a leak

Ohhh and welcome to the brother hood...... "Slaves Of Bunnings"

Edited by TempesT, 14 August 2012 - 08:56 PM.

#45 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:04 PM

As i said earlyer Jim, im going to put down a slab and tile the pergola/pattio area. Or paint it, not sure yet.

Because im so anal about color contrast i was thinking of blowing down a coat of white, then getting some 6mm fineline tape and running the lines out, then blowing down a couple of coats of black to make it look like black tiles....Probably wont last as long as tiles though, specially if i use the product i had in mind haha. Barmastic....

You can either pee down the other side of the shed, or in the toilet. Or there will still be grass down that side. I take it you have figured the area out now hehe.


Edited by Bomber Watson, 14 August 2012 - 09:07 PM.

#46 _Quagmire_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:07 PM

as for your level. just fall it toward the boundary.

that patch of grass is small enough to be top filled and re grassed as described. Wet and compact the sand around the rubble you have laid well to try and avoid any gaps and subsidence. as said above you can do a little trench and cement as described. that will also hide a first time attempt at concreting.

2 questions: 1. what are you going to replace them with in your outside area?

2. where am I going to piss when I wander around the side and need to take a leak

Ohhh and welcome to the brother hood...... "Slaves Of Bunnings"

slaves of bunnings ...gold :)

#47 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:08 PM

So is bunnings the hot spot to buy all this shit?

#48 _Skapinad_

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:10 PM

And the beauty is the are all laid out the same, so doesnt matter which one ya go to! Only reason i havent bothered with masters yet!

#49 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:12 PM


#50 TempesT


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:18 PM

youll find the occasional bits and bobs cheaper else where but the majority of the shit you will need it at bunnies

When you know what you want you can ring and haggle. But come late in the arvo or night bunnies are always open.

there have been many a Thursday night at the hour approached 9pm that I a loyal subject to the "slaves of bunnings" have paced the isle's forever searching in the background the loop of "Na nananaaaa bunning wearhouse, lowest prices are just the beginning"

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