I get a mental image of a fluro green/yellow painted rotweiler/doberman when i read that comment Quag, just the way you worded it......
Anyway, not a lot done today, i woke up with a surprise hangover, which was annoying since i only had a six pack Friday night while watching a couple of movies, havnt been drinking much and im a shitload out of condition it seems!!
Some picks of the existing fence, you guys recon its either "unfit" or "dilapidated"??

With operation down the side of the house being at a standstill, i've turned my attention to other areas, finishing off little jobs and starting new ones.
Began by digging the boat out, as its going to be living outside of the shed from now on, or more so when my boat cover i got off ebay shows up.

Did a couple of little jobs to it, wont put them in this thread, might update the boat thread for that one.
Was going to keep tidying up and try to make some room in the shed so the bigg cleanup can continue, but didnt get that far haha.
Only other thing i did was start pulling down a bit of fence, i pulled down one of the fences beside the old bitties place, the chicken wire and star picket one, only as far as her boundary, and assessed the rosewood/chicken wire fence, it looks like it will come down easily enough, actually half fell down while i was pulling the star picket one out.
Will discuss the matter with her before i start pulling that one down though.
I also pulled out the old gal/chanlink fences that were at the front of my house, and pulled down an old shadesale frame type thing that had been there for a hundred years and was #@$^%&. This is where i intend to park the boat from now on so it all needed to come down first, save moving it again

I used the car trailer to pull the fence posts out, as i have a 12000lb electric winch on it

And the other side

Big hole...

Nearly ready for a dump run

Pulling the posts out went relatively smoothly, did learn that i cant be lazy and just pull from an angle off the trailer instead of moving it, as the rope flicks up and takes out one of the tail lights on the trailer

Oh well haha.