Hi Guys, Sorry for the delays. It took me a while to find my thread again. LOL
OK So.
The two easiest ways I can see to EFI are.1. EFI Throttle style body off a older Camira.
2. Cut down a VK EFI manifold.
5 Speed. - The 5 Speed from a VK Commodore Bolts up nice.
For LH - UC Torana use a LJ Tail shaft.
For VB - VK Commodore use the front tail shaft section from a 6cyl Auto from the same era.
The gear box did come out in some later VH 4cyl Starfire Commodores but it had a different Box tail section that was shorter then the 6cyl version.
Pointless distributor.- I have to do some more research on this. You can swap the top section with the guts from another 4 cyl motor of the same era as most distributors were manufactured by the same few companies (Outsourced by GMH).
I have a wrecked VC Commodore here that has had the 5Speed & pointless distributor mods done by another very brilliant chap years ago (Dave) but he has forgotten what distributor he raided at the time.
Turbo.- I have seen a factory fitted turbo on a VB Commodore on another forum and have put the picture up on the FB page.
I have also been told but haven't confirmed yet that the easiest way to drop the compression is to bore the Starfire out and fit 202 pistons. ???
MegaSquirt.- Is a DIY Kit car computer for EFI. Fully open source and can be adapted to use sensors etc off any cars which
makes for a cheap way to add EFI.
VK Starfire. & GMH Pointless DIstributor.- VK Starfire Only came out in NZ.
- Pointless Dizzy supposedly in the VH & VK but no one has ever seen this that I can find to date.
Anyhow a lot of fun can be had with these things. Starfires are very hardy and a cheap way to get into a bit of DIY given they are a 4cyl.
Edited by vk4akp, 16 August 2012 - 03:36 PM.