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Owner of Canberra XU1 308 from 1974

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#76 xu2308


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 10:21 AM

I know Bill and he has not lived in Canberra for many years.
He still owns the xu1 that he purchased new in 72.

Can you PM me Bill's Phone Number, as I hope Bill can help me with some info on my Pink LJ GTR Torana, as he was into LJTorana's in the 1974 time frame

#77 xu2308


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 01:30 PM

Leighton Holdings got Bill Graham to pick up a Person from the Canberra Airport and they made available a Ford Falcon GTHO and Bill Graham was at the controls to get the person to a very important meeting in time, Bill there Wheel Man at Leighton Holdings in Canberra.

Edited by xu2308, 23 October 2014 - 01:35 PM.

#78 xu2308


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 01:55 PM

June 1971 that Bill drove the Leighton Holdings arranged GTHO Ford Falcon at Canberra Airport pick up

#79 xu2308


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 03:26 PM

Do any ACT/Canberra forum members know of the guy in the attached article from Australian Hot Rodding Review 1974, Bill Graham of Fisher. I would like to get in contact with him if he is still around. Any help appreciated.

Cheers Pete.




I Spotto on Bill's Engine that he has the same set up on the Carby to Firewall (Accelerator Bracket type thingy) that GMH used on there V8 LJ Prototypes, Does any one know Bill Graham and has his Contact Details as I would like to chat to him about his Cars etc etc.


#80 xu2308


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 12:56 PM

Bill is harder to find than Jason Bourne :banghead:

#81 v8xu1pete


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 12:14 PM

Bill is harder to find than Jason Bourne :banghead:

 You're not wrong !!!!

#82 Tyre biter

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 08:13 PM

Unfortunately the author of that article, Geoff Paradise passed away only a few days ago in a traffic crash as so speaking to him re: Bill Graham is no longer an option: http://www.motoring....-paradise-49305


Al, I anticipate you have left n stone unturned but just-in-case; have you tried the Kangaroo Valley Voice - a Bill Graham of Canberra is mentioned in their Feb 2005 issue http://www.lazyfish....e/feb05.pdfAl,


Or the Canberra Ornithologists Group: http://canberrabirds...cember-meeting/


Did you have any success with Leighton re: previously cited reference to Bill Graham in a company newsletter (1971): http://www.leighton....s_June_1971.pdf


Cheers, TB

#83 xu2308


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Posted 23 February 2015 - 10:20 PM

I spoke to Geoff a few month's back about the story he did on the car, but Geoff Said it been so long a go he can't recall it. Was sad to hear of his passing. The Bird calling mob, there was a email for Bill but he must of shut it down, Leighton Holdings articles here and there on him. Will suss your links out, thanks. AL

#84 xu2308


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Posted 23 February 2015 - 11:00 PM

TB have sent a email to the Bird Mob Secretary, so let's hope it's the right Bill and they still know him, there was a Head Traffic Cop in Canberra named Bill Graham as well, but don't think he is the Bill Graham that owned the V8 LJ Torana. We see what we see when we hear from the Bird Guy. AL

#85 _73 XU.2_

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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:45 PM

Hi Guys,
You are very right about the Red XU.200 from Vic.
I bought the car in the 70s and fitted the V8 after distroying the 6 . It's still one of my favourites to drive.
The original mirrors were replaced (as they folded in over 160ks ) to XB mirrors then replaced with XY GT mirrors some years later. The centre roof ariel has now gone.
The car has been to Tassie several times but not for awhile now. A group of us hire the race tracks for a couple of days.
I believe there is a clip of it on youtube in it's current state. ( But with sponsers names on it ). Possibly under "XU1 V8 Burnout" or something like that.

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Posted 24 February 2015 - 05:33 PM

??? this one ?

#87 xu2308


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 10:10 PM

Hi Guys,
You are very right about the Red XU.200 from Vic.
I bought the car in the 70s and fitted the V8 after distroying the 6 . It's still one of my favourites to drive.
The original mirrors were replaced (as they folded in over 160ks ) to XB mirrors then replaced with XY GT mirrors some years later. The centre roof ariel has now gone.
The car has been to Tassie several times but not for awhile now. A group of us hire the race tracks for a couple of days.
I believe there is a clip of it on youtube in it's current state. ( But with sponsers names on it ). Possibly under "XU1 V8 Burnout" or something like that.

Yeah I Spotto your Car at my Town's Local BP Garage getting Juice in Tassy, cool it's the Car from Vic and the one in the Magazine. The BP Garage burnt down about 4 years and a bit ago.

Edited by xu2308, 24 February 2015 - 10:20 PM.

#88 xu2308


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 10:13 PM

Ok got a Email back from Bill Graham from the Bird Mob and it's not the Bill Graham that owned the Torana V8 LJ, so have to keep looking for Jason I mean Bill Graham

Edited by xu2308, 24 February 2015 - 10:14 PM.

#89 Tyre biter

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Posted 25 February 2015 - 08:20 PM

TB have sent a email to the Bird Mob Secretary, so let's hope it's the right Bill and they still know him, there was a Head Traffic Cop in Canberra named Bill Graham as well, but don't think he is the Bill Graham that owned the V8 LJ Torana. We see what we see when we hear from the Bird Guy. AL



Ok got a Email back from Bill Graham from the Bird Mob and it's not the Bill Graham that owned the Torana V8 LJ, so have to keep looking for Jason I mean Bill Graham

Sorry to hear Al,


Yes there was a bloke named (Supt.) Bill Graham in charge of Traffic Operations in Canberra for a short period - early naughties from memory.

He was from AFP Melbourne and returned there after a few years in ACT Policing - l reckon he is retired nowadays.

I am confident he is not your man given we are talking circa early 1970s but can check for you if you like?


I had a scan through the on-line electoral role from the day but didn't turn anything definitive up.

I see there are five of them in the ACT for 1973, just not sure how much detail you get given you have to subsribe: http://search.ancest...gAAEtwFtDOg-61-

Maybe a trip to your local electoral office will allow you to look for free: http://www.aec.gov.a...Electoral_Roll/


I assume ratcatcher's lead came to nothing?


Have you tried Leighton's HR Dept. to see what information they hold on a (most likely) retired Bill Graham: http://www.leightonc....au/contact-us/

They may not give it to you, but you could ask them to get in touch on your behalf to pass a message?


Cheers, TB

#90 xu2308


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 08:27 PM

Thanks mate I will try Leightons to see if they can do that, Yes Ratcatcher says he knows him, I asked him could he help, but no help so far from him at all.

#91 xu2308


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Posted 10 April 2015 - 04:59 PM

Bill Graham the Head Traffic Cop that was in Canberra may be the Bill Graham that had some V8 LJ's as NSW Police has some V8 LJ Pursuit Cars, so did Canberra Police have some, my Guess GMH must of built these Pursuit LJ Torana V8's ?????????.

#92 Tyre biter

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Posted 10 April 2015 - 09:08 PM

No Al,

The Bill Graham who was the boss of Traffic Operations in the ACT was from Melbourne - he came up to Canberra for a few years, he ran a couple of portfolios here and then returned to Melbourne before (I believe) retiring.  We are talking early to mid 2000's here - not way back in the day and I am 99 per cent certain he is not the Bill Graham you are chasing. 


How did you go with Leighton's?


And sorry but no, ACT Police never ran Toranas: Daimler Darts, Mini Cooper S and XA/XB  Falcons but never Toranas.

This website may be of help if you want to chase old police cars: http://historical-po...u/About-Us.html


Cheers, TB

#93 xu2308


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Posted 10 April 2015 - 09:21 PM

Leighton Head Office were no help at all but thanks for your Help.

It must be the Bill Graham from Leighton's then, seems NSW only had the V8 LJ Pursuit Cars, thanks for Help TB




#94 xu2308


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Posted 11 April 2015 - 03:05 AM

Sorry to be the Bearer of bad news TB, but ACT RTA did have some GTR Torana's and Clubman GT's and XY Falcon's with GTHO running gear in them.



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#95 xu2308


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Posted 11 April 2015 - 03:11 AM

GTR Torana



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#96 Tyre biter

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 10:50 AM

That is interesting - The article is cropped - do you have the entire article Al?

I ask because I am keen to learn who in fact is being quoted.

I think the reference to the GTRs and Clubmans is separate to the reference about the ACT Police Falcons, and likely derived from an interview with NSWPF member or some-such.

Toranas were never a pursuit car in the ACT and I do not believe they were used in ay other capacity either.

I have been told a LH/LX SLR 5000 was tested once but rejected in favour of the Falcons, and I think this was even reported in a 1980 Sports Car News article on the ACT Police XB Falcon pursuit car which is presently being readied for use once more.

Cheers, TB

#97 xu2308


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Posted 11 April 2015 - 06:48 PM

It's cropped cause it's to big, I read it as they had GTR's ??? NSW had GTR Police cars and V8 LJ's Pursuit Cars, I find that interesting in as we know the Pink Prototype did Marketing Rides and As it had the Hotted up 308 V8, I am thinking To Show the Select Police a Pursuit Car and maybe for Select Dealers to Build some Dealer Built V8 LJ's and for the up coming L34 to Dealers that were involved in Racing. Go to the Canberra Times Archives (Trove) with the Saturday Date that's on there where I posted it 22 July 1972 etc.

Edited by xu2308, 11 April 2015 - 06:53 PM.

#98 _Rabbitoh_

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Posted 11 December 2016 - 09:58 PM

If it was my brothers car, it was a genuine XU1. In the photo's above shows the original Canberra plates (could be traced), it was also registered in Adelaide as that is our home town, he was based in Canberra at 5 squadron hence the ACT plates. He sold the car in 73/74 someone might know from the plates who got it next. But as you can see in the pics it had a sun roof.
Also it was original Zodiac Blue, should not the compliance plate tell that?

I am almost certain this is the car I purchased in Canberra in March of 1982. I am Chris from the 1985 Street Machine Magazine article. The guy I bought it from told me a previous owner (who first fitted the 308) was in the RAAF. He might have mentioned Wagga Wagga?
Anyway, I eventually traded the car in for $7000 on a new BMW 320i in 1995 here in Melbourne.
Would love to know what it's story has been from then until now and where it has ended up.

#99 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 14 December 2016 - 04:59 PM

A member of my car club ex highway patrol blue Mountains , then Sydney in the Torana era , he was the one that smashed his LC on the Sydney Harbour Bridge chasing a GT Falcon , when I questioned him about this he said they had no V8 LJ pursuit Toranas  .

#100 S pack

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 07:07 AM

A member of my car club ex highway patrol blue Mountains, then Sydney in the Torana era, when I questioned him about this he said they had no V8 LJ pursuit Toranas  .

Agree. If they had V8 GTR's why would the NSW cops be wanting XU1's and eventually received 50 of the 1973 (150 engine listed) variety.

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