I am still getting many emails asking about power steering and power steering kits, most of the answers can be found in the power steering thread, but due to so many pages to look through trying to find the answer I thought maybe it's time to start a new slimline version.
My situation is this, yes I am still doing the power steering kits due to so many Torana owners asking me to help them out.
I thought most of the interest had passed due to the slow down in orders and inquiries a while ago, but when I posted that I may stop doing them for a while.( due to Job changes, selling Axis Truck Repairs and moving house), I have been bombarded with inquiries & people asking for information. It seems that many owners have their Toranas in the build or near compleation and were going to get a kit off me at a later date, but I didn't know that at the time.
As I have said before these kits take a hell of a lot of hours to complete and are very labour intensive. To date I have built around fifty kits and I will need to do around twenty kits a year to make it worth while. I am now doing them from home and this has enabled me to concentrate a bit more on making more jigs to reduce the time involved in doing them. I also have an engineering shop laser cut some of the parts which saves me around three hours per kit, but I feel this is needed to enable me to concerntrate on puting the kits togeather.
Firstly I would like to thank everyone that has helped and supported me along the way. I know it took a while to get the whole power steering thing up and running so the least I can do it keep making them so we can all drive around tight corners one handed.
Some of the most common Questions asked are.
1) Do I supply the power steering pump & brackets.
Ans: No due to so many engine and belt drive systems fitted to these cars I found it to be to much of a head bang, If it was only four or five versions I would carry them. If you need a pump I can supply a new unit but I need to know what brackets you are using ect. My advice is with a V8 holden just get a VL pump setup and mount it on the front of the left head.
2) Cost.
Ans: I still invoice them through my company name Axis Truck Repairs P.L. Due to the sale of the business I have kept the name but my accountant has deregisted us for G.S.T. So invoices from now on will not have G.S.T added.
The kit will have a total price of $2,800. plus freight.
3) What is included in the kit.
Ans: The moded & reco rack assembly with new tie rods & ends is supplied mounted in the bracket which mounts to the Torana LH.LX.UC K-frame without any mods. The new tie rods come attached and are set to centre so you should be able to drop it straight in. The steering column adaptor included allows for a direct fit to the original Holden rag joint coupling, and two hydraulic fitting so the installer only needs to fit the supply & return hose connection from the pump.
4) Which rack do I get, and what tie rods do I get.
Ans: Everyone now asks me for the variable ratio rack so thats all I now supply. If in the future you need new tie rod ends, they are off the shelf at Repco. If you need the part number just email me with your rack kit number and I will give it to you or I can supply the rod ends for you. I have loged every rack built with all the specks writen down.
5) What steering arms do I use for the new tie rod ends.
Ans: I ask for the owner to send me their arms to me which I check & ream free of charge with the kit. The new tie rod ends have the same automotive tapper, but I like to set the tie rods a little deeper in the steering arm and cleen up the tapper to make sure its all good. If you are running LH front end setup use LH arms, LX use LX arms ect. You can use UC arms on LH & LX. If you are running HQ/A9X stubs you need to run A9X or Harrop arms.
P.S I do not need to ream new Harrop arms.
6) Will the kit fit with my big brakes,
Ans) Yes the kit will fit with after market big brake setups, but check to make sure you dont have any interferance problems with the standard Torana manual rack, if you dont have any issues with the torana rack you shouldn't have any dramas with the power steering setup.
7) Will the kit fit with an early Chev, Gen3 or V6
Ans: The kit has been fitted with Holden V8 & 6cyl inline. I have not supplied a kit for a Holden V6 yet but I would think sump mods would be needed. Chevy engines are no problem but Gen 3 engined will need around 15mm removed from the sump to clear the mount bracket on the drivers side. Tim A.K.A (dirtbag) pioneered this sump mod ( thanks Tim ) and can be seen in his brothers UC build thread.
Note: Hydraulic fittings.
Due to the lack of room on the Gen3 conversion I needed to supply more compact fittings, I have gone for banjo fittings and now supply all rack kits with these fittings. They are much more compact but more care must be taken when fitting. The racks are not realy designed for these fitting, but work well. Just make sure the copper washers are seated correctly and tight. Over tightening will streatch the banjo bolt and could leak down the track. I also recomend rechecking the banjo bolts a few weeks after installation.
I hope this has answered a few questions but feel free to ask as this is why I have started this thread.
Just for the record my hatch has now racked up just over 8,000 km since the conversion and haven't had to put a spanner to it.
Feed back.
After building just short of fifty kits I have only had two phone calls in relation to fitting inquiries. All the kits are assembled using a near new K-frame to make sure there are no clearance issues, if for any reason you do, you might have a slight bend or twist in your K-frame this should be easy to overcome with a bit of common sense.
But I would like a bit of feed back on any problems if any, and what has been you experience. What do you think of the overall driving experience. ? And do you think I could improve in any areas.
Many Thanks Lenny ( axistr )