Dumbest question of the year ? Hehehe
Should I trade all my Torana's in for Frauds?
Posted 06 May 2013 - 10:27 PM
Dumbest question of the year ? Hehehe
Should I trade all my Torana's in for Frauds?
Posted 08 May 2013 - 05:41 AM
Hi Lenny, I'm still interested with a purchase shortly. Can you advise when you will also have a kit ready for me? Ando
Posted 08 May 2013 - 07:44 AM
I am doing a batch at the moment Ando, I hope to have some more ready later this month. The hold up has been getting racks, it looks like I have bought up most of the variable ratio racks stock around Australia. I am trying to introduce a differant model rack but I will have to change some of the jigs to get them to fit. I used a couple of these rack a few years ago and worked well but every one wanted variable ratio racks so I droped them in favour for the variable ratio model and didn't make the jigs for them.
Posted 08 May 2013 - 06:40 PM
There's a Subaru wrecker where I work. Do you want to get in touch with them or I can ask for you if you want? Just need to know steering rack specifics.
Posted 11 May 2013 - 09:01 AM
Hi Ando, Got in touch with the wreckers yesterday and all were the wrong size. (bugger).
Many Thanks
Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:42 PM
G'day pac5000,
Yes I am still doing the power steering kits, I am doing some more kits for stock and hope to have some ready soon.
Best to hunt down a power steering pump & mounting brackets and pully off a VL V8 commodore as they bolt up to the front of the left hand side head so you can retain your alternator setup on the right.
Pac Man
Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:21 PM
PM sent Pac man,
Ando I hope to have more kits ready in around two weeks,
Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:59 AM
G'day all, I now have some more power steering rack kits in stock. The current batch are standard ratio units so I can supply then at $2,750.00 plus freight.
I will have some more variable ratio units coming through soon. The variable ratio racks are getting a bit harder to get. When I buy second hand racks I carn't reco every one due to some having corosion pitting on the rack shafts, so I have to scrap them. I can send out these rack shafts for rechrome but it gets very expensive around $275.00 extra each. Due to the fact that it is getting harder to find these racks I have decided to rechrome them to put more racks into the system. I have done my best to keep the cost of these rack kits down over the years but from the next batch of variable ratio units they will increase to $2,950.00.
Posted 04 June 2013 - 02:32 PM
now get onto the aircon systems lenny, summer is coming.
Posted 13 July 2013 - 10:26 PM
Hey Lenny.
Got a big problem i'm hoping has already been solved by someone else.
I've just installed new pacemaker headers into the engine bay.
standard 308, high energy sump, VN heads, standard k frame.
I've rebuilt the rag coupling to attach to your rack shaft adaptor. Pics attached.
now my problem is, with the new headers in place, there is no room for the adaptor, let alone the coupling.
I'm changing mounts tomorrow, to some new rare spares mounts ( god help us) but i can only get a small finger between the shaft and the pipes.
Posted 14 July 2013 - 02:20 AM
Hi Mark.
I had this same problem.
Had to get myself some 90 and 45 deg bends for the exhaust shop and mod the pipes around the coupling.
My drivers side extractors have been butchered up over the years modding them for power steering and after market gear box's
Have fun lifting the motor up and down as you modify the pipes.
Posted 14 July 2013 - 02:58 AM
I would replace the urethane disc on your coupler with a rubber one while your at it. Urethane is not realty suitable for a steering coupler, particularly if there is a heat source.
Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:18 AM
The only ways I can see to get around your clearance issues is to either
1. Mod the pipe, or
2. Do the double universal conversion but because of the PS, you would need to see if it is possible to machine the flat on the steering rack shaft to take a Torana uni joint. Or you could try to source or make a custom uni joint with subaru spline 1 end, torana arangement the other.
Someone was going to try to fit the lower half of a HX column to an LX to get the spline at the bottom, not sure how they went but that could free up some options on unijoints as I havn't seen too many aftermarket that take the Torana pin arrangement.
This assumes you even have room for a unijoint in there.
Posted 14 July 2013 - 11:04 AM
Posted 14 July 2013 - 12:21 PM
Someone was going to try to fit the lower half of a HX column to an LX to get the spline at the bottom, not sure how they went but that could free up some options on unijoints as I havn't seen too many aftermarket that take the Torana pin arrangement.
Borgeson make a Holden 9/16 cotter pin joint that can be used to replace the Torana steering uni (Around USD $100). I ordered a custom uni with the Holden 9/16 cotter pin joint one end and a 3/4-36 vibration reducer joint the other end. Then a 3/4-36 to 1-48 (HQ) uni. The uni body is about 42 mm in diameter. The cotter pin sticks out around 5 mm.
The Subaru rack input shaft 15.5mm OD with a 1 mm spline depth and 19 splines. You could ask Borgenson if they can make a Subaru / Holden uni.
lx308 had the same problem with his headers and the Torana rack using HQ engine mount plates. He fitted reproduction Torana engine mount plates and the headers fitted fine. I am not sure if he used a rag coupler or a Torana uni joint.
Edited by ls2lxhatch, 14 July 2013 - 12:24 PM.
Posted 14 July 2013 - 12:28 PM
Posted 14 July 2013 - 04:36 PM
G'day Mark,
For starters I would be double checking the engine mounts first. It looks like the coupling would fowl with the original set up, so you are going to have the same problem with the power rack coupling. I have done two conversions where pace maker headers were fitted and they were rubbing on the headers when the customer dropped off the vehicle, both had dents in them and were still hitting. On the first one I heated and bent one of the primary's, moved the engine around and just managed to get around 1/8 clearance but it looked a bit bodgie with the dent in it. So I sent the extractors out to our local exhaust shop and they modified the offending primary for $60.00 The second one I didn't stuff around and just sent the header out to get sorted otherwise I could have stuffed around for a couple of days modifying the adaptor which the engineer may have balked at. I think this would be the right move if the engine mounts didn't solve the problem and It would also give you the extra clearance needed for the plastic adaptor. As Andy has stated they don't like much heat before they go all soft. I would also prefer to use a heat shield when using this type of flexible couplings.
This is how it come in and behind the coupling it was dented in around 1/2". The previous mechanic also removed the lower steering column bearing so the shaft flopped around to help the binding when it hit the lower coupling plate.
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In this shot you can only see the small dent in the header the big one was up further.
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After shot with correct coupling fitted and new column bearing fitted.
The hoses directly above the rack and to the right are auto cooler hoses that the previous mechanic left unsecured The ones above that are mine, I ended up redoing the auto hoses to keep the heat away from the rack and so they didn't rub on the engine mounts.
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Posted 11 August 2013 - 09:48 AM
Just a quick note for those chasing power steering pumps& brackets for Holden V8, the pump and brackets from a VB,VC,VH & VL commodore will mount to the front of the passengers cylinder head. I have also spoken to Graeme Black from Blacks Racks which only specialise in HQ rack conversions, do have new pumps & brackets for Holden V8s but mount to the drivers side head. If you are running non Torana accessories brackets then their pump & bracket may be an option.http://blacksracks.com.au/price-list
Posted 04 October 2013 - 07:36 AM
I now have in stock standard & variable ratio power steering kits. Also I will have available new power steering brackets & pumps to suit Holden V8 with in the next four weeks. The pump and bracket will bolt up to the front of the left head. Same as VB-VL
Posted 15 October 2013 - 07:39 PM
Posted 16 October 2013 - 06:36 AM
G'day Brian,
We don't supply an engineers certificate with the rack kit because it is not fitted to anything. The engineers report needs to include all the vehicle details and check the installation. The rack has been engineered in every state & territory so as long as there are no issues after fitting you won't have any problems.
With a SBC you have heaps of options, I used a Sagnal type 2 pump on my chev, but any pump that pump around 1,000 P.S.I will do the job. I purchased a bracket kit off Summit racing and converted the accessories drive system to serpentine belt.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 08:21 AM
Posted 16 October 2013 - 11:28 AM
Posted 05 November 2013 - 07:07 PM
Welby here is a photo of my SLR engine (VR commodore Club Sport engine) with standard Holden factory extractors &Torana engine mounts. I have around 11/4" clearance to the rag joint. Hope it helps.
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Posted 05 November 2013 - 08:00 PM
For those chasing power steering pump brackets for Holden V8 engines (power steering conversion), I have finally made some new brackets. They will suit early and late Holden V8 including VN heads. The brackets are the same as VB-VL commodore and bolts to the front of the left cylinder head. It also included the smaller bracket as can be seen in the photo that bolts to the rear of the power steering pump and head to reduce vibration & flex to ensure the drive belts stay true under high rotation speeds. HQs didn't use them and that was a problem for them in the early days.
The power steering bracket will allow you to retain your standard alternator brackets and position on the drivers side, however late model Holden V8 E.F.I engines with the standard banana style inlet manifolds will not be suitable as it will interfere with the throttle body.
I can also supply brand new genuine Sagnal power steering pumps. There is a Chinese knock of copy which is cheaper by around $65.00 which I can also supply on request, or I can reco your pump if you have a spare one floating around. I personally would go the new Genuine Sagnal pump but if your on a budget the choice is yours.
Many Holden V8s from factory come with twin V crank drive pulleys, late models come with a different spacing. If you email me the measurement from the centre of the drive pulley on the crankshaft to the front of the left hand cylinder accessories mounting holes face I will supply the pump with the correct pump pulley. Due to so many owners changing pulleys over the years it would be better to check and give me the measurement so I can supply the correct one. Some fitters just fit spacers between the pump instead for the early style but I would prefer the use the correct offset pulley.
I can supply the brackets for $85.00 plus freight.
Hope I have covered most questions and helps everybody with Holden engines, if you require any further information please post your comments.
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