The Floozies making a come back (Chantoozies) amazing

Posted 07 September 2013 - 12:40 PM
_big jack_
Posted 08 September 2013 - 11:40 AM
Also for those who'll be going to TORANARAMA this might be of interest to the motorcycle enthusiasts.
Posted 25 March 2014 - 03:57 PM
Bloody withdrawal symptons
Come on Toranafest 2015
Posted 25 March 2014 - 06:16 PM
*drives to Tazzy but Qld is too far*
If only there was a freeway between here & there.
Posted 26 March 2014 - 11:05 AM
Does anyone know if there has been much interest for Toranarama this year?
I doubt Toranafest will be back in 2015 :-( I so hope I am wrong though...
Edited by Redslur, 26 March 2014 - 11:06 AM.
Posted 27 March 2014 - 10:34 PM
*drives to Tazzy but Qld is too far*
If only there was a freeway between here & there.
G'day Col
Tazzy was a 2 week holiday for me and the MISSUS as Toranafest is only for ME.
The longest drive was from Cootamundra to Melbourne which is about what I would travel to Toranafest.
Then after getting on the Apple Isle we used motels as bases and went out on reasonably short trips from there.
That way my body was able to cope.
Driving to Q'land for a 2 day event of which my missus would be bored out of her brain is not on, she will not go to Toranafest for that reason AND I have tried hard to get her and her Hatch to Newy.
She even said I could take her Hatch there but that is not on for me. I either go driving my SS or she drives her Hatch.
AND yes, I certainly hope the Fest is on again next year and I will be trying once again to get her up there but don't hold your breath waiting.
Posted 27 March 2014 - 11:34 PM
G'day Col
Tazzy was a 2 week holiday for me and the MISSUS as Toranafest is only for ME.
The longest drive was from Cootamundra to Melbourne which is about what I would travel to Toranafest.
Then after getting on the Apple Isle we used motels as bases and went out on reasonably short trips from there.
That way my body was able to cope.
Driving to Q'land for a 2 day event of which my missus would be bored out of her brain is not on, she will not go to Toranafest for that reason AND I have tried hard to get her and her Hatch to Newy.
She even said I could take her Hatch there but that is not on for me. I either go driving my SS or she drives her Hatch.
AND yes, I certainly hope the Fest is on again next year and I will be trying once again to get her up there but don't hold your breath waiting.
How about ...... you book your mrs on a cheap flight up here. She & my mrs can go island hopping for a few days, you & i can do the 1000k shuffle.
Then we fly them both back to Bris & make them drive the way home?
Posted 28 March 2014 - 10:20 AM
$$$$$$$$$$$$'s mate and plus the fact we ARE going to Darwin to see our 4 grand-kids that we haven't seen for the past 18 months.
Family first but your idea was a good idea and unfortunately not possible for our budget
Posted 20 August 2014 - 08:49 PM
whose driving down to marburg from north queensland would love to drive down in leaving thursday mornin 11th from mackay any takers.........
Posted 05 October 2014 - 10:23 AM
Don't know if its been mentioned already but it sounds like your trying to organise a national event at a state level.
Wouldn't it be wiser to create a national body incorporating representatives from state clubs but with an independent President to plan/fund a national, mobile event independent of Toranarama or Toranafest?
Ulysses seem to have it sorted.
Don't know if this is the case already but just my 2c.
Posted 05 October 2014 - 10:41 AM
Not sure what you mean, mate.
Toranafest, despite how big it's grown over it's 20 years, is a car show hosted by the HVTC in the Hunter Valley.
The QTCC took advantage of no Toranafest this year and hosted Toranarama (and well done to them, it was a great weekend).
Posted 05 October 2014 - 02:36 PM
Yeah mate I am aware of the 2 different shows and who hosts them.
As has been mentioned in this thread a few times people are suggesting a national show which changes venues, and it works, look at Ulysses.
But expecting a state organisation to organise and run it is unfair and a conflict of interest.
Seems there is a movement on here not wanting to damage the reputation of Toranafest by moving it which HVTC have worked hard to build, which is understandable.
I am looking forward to Toranafest next year thats for sure, Toranarama not so much, the locale is not so good.
Posted 05 October 2014 - 02:49 PM
Posted 05 October 2014 - 05:01 PM
mabe all clubs need to get together and run toranafest at a diffrent state each year,,, this would make it cheaper on some owners pockets but at the same time it would get more people from each state involved in toranas.
just putting it out there.
cheers gong
Well coming from an SA person, I am quite happy with the possible change in state. It makes it much easier for me to attend, and I won't have to take too much time off work to go
I'm right up for holding it in Canberra and also the idea of sharing it around the states in the future.
Posted 05 October 2014 - 05:04 PM
I know they are old posts and that Toranarama has been run at Marburg but the idea of running the same event in a different state each year was floated.
But yeh anyway I am not phased it was just a thought.....
Posted 05 October 2014 - 05:31 PM
As I said, other people have suggested it, but AFAIK the HVTC haven't considered it.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 11:57 PM
Let's just see Dave
Posted 05 September 2020 - 08:02 PM
Toranafest 2021
If my body is able I should be able to go again and it looks like I will be doing the trip this time without my long time Toranafest mate so a long and boring trip is assured but then again, driving my SS at anytime is just pure heaven
For my 2-bobs worth, I would like to see it be held in Raymond Terrace and that once again, Motto Farm Motel becomes "Torana CentraL"
For the time that Toranafest was held in Newcastle, Motto Farm Motel of about 80 rooms had the atmosphere that is hard to describe but if you didn't stay there then imagine lumpy cam 6'ers and throbbing V8's coming and going and the groups of Toranafestites sitting around having an ale or 2 AND maybe stretching the truth on some of their stories being told
There are areas around Raymond Terrace that can hold a large number of cars for a show 'n shine and as we have found out before, the back roads are great for touring Toranas on their Saturday arvo "cruise"
If the numbers are too many for the organisers then put a limit on how many can come, say 300 cars and it being a first in best dressed situation
Same goes for the Sunday night Gala Dinner
As for that Saturday arvo cruise, I'd like to see a re-visit to the Heddon Greta Drive-in for some photo shoots with cars having their lights on or off and everyone in their cars and another shot with everyone standing alongside their cars
What a great shot that would make
As said, just my 2-bobs worth
RegardSS ............ Barry
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