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Qld anti hoon laws to be reviewed

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#1 S pack

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Posted 03 November 2012 - 11:54 PM

Saw this piece in the Courier Mail today. Wondered how long it would be before the dropkicks took some notice of the SA court ruling about their anti hooning laws.

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#2 _LH8VD69_

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 04:41 AM

The problem with the so called 'hoon laws' is that they are open for interpretation of a cop. Not saying all cops are arses at all, what I'm saying is if a person ( the officer) has had a bad day or for whatever reason decides that you are being a 'hoon' then your life can change in an instant. Guess what we all make mistakes and I will bet there isn't a guy on here including any police that aren't guilty of spinning his wheels at some stage. There are many 'laws' that are unconstitutional , this is just one.

#3 _L32M20_

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:23 PM

have a look at the one i found in the albert and logan news,this week. it states that cars driving around slowly (cruising) is also on the list of what is considerd hooning.. its posted in the random pic thread for some reason??? queensland ....the smart state..??

#4 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:27 PM

Something i threw up on facebook earlyer, discussing what that means.

Heres a few I thought up, along with the help of Daniel Rowe and Christopher James Bourne. Car cruises. Obviously. Charity cruises. Parades. Funeral processions, wedding cars traveling together, driving around a shopping center car park looking for a parking spot with someone either infront of you or behind you. Two cop cars traveling together to get to an accident scene. Peak hour traffic in any area. Julia Gillards motorcade, if she were in QLD (lucky she's in the ACT where its still legal), military trucks and vehicles moving around town, what else can we think of?[/font]

Edited by Bomber Watson, 04 November 2012 - 07:27 PM.

#5 Shtstr


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:35 PM

it seams to be if you drive your car that you have invested in heaverly we will take it and crush it to get old cars off the road

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#6 _torbirdie_

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:11 PM

Guess what we all make mistakes and I will bet there isn't a guy on here including any police that aren't guilty of spinning his wheels at some stage. There are many 'laws' that are unconstitutional , this is just one.

most likely most have at some stage, but so what? How many people here would be stupid enough to continue that sort of behaviour if the penalty was getting their car crushed, not many Im thinking, or you reckon there are some here that are that stupid?

#7 _The Baron_

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 09:43 PM

Cruising = Hooning WT# are they on. Seriously is that a threat to public safety?

Look out Hot roders, you are screwed too because as I understand it, that's just what you guys like to do!

It's also the end of club runs (cruises) too.

#8 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 09:52 PM

And funeral processions, wedding cars driving around on photoshoots, emergency vehicles traveling together, driving around a shoppin center car park with someone infront or behind of you looking for a parking spot, military convoys, Julia Gillards motorcade, if she was in QlD, luckily for her she's in ACT where its still legal, parades, following someone to a destination your unfamiliar with, etc etc.

#9 _Shanes77LxHatch_

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 09:56 PM

Related Publication:

The problem with the so called 'hoon laws' is that they are open for interpretation of a cop.


had one mate get done for neg driving because his back left wheel went up the roundabout (was one of those small roundabouts), and also another mate for his tyres 'chirping' when going around a roundabout.

Edited by Shanes77LxHatch, 04 November 2012 - 10:02 PM.

#10 _torbirdie_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 02:50 AM

had one mate get done for neg driving because his back left wheel went up the roundabout (was one of those small roundabouts

Very unfair, If he was driving a 55 seater bus, but guessing that was not the case

, and also another mate for his tyres 'chirping' when going around a roundabout.

Hopefully your two mates have got the message loud and clear that roundabouts are'nt there to improve their chicane skills and should both be entered and exited at slow speeds

#11 _Big T_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 08:47 AM

Good to see this topic opened back up for discussion. Can we keep it open and perhaps use the shoutbox for the finger pointing and personal shots?

These proposed laws have a huge implication for QLD motorists and members of this forum, rather than having the thread locked and buried, we should be aiming to keep it open and active if only to educate other users.

The slow cruising rule is of particular interest. I only heard about this on the weekend. Researching now.......

#12 orangeLJ


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Posted 05 November 2012 - 09:24 AM

I dont see it so much as a rule in itself Tony, its more part of their "framework for identifying hoons" kind of thing.

They are using Crusing as an example of the gateway to "hooning" (kind of like the whole using mary-jane leads to heavier drugs; gateway theory)

That will be the justification for cracking down on any form of cruising with modified cars. The whole "prevention is better than a cure" philosophy

#13 Shtstr


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Posted 05 November 2012 - 09:54 AM

Well look at it this way. You can forget about going to any public place and meeting up with your mates also car shows and club cruiz's are out the window.
If this is what it's getting to, all clubs accross QLD need to band together and stand as one and fight these new laws.
I for one will stand with anyone else who is willing to put up a fight against these new laws and say enough is enough. We are car enthuists who restore cars to enjoy cruizing and takeing to car shows and club runs. With these new laws inplace anytime i take my car out to enjoy it, i stand a good chance of having it taken off me under the new laws regardless if i'm doing the right or wrong thing.

#14 _Big T_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 10:35 AM

I dont see it so much as a rule in itself Tony, its more part of their "framework for identifying hoons" kind of thing.

They are using Crusing as an example of the gateway to "hooning" (kind of like the whole using mary-jane leads to heavier drugs; gateway theory)

That will be the justification for cracking down on any form of cruising with modified cars. The whole "prevention is better than a cure" philosophy

Right you are mate, I had a read of the fact sheet the news paper article got its points from and it says "Over recent years the term "hooning" has been used to refer to antisocial driving behaviours as:..... "cruising" - where groups of vehicles slowly drive around an area to exihibit their vehicles".

So the fact sheet doesnt actually state that "cruising" is a hooning offence, only that "hooning" has been used to refer to this act. From what I have read, the fact sheet is presenting research from various studies conducted on hooning more so than stating laws regarding to hooning. Thats just how I read it anyway.

Dave, we discussed at the committee meeting last Wednesday what the QTCC can do to voice our concerns on the hooning matter. The first point was getting committee approval to take this matter further as I dont want to embark on a crusade representing the club without the clubs support. What I am doing now is gathering as much info as I can to help sort the hysteria from the truth so I can present that to the club and advise our members of their rights and obligations. During this process I am getting to know who else in the QLD enthuisiast scene is taking action. The idea is to band together to express our concerns and be heard. First things first though, sorting out the facts...................

#15 Shtstr


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Posted 05 November 2012 - 11:55 AM

Yep no worries mate, i will be there tonight hope u have some info for us all. From what is going around it's a big joke as to what they plan to pin people for.

The powers to be should invest some time and money to give the younger ones somewhere to go to get them off the road to use their cars in any manner they want rather then pin everone who owns a modified car for nothing because they might do something ????
What ever happened to innocent to proven guilty or caught in the act red handed ????

I know of a 100ac property that was bought for just that somewhere to give young drivers somewhere to drag race,drift and test out their cars in a safe and controlled enviroment just out of Beenleigh (half way between Brisbane and the Gold Coast). When it was proposed to council they caned the whole programe and the owners of the land are no longer able to build anything on the land except use it for growing sugar cane.
Insted of taking away place's to give someone to go how about build purpose built place's and open the gate that way and have it in controlled envorement.

As this is what happened at the Gold Coast with operation DRAG and it killed it for everyone.

#16 _Big T_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 03:13 PM

I called carrsq and spoke to a bloke in the research dept. He advised that the reference to "cruising" is not a legal reference but more of a "what hoons might do" type of reference. Cruising is NOT hooning offence. The fact sheet may get amended to clarify any ambiguity. Not that it will stop sensationalist media types frokm taking snippets of information and presenting them in a way that creates hysteria.

EDIT - has anyone got a scan or copy of the full article that the "cruising is hooning" bit came from? I have looked at Quest online website and the digital copy of the newspaper doesnt have the main hoon story, in fact, it seems to missing the entire page the article was on....... page 3 of the latest edition I believe........

Edited by Big T, 05 November 2012 - 03:17 PM.

#17 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 03:52 PM

History beginning to repeat itself. Governments passing laws as they see fit in the name of "public safety" & "law & order", that's how it started in Nazi Germany, everything they did was pefectly legal in their country under the laws they passed & look where that lead to. Not saying that would happen here but still, makes you wonder where it's going to stop with passing laws that discriminate against a minority of the population.

#18 _Big T_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 03:53 PM

Update on the Norwell precint Dave. In the same newspaper as the hooning\cruising reference there is another article stating that the i-METT project is back on the table. The cane growers are upset but it seems to have some high profile backing from others in the cane industry. Albert and Logan News Friday 2 Novemeber, pg 5 "Racing project back on track".

So there might be another place to play :-) Although Paul Stokel has opened up the track to Driver Training days that can include time on the skid pad. Not sure exactly what the format is though.

So along with Norwell we have Lakeside, QLD Raceway, Willowbank, Archerfield and Mt Cotton which gives SE QLD drivers plenty of opportunities to "hoon" legally. I dont think the issue is that we have nowhere to play, well, not in this part of the state anyway.

#19 _torbirdie_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 05:00 PM

History beginning to repeat itself. Governments passing laws as they see fit in the name of "public safety" & "law & order", that's how it started in Nazi Germany, everything they did was pefectly legal in their country under the laws they passed & look where that lead to. Not saying that would happen here but still, makes you wonder where it's going to stop with passing laws that discriminate against a minority of the population.

Goodness, being a bit dramatic aren't you? all your civil rights removed and stripped.......not being able to do burnouts in public areas or piss off the other 99% of the population with your too loud exhaust......they aren't exactly setting up camp hoonswitch.....yet. :stirpot:

I do agree, the cruising reg seems puzzling, no doubt there will be some clarification to come on what that is about exactly. Can't seem em crushing a vintage car cruise.

#20 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 05:30 PM

OK, maybe, but they didn't start off removing civil rights etc as soon as they took power, it started off with small laws outlawing certain political parties etc they deemed a threat & it progressed from there. The point i am trying to make is if the QLD or any other government deem "cruising" to be a gateway to hooning, then it'll only be a matter of time before the deem static car shows like Toranafest a gateway to hooning that will encourage & lead to hooning behaviour. If cars cruising slowly to show off their rides is classed as such, why wouldn't they consider a gathering of 200-300 cars the same? What then? Will they crack down on these gatherings? If draconian laws like these become reality, & it is entirely possible, quite simply anyone with a classic or modified car will not be able to use or enjoy them in any capacity without fear of being labeled "hoons" & therefore come under the scrutiny of the law enforcement & car shows & similar events will become a thing of the past.

#21 S pack

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 05:31 PM

I do agree, the cruising reg seems puzzling, no doubt there will be some clarification to come on what that is about exactly. Can't seem em crushing a vintage car cruise.

Considering the anti hooning legislation was first introduced in November 2002 and there have been plenty of car club runs (of all vehicle types) without reported incidents of targeting by the Police then it's probably safe to assume "Cruising" is a non issue at this point in time.

One thing we should all remember is that this proposed change to the Qld anti hooning legislation appears to only be about toughening up the penalties, not adding to or widening the range of offences you can be done for.

It is of great concern though when our lawmakers propose to bypass our rights to proper judicial process (if we so choose to contest an alleged offence) and give our police ultimate power to be judge and jury.

#22 Shtstr


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Posted 05 November 2012 - 05:44 PM

Heres the news paper

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#23 S pack

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 05:53 PM

Thanks Dave, I just had a look at the online copy and page three is there but the only part of the hoon article I can find is the on the front cover. Looks like they must have dropped the remainder of the story in the online copy.

Also of interest is I cannot find the hoon story in any of the other Quest publications, so looks like the newspaper editor thinks all the hoons live in the Albert & Logan region. LOL.

#24 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 05:55 PM

^^^That's exactly what i'm talking about. Including cruising as hooning behaviour is ridiculous, but that is the way they appear to perceive it so it is entirely possible for them to see large gatherings of modified cars the same, even if they are static. That's when it could lead to over zealous law enforcement to become judge & jury & abuse the powers given to them. People could find themselves on the wrong side of the law for doing nothing more than taking their family for drive to Harry's Cafe de wheels in their classic muscle car & parking it while they sit, eat & admire their & other's cars just because a police officer doesn't like that particular car or has had a bad day. They introduced similar laws to try & curb bikie gangs & for the actions of a few, the majority now suffer, even if they are doing nothing more than enjoying their bikes with like minded enthusiasts.

#25 S pack

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 06:15 PM

I suspect the interpretation of "Cruising" would be a group of cars driving slowly around the block or up and down a set stretch of road, lap after lap to attract the attention of onlookers.

When we stayed in Queenstown, TAS that's exactly what the local lads did, 'cause there's stuff all else to do there but drive your hotted up HR, Torana or Cortina around the block, park, talk to some mates, jump back in the car and do it all again and again and again.

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