Edited by bumpy, 15 November 2012 - 08:46 PM.

Qld anti hoon laws to be reviewed
Posted 15 November 2012 - 08:45 PM
Posted 15 November 2012 - 08:53 PM
your better off banging your head against the wall than trying to reason with cert-en members hereThe thing that (from what I've seen, read, and discussed) car enthusiasts want, is the right to enjoy our lifestyle, in peace, without prejudice, and being labelled a hoon. We all know of the hoon problem, and you do have a point, that car enthusiasts should be applauding, but we're not, because the authorities don't release the facts, and the media have a frenzy, every time someone writes to a newspaper, or current affairs program, about someone spinning their wheels, and the general public, and as i have found lately even some 'so called' car enthusiasts, believe the feed of lies, and dribble given to them. I have read this thread, and post #236, you made reference to car enthusiasts, holding charity events and raising money, and basically said it means nothing to the general public, well, it means something to us. If the public/media and politicians would stop and listen to what we have to say, things may work out for the better. I don't pretend to have all the answers, nor have I stated i ever did, but i believe i have the right to legally modify my car, and I believe i also have the legal right to enjoy driving my car without being judged by anyone.
it's less painful in the long run
Posted 15 November 2012 - 08:59 PM
_LH SLR 3300_
Posted 15 November 2012 - 09:53 PM
I agree that hoons or anyone who uses public roads for their own personal drag strip or burnout pad deserve the punishment they get when & if they are caught. The problem i see is that whether you drive an immaculately restored SL/R 5000 or a rough as guts VS Commodore with chopped springs & a set of 18" chrome wheels & Altezza tail lights, the authorities, Police & for the most part, general public don't differentiate between the two. Therefore under the proposed & current laws, the SL/R is going to come under the same scrutiny as the VS. You have stated that if the SL/R meets all the ADRs etc that the owner has nothing to be worried about, well from my experience, most HWP coppers wouldn't know or care, they only see a car that fits the same genre as the VS dumped on it's guts with chrome rims, so they treat them & their owners as one & the same.I know its a big ask to read the whole thread, but if you are going to start flinging muck around its the least you can do before you post. I have also expressed concern regarding the "cruise" clause and would reserve judgement with more clarification, post 36. (diluted?,,,interesting)
Against minority groups? depends what they are up to, if its playing scrabble in their own living rooms not endangering limb and life or disturbing the peace then I really dont have a problem.
Car enthusiast. As I said before, genuine car/motoring enthusiasts should be applauding anything that rids our roads of idiots and their cars. Lumping all car enthusiasts as those who sail close to the wind in terms of modifications to their cars and are prone to "accidental traction loss and street racing incidents" is insulting.
Posted 15 November 2012 - 11:07 PM

_Big T_
Posted 15 November 2012 - 11:21 PM
Edited by Big T, 15 November 2012 - 11:21 PM.
Posted 15 November 2012 - 11:28 PM
^ Whats the story there? Did the policemans car park on top of a nest of ants having a big bong smoking session? Poor ants...........

Don't think it is running anymore.
Edited by S pack, 15 November 2012 - 11:32 PM.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:27 AM
The cops used to frequent the INSIDE of eastern creek drags, running a few cars (think they had a WRX at one stage too)
That was back when they were keen to work WITH the car community, rather than aganist it as pawns in a political chess match
Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:58 AM
they stopped their drag racing programs when we lost politicians with a clue...
The cops used to frequent the INSIDE of eastern creek drags, running a few cars (think they had a WRX at one stage too)
That was back when they were keen to work WITH the car community, rather than aganist it as pawns in a political chess match
Back in the day....
Be great if they would stop and listen for a change.
_Big T_
Posted 16 November 2012 - 10:16 AM
_Big T_
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:18 AM
Seems silly to me to terminate such programs when there is "hoon epidemic" spreading across the nation but until I have the facts I shall reserve judgement.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:30 AM
the mentality of those complaints regarding "unsafe driving" in TV commercials is the direct result of the hysteria that exists in the general public.
Have a read and find rouself cringing at what people have bothered to complain about.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:36 AM
_Big T_
Posted 16 November 2012 - 12:40 PM
If some people are so concerned about TV ads, how the hell do half the programs manage to get aired?
"No Timmy you cannot watch Sesame Street"
"Why mum?"
"Because Big Bird talks to an imaginary elephant. Obviously Big Bird is tripping on acid and I dont want to encourage drug taking in this household"
"Mum, you're a dick"
Yes, slighly off topic but as Chris said, its a sad reflection of the public mindset..........
Posted 16 November 2012 - 12:47 PM
http://aca.ninemsn.c...u/feedback.aspxTo quote Tracy Grimshaw at the end of an ACA Super Hoon story "If you have an issue with "car enthusiasts" in your area we would like to hear about it". In that story they used the terms "super hoons", "rev heads" and "car enthusiasts" all in the same context.
Okay, everyone needs to send "feedback".....be polite......
You really need to get your story straight.Lumping all car enthusiasts as those who sail close to the wind in terms of modifications to their cars and are prone to "accidental traction loss and street racing incidents" is insulting.
Either you're arguing with people that even "accidental" incidents are hoon behaviour, or agreeing with the sentiments of the other members....
Which is it?
Tony, come on, you've watched it lately with the boy.....Snuffy is real!!*shakes head*
If some people are so concerned about TV ads, how the hell do half the programs manage to get aired?
"No Timmy you cannot watch Sesame Street"
"Why mum?"
"Because Big Bird talks to an imaginary elephant. Obviously Big Bird is tripping on acid and I dont want to encourage drug taking in this household"
"Mum, you're a dick"
Yes, slighly off topic but as Chris said, its a sad reflection of the public mindset..........
Not the "imaginary friend" that Big Bird had when we were kids.....
Posted 16 November 2012 - 12:48 PM
Some of the complaints read as if they were written by one of our very own members.
The "hoon" and kneejerk overreaction has obviously overflown into so many sectors of the community. Obviously not everyone complains about things like this, but the unfortunate thing is, those who complain about "hooning" in tv adverts, are the ones with enough time and a love of their own opinion, that they will lobby, write, harass and report as much as they can to get "change" in their favour. These people are the ones who are right behind govt initiatives like we are all trying to fight.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 01:03 PM
I just think it goes to show how over the top elements of society can be when it comes to anything driving/safety related.
Some of the complaints read as if they were written by one of our very own members.
The "hoon" and kneejerk overreaction has obviously overflown into so many sectors of the community. Obviously not everyone complains about things like this, but the unfortunate thing is, those who complain about "hooning" in tv adverts, are the ones with enough time and a love of their own opinion, that they will lobby, write, harass and report as much as they can to get "change" in their favour. These people are the ones who are right behind govt initiatives like we are all trying to fight.
That's right.
_Big T_
Posted 16 November 2012 - 03:39 PM
Edited by Big T, 16 November 2012 - 03:42 PM.
_Big T_
Posted 16 November 2012 - 03:50 PM
The "hoon" and kneejerk overreaction has obviously overflown into so many sectors of the community. Obviously not everyone complains about things like this, but the unfortunate thing is, those who complain about "hooning" in tv adverts, are the ones with enough time and a love of their own opinion, that they will lobby, write, harass and report as much as they can to get "change" in their favour. These people are the ones who are right behind govt initiatives like we are all trying to fight.
So we fight fire with fire Chris.
Three letters sent today, all with nice little cars on the stamps. One each to Campbell Newman, Jack Dempsey and Member for Capalaba (my local) Steve Davies.
Copy of the letter below (from the grunt files site).
Oh and Grant, I had to confirm with my workmates whether snuffy was real or not before posting hahahaha, they looked at me funny for asking..... wonder why?
I am writing to you to express my disapproval of the Government’s stance on the Hooning issue.
I believe Road Safety is an important issue in this Country and I do not believe that Anti-Hooning Laws are addressing this issue.
Highly publicised Anti-Hoon Legislation has failed to address the real issue of this inappropriate behaviour and served only, with the aid of media sensationalism, to turn the public and police against modified cars.
As genuine car enthusiasts, we as a group, have had enough of the victimisation and harassment we experience when driving classic and modified cars - simply because our vehicles stand-out from non-enthusiast vehicles.
In this Country we have legislation to stop discrimination against minority groups of people, yet the Government has not only brought in poorly defined legislation, it is legislation that is derogatory and causing discrimination.
As you are aware, the word “Hoon” is a derogatory term of unknown slang origin, and peculiar to Australia and New Zealand. This fact alone would indicate that Anti-Hoon legislation is discriminatory and has no place in the Australian democracy.
Building and driving these modified cars is our hobby, our lifestyle and our right as Australian citizens. It is a tradition that has been passed on through many generations, and is part of the Aussie Culture.
Yet we feel that our rights as Australian’s are being taken away from us by a government that is choosing to ignore the real facts about modified cars and the anti-social behaviour that is happening on our roads.
I ask that the Government, as elected representatives of all Australians, repeal all anti hooning legislation; move to stop discrimination against classic and modified cars; and address the real issue of anti social behaviour on our roads in a genuine, realistic and responsible way.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:08 PM
I personally witnessed some years ago Today Tonight reporters encourage a guy to do burnouts for their cameras, which they (of course)
used in a program to flog their nonsense.
The stupid prick who did it was eventually hunted down by the cops and hit with the full force of the law.
Nothing changes for the putrid scum that masquerade as journalists on these shows.
Ive got old VHS stuff here of old programs of theirs pedalling the same dribble.
Dont kid yourself that they treat any other subject differently.
They are insidious scum.
Watching their programs will poison your mind and damage our democracy,as can be seen by the way
politicians react to the general publics reaction to whatever snake oil they decide to peddle on any given day.
We arent the only ones effected by these turds.
Avoid these sensationalist f*cks like the plague,do not watch their shows,and encourage all you know to do the same.
Rant over.
Edited by wot179, 16 November 2012 - 04:10 PM.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:12 PM
Against minority groups? depends what they are up to, if its playing scrabble in their own living rooms not endangering limb and life or disturbing the peace then I really dont have a problem.
Car enthusiast. As I said before, genuine car/motoring enthusiasts should be applauding anything that rids our roads of idiots and their cars. Lumping all car enthusiasts as those who sail close to the wind in terms of modifications to their cars and are prone to "accidental traction loss and street racing incidents" is insulting.
Typical drivel
The issue is about a law that 'can be unfairly applied'
If anyone on here - or anyone else, as has been pointed out - thinks that any law will only be used to meet what a reasonable person would see as the "intention" of the law then they really do have a tenuous grip on reality
Facts are facts
Wowsers are wowsers
Targeting minorities IS a tenet of the law.
Lumping responsible users into a socio-subculture of 'hoons' and imposing massively unreasonable imposts for minor infractions is simply unjust. Look up the word 'draconian' and you will see that it is an aptly used choice of words
The fact that these laws have seen the light of day, in the form that they have been written, is worthy of everyones extreme worry about the real and probable implications
Well........... apparently not everyone
Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:12 PM
You really need to get your story straight.
Either you're arguing with people that even "accidental" incidents are hoon behaviour, or agreeing with the sentiments of the other members....
Which is it?
Story?? Perhaps my comment was too cryptive for some, let me restate it:
We have many here claiming that they are car enthusiasts, but then in the same sentence they bleet on about how they could get they car consficated for spinning the wheels "accidently"! A car enthusiast should have enough skill not to spin the wheels, even taking off up hill on wet tram tracks.
Spinning the wheels doesnt happen by an act of god, it comes from putting the foot down too hard.
Please no responses bleating on about how sensitive the throttle is in with 200+kW under the bonnet, that's your problem not everyone elses. If it cant be driven without accidentally spinning the wheels now and then......dont drive it.......or lose it!
Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:17 PM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:19 PM
so you've never spun the wheels/lost control on a wet/gravelly road ever?Story?? Perhaps my comment was too cryptive for some, let me restate it:
We have many here claiming that they are car enthusiasts, but then in the same sentence they bleet on about how they could get they car consficated for spinning the wheels "accidently"! A car enthusiast should have enough skill not to spin the wheels, even taking off up hill on wet tram tracks.
Spinning the wheels doesnt happen by an act of god, it comes from putting the foot down too hard.
Please no responses bleating on about how sensitive the throttle is in with 200+kW under the bonnet, that's your problem not everyone elses. If it cant be driven without accidentally spinning the wheels now and then......dont drive it.......or lose it!
i find this hard to believe
or your mark skaife

Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:21 PM
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