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Qld anti hoon laws to be reviewed

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#301 S pack

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:25 PM

so you've never spun the wheels/lost control on a wet/gravelly road ever?
i find this hard to believe
or your mark skaife :)....

Al, it's impossible to spin the wheels on a mobility scooter, no matter how hard you accelerate.

#302 _bumpy_

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:25 PM

Pretty sure Skaife has lost it in the wet.... at some point. Possibly 1992 in the GTR.

Edited by bumpy, 16 November 2012 - 08:26 PM.

#303 Collo


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Posted 16 November 2012 - 08:27 PM

A car enthusiast should have enough skill not to spin the wheels

Being a car enthusiast doesn't equate to driving skill.

While I agree it's not that hard to generally drive without spinning the wheels, the fact someone is a car enthusiast has no bearing on their ability to drive.

Edited by slr_v8, 16 November 2012 - 08:28 PM.

#304 enderwigginau


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Posted 16 November 2012 - 10:01 PM

We have many here claiming that they are car enthusiasts, but then in the same sentence they bleet on about how they could get they car consficated for spinning the wheels "accidently"! A car enthusiast should have enough skill not to spin the wheels, even taking off up hill on wet tram tracks.
Spinning the wheels doesnt happen by an act of god, it comes from putting the foot down too hard.

Your grasp of reality is tenuous at best.......
I've worked on and with roads for a long time and have been involved in motorsport.........if you seriously believe that ANY driver can NEVER be overtaken by conditions (road, traffic, weather, etc) then you'll never understand any reasonable discussion..........

Being a car enthusiast doesn't equate to driving skill.

While I agree it's not that hard to generally drive without spinning the wheels, the fact someone is a car enthusiast has no bearing on their ability to drive.

Sense........others should take note and copy..........

#305 _torbirdie_

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 10:28 PM

Your grasp of reality is tenuous at best.......
I've worked on and with roads for a long time and have been involved in motorsport.........if you seriously believe that ANY driver can NEVER be overtaken by conditions (road, traffic, weather, etc) then you'll never understand any reasonable discussion..........

Sense........others should take note and copy..........

what has you being involved in motor sport gotta do with it? I dont care if people spin their wheels on racetracks

Sure, if the road caves in I reckon my wheels might lose traction, but freak events are not what we are talking about here. Its the hoon driving around that manages to get wheel spin every 2nd take off whatever.

If people are unlucky enough to have a police vehicle right on the spot next to you when one of these 1 in 100 year events happens and your wheels spin, then you have my utmost sympathy, but the chances........b & n.

That really is the problem here, people are objecting to how they think the police are going to act, or some just don't like it that their number is up!

Being a car enthusiast doesn't equate to driving skill.

While I agree it's not that hard to generally drive without spinning the wheels, the fact someone is a car enthusiast has no bearing on their ability to drive.

dont we want all the unskilled drivers off the road? sounds good to me.

Perhaps those that find it hard should drive as though they are doing their driving test, how many spun the wheels on their driving test and passed? or maybe a classic or modded car is not for you, buy a low powered one or one with traction control/trainer wheels.

Edited by torbirdie, 16 November 2012 - 10:42 PM.

#306 _torbirdie_

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 10:41 PM

so you've never spun the wheels
i find this hard to believe

"accidentally"? no.

#307 _torbirdie_

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 06:06 AM

If the aim of the game was to get unskilled drivers off the road wouldn't a better way to do it be to train them better so they are skilled.
instead of temporally removing them from the road.

And why so much emphasis on spinning the wheels, theres much more to the laws than this.
Even if you never spun the wheels theres a bunch of other rules that can effect any of us.
especially if they continue down this path of anyone with a slightly modified or old car is a hoon.

The same people that decide your car should be defected for not having water in the windscreen washer, rather then giving a warning,
should have the power to impound some ones car for 3 months as they see fit, often without the need for evidence other then there word...

sounds like a floored theory to me.

Come one Joshua, we all know that no-one spins the wheels due to lack of skill, it is a behaviour issue, due to putting self needs ahead of everyone else in the community. I "tongue in cheek" put up the issue as one of "people not having enough" skill to drive their cars so as to deliberately knock on the head this nonsense that they could have their ride crushed for "accidentally" spinning the wheels once in a while.

But alas, i wasn't prepared for those few here who now claim to be absolute novices and can't drive without chirping the tyres or drive over a gravel entrance without spiining the wheels and flinging stones into passers by.

Everyone in this country supposedly that has sat for their driving test demonstrated that they have the skills to be able to do that.
Temporarily removing people and or their cars from our roads helps remind them of the correct behaviour.

Even if you never spun the wheels theres a bunch of other rules that can effect any of us.
especially if they continue down this path of anyone with a slightly modified or old car is a hoon.

The same people that decide your car should be defected for not having water in the windscreen washer, rather then giving a warning,
should have the power to impound some ones car for 3 months as they see fit, often without the need for evidence other then there word...

sounds like a floored theory to me.

So that's what the new regs say, no fluid in washer bottle and car is impounded for three months. That is the problem here, people surmising about what is going to happen based on nothing but hearsay and fearmongering.

Of course if they have removed/disabled the washer bottle so that the engine bay looks cleaner then that's a different scenario entirely.

Edited by torbirdie, 17 November 2012 - 06:16 AM.

#308 _bumpy_

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 06:22 AM

The thing is, people are blowing the whole spinning wheels in a gravel spot or in the wet, way out of proportion. If you read my original post on the subject I state FOR EXAMPLE. Never said anything about flinging stones into passers by, or peoples ability to drive, it was used as an example, nothing more, nothing less.

The point is not about spinning wheels, it's how the laws are changing to give greater power to authorities, to be able to impound a car. It's also about the media tarring us all with the same brush.

So instead of sitting at your keyboards taking cheap shots at one another, shut the f@$k up, and stay on topic.

#309 S pack

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 06:31 AM

So that's what the new regs say, no fluid in washer bottle and car is impounded for three months. That is the problem here, people surmising about what is going to happen based on nothing but hearsay and fearmongering.

Oh dear, you sir seem to posses a reasonable lack of comprehension of the the written English language. Joshua never stated or implied anything of the sort.

#310 _torbirdie_

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 06:37 AM

At the end of the day, Police will target groups/individuals with a history of violations. Pulling over mercs and rollers, stock current falcs and commodores checking for illegal mods, do you think thats a good use of resources when 99.9% of the time these cars have no problems.

All the random rwc checks Ive driven by seem to target the trade vehicles(hilux vans with bald tyres) and the like, yes and ive seen the odd old car in there too.
Get with the reality, if you are driving a car that or modded or old and looks like a pile of ........ then you are likely to be targetted. Driving toranas for the last 35 years Ive never been pulled up for a random inspection, but then again, I dont have "look at me features" added to my vehicle., tyres scraping the fenders, loud exhaust , items protruding from bonnet, midget steering wheel etc.

#311 _LXSS350_

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 06:46 AM

The way banana benders drive they all should be locked up and the keys thrown away ...... LOL :stirpot:
Seen a pensioner in a Prius doing donuts. All drivers are hoons over that neck of the woods :stirpot:

Edited by LXSS350, 17 November 2012 - 06:50 AM.

#312 _torbirdie_

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 06:49 AM

Oh dear, you sir seem to posses a reasonable lack of comprehension of the the written English language. Joshua never stated or implied anything of the sort.

Okay, perhaps you can "comprehend/translate" what Joshua wrote, is there another meaning, should I read it backwards or something?

The same people that decide your car should be defected for not having water in the windscreen washer, rather then giving a warning,
should have the power to impound some ones car for 3 months as they see fit, often without the need for evidence other then there word...

So instead of sitting at your keyboards taking cheap shots at one another, shut the f@$k up, and stay on topic.

its about review of the qld anti-hoon laws, and that is all to do about whether they are appropriate and fair, so exactly how have I been off topic, no i havent raised issues such as defects for washer bottles?

Edited by torbirdie, 17 November 2012 - 06:58 AM.

#313 S pack

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 07:03 AM

but then again, I dont have "look at me features" added to my vehicle., tyres scraping the fenders, loud exhaust , items protruding from bonnet, midget steering wheel etc.

And that is your choice, others choose to individualise their cars, hopefully within the the limits of lawfully allowed modifications.
Yes modified cars will be targeted by the authorities (and they don't have to be old shitboxes), anything that is not bog stock factory standard will warrant closer scrutiny by the Police and transport authorities.

If the government thinks modified vehicles present a serious risk on our roads then maybe it's about time they outlaw modifications of any sort, the only exception being manufacturers approved accessories.

#314 _torbirdie_

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 07:27 AM

If the government thinks modified vehicles present a serious risk on our roads then maybe it's about time they outlaw modifications of any sort, the only exception being manufacturers approved accessories.

one reason why all this whinging about the hoon laws isnt doing any of you any good, government might take an even closer look at the problem and take the lead of many of the european countries.

#315 Shtstr


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 08:05 AM

TORBIRDE I here by offer you a to come for a drive in my car with a solid brass button clutch to show you how easy it is to do it just by getting the car moveing, not only that but how easy it is to light the tyres when accelarateing up to the speed limit on the hiway from a standing start.
Will do it on a race track so i can't be pined for it also.
You have obvious had very little knollage of modified cars and have never owned one and tried to drive one in wet weather. I won't even take mine out it the wet as i know it will spin the wheels and not by wanting too. I only have to let it go over 3000rpm. Even tho i don't take it out in wet weather thats not saying i might get caught out in wet weather as the weather can change.
I know my LSD diff will cause one wheel to skip on a louse surface(gravel or smoth concrete or grass).
So if i was you i would start to reframe from making coments about people being novious drivers as i have over 20 years of race driveing behind myself in speedway driveing tin tops to super sedans.
I think the only NOVIOUS here is you.

#316 S pack

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 08:05 AM

one reason why all this whinging about the hoon laws isnt doing any of you any good, government might take an even closer look at the problem and take the lead of many of the european countries.

Yes, that could eventuate (anything is possible with our current 'Nanny State mindset' governments) but not likely.
Cigarettes and alcohol present two great health and social risks that Lobby groups would love to see the politicians eradicate from society.
Q: Why do Governments only tinker around the edges in relation to these issues and not prohibit them.
A: Prohibition doesn't work and revenue stream.

How long before we get a tax on the fat and sugar content in food?- not long to go now, but you won't see McDonalds or Hungry Jacks or KFC etc etc etc being banned.
Apologies for getting a bit off topic.

#317 S pack

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 08:10 AM

TORBIRDE I here by offer you a to come for a drive in my car with a solid brass button clutch to show you how easy it is to do it just by getting the car moveing, not only that but how easy it is to light the tyres when accelarateing up to the speed limit on the hiway from a standing start.
Will do it on a race track so i can't be pined for it also.
You have obvious had very little knollage of modified cars and have never owned one and tried to drive one in wet weather. I won't even take mine out it the wet as i know it will spin the wheels and not by wanting too. I only have to let it go over 3000rpm. Even tho i don't take it out in wet weather thats not saying i might get caught out in wet weather as the weather can change.
I know my LSD diff will cause one wheel to skip on a louse surface(gravel or smoth concrete or grass).
So if i was you i would start to reframe from making coments about people being novious drivers as i have over 20 years of race driveing behind myself in speedway driveing tin tops to super sedans.
I think the only NOVIOUS here is you.

Dave, I hope your ready for the salvo of Cruise Missiles. :)

#318 Shtstr


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 08:56 AM

M8 i'm so over do gooders trying to sugar coat these new laws.
This weekend i was asked to take my car to 4 differnt car show. But guess where my car will be all weekend due to the off chance someover zellous cop with take a dislikeing to my car even if i haven't done anything wrong. Yep you guessed it locked in the shed where i know it's safe. Now i for one didn't spend bucket loads of cash to build a car to sit in my shed, i want to be able to drive it down the coast or out on a country road for a cruze and know it will come home with me at the end of the day.
With the new laws the cops can take my car on the spot put it in a impound yard surounded by other cars parked so close they hit it with doors and is out in the weather where joe blogs can get access to it and parts can dissapeer without a trace and i'm left with the bill and it's tuff luck for me as i have to prove i did nothing wrong and that the cop was just being an arsehole and didn't like my car on the asumtion that i might do something.
Anyone who thinks the new rule are fair is 1 a do gooder 2 a cop or 3 a polli

#319 S pack

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 09:17 AM

one reason why all this whinging about the hoon laws isnt doing any of you any good, government might take an even closer look at the problem and take the lead of many of the european countries.

And yet car manufacturers in Europe are still allowed to perpetuate the horsepower race.
Obvious to see who has the greater political clout.

#320 xu2308


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 10:06 AM

The Hoon Laws
What happen to the Greatest Law ever written in this Country, Innocent untill proven Guilty, Hoon Laws have chucked that Law out the Window, the Hoon Laws are NAZI as far as Innocent untill proven Guilty is concerned.

#321 Shtstr


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 10:08 AM

couldn't of said it better

#322 S pack

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 10:43 AM

The Hoon Laws
What happen to the Greatest Law ever written in this Country, Innocent untill proven Guilty, Hoon Laws have chucked that Law out the Window, the Hoon Laws are NAZI as far as Innocent untill proven Guilty is concerned.

Yes, and Newman wants to take it one step further and do away with the courts discretionary right in sentencing.
This is the Courts Constitutional right and no government can change the Constitution without the consent of the people.

Just read in the Courier Mail this morning that the Newman Govt will introduce proposed new laws to Parliament this month to confiscate all the assets of convicted drug dealers. This would see all assets, whether they were ill gotten gains from from drug dealing or not, confiscated by the state. Judges will not have the discretionary power to alter sentencing due to hardship that may caused to family members if the family home, that may have been inherited for example, to be excluded from forfeiture.
The Queensland Council of civil liberties is making noises already on this issue, however they are suspiciously quiet on the proposed new forfeiture amendments to the Road Safety and Traffic Management Act. Why?

I thought illegal drugs was a much larger and greater risk to our society than the small number of people who choose to deliberately engage in risky and dangerous hoon behavior on our roads.

I can see a constitutional challenge coming (and so there should be) if these proposed amendments pass into law.
Newman needs to realise he can't ride rough shod over the courts.

In saying the above I'm in no way trying to downplay the extremely serious nature of drug related offences or legitamise it or wishing to enter into a debate about drug trafficking.

#323 S pack

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 12:31 PM

Road Accident Investigation Service Pty Ltd has been formed to provide members of the legal fraternity, insurance companies, loss assessors and the general public with a dedication to search out the factors involved in road crashes. RAIS has many years of “hands on” experience and expertise involving crash investigation and reconstruction.

  • Detailed motor vehicle collision analysis reports.
  • Crash scene photography, both still and video recording.
  • Detailed forensic mapping and plan drawing.
  • Mechanical condition reports compiled by experienced and qualified personnel.
  • Dynamic skid testing.
  • Tyre examinations by qualified experts.
  • Crash data retrieval using the latest software.
  • Prepare road crash simulation models using proven software PC Crash and HVE 3-D.
  • Australian accredited traffic crash investigation training programs delivered by accredited trainers.
Advice can be provided on contributing crash factors, including road geometric alignment and surface condition. Analysis includes the inspection and reporting of crashes involving pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles through to large articulated vehicles.
In an ideal driving environment there would be perfect drivers, vehicles, and roads. There would be no road crashes. Unfortunately, such conditions rarely exist and road crashes occur, resulting Posted Imagein death, personal injuries and loss through property damage.
Crash statistics show that approximately 1% of all traffic crashes are true accidents. The remaining 99% of all traffic crashes are ‘crashes’ which either involve human factors (90%), vehicle failure or mechanical failure (1%), and road geometry, environs and surface (8%). Identification of all factors which have led to the cause of a crash is vital if the degree of responsibility of those involved is to be accurately identified.
In today’s society allocation of degree of responsibility may involve many thousands of dollars. Proper identification, recording and interpretation of the physical evidence at the crash scene can assist in determining where, when, who, why and how the crash happened.

Edited by S pack, 17 November 2012 - 12:33 PM.

#324 Shtstr


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:01 PM

I guess after the hoon laws come in ,the next target will be gun owners. Even tho i have a licance and practice safe storage safe shooting and carie my rifles in hard case locked with trigger locks and bolts removed.
It will be i suppect you are going to shoot someone and there for takeing your fire arm and your licance see you in cort to prove you where on the way to the range and or to a large properity to use your fire arm in the correct manner.....
If the goverment gets their way on hoon laws what is next???
I do agree with some of the hoon laws.
To solve the problem you need to get the driver off the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#325 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:06 PM

I agree Dave.

Really, whaats stopping them?

At this rate in 100 years time they will be arresting babies at birth because they might commit a crime one day.

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