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Qld anti hoon laws to be reviewed

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#101 S pack

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 08:31 AM

Hate to say it but I agree. And to be honest you should have added " ill informed" prior to fear mongering. Knowledge is power and it appears somewhat lacking by a lot of the responses here.

Do a bit of googling Adam. You'll find the same/similar things being said in posts in other forums and sites on the Net. The problem is the lack of factual detail available on and contained in these laws and the less than factual stories published in the media encourage the Hysteria to flourish in the first place.

The devil is in the detail and until the detail is fully known and comprehended there will continue to be some speculation and assumption spurted on both sides of the debate.

Real life experiences are the best lessons we can be given to display the mind set of the authorities and how hard or trivially they are determined to enforce these hooning laws, some of which are vague to say the least.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions/beliefs and hopefully healthy debate will enable us all to gain a better insight and understanding of the points of view coming from both sides of the fence.


#102 _Big T_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 09:00 AM

The problem is the lack of factual detail available on and contained in these laws and the less than factual stories published in the media encourage the Hysteria to flourish in the first place.

Spot on.

Grant, do you have any more details on the protests in the city? Who is organising them?

#103 _LH8VD69_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 10:12 AM

most likely most have at some stage, but so what? How many people here would be stupid enough to continue that sort of behaviour if the penalty was getting their car crushed, not many Im thinking, or you reckon there are some here that are that stupid?

Are you trying to put words in my mouth? It seems you are totally removed from reality and have no concept of what these new so called laws are actually about.
I am 41 yrs old and have been an avid car enthusiest my whole life and i have seen first hand the changes in the 'system'. Yes some have been good changes and improved safety, while others are just plain contradictory and in some cases unconstitutional.
The cop that was ranting on and talking down to the guy with the aircleaner out the bonnet telling him he was stupid as it will cut up padestrians is just plain CRAZY ! Who cares if it was factory or not? It really isnt a big deal. It cant be or they wouldnt allow hotrods or back to the hood arnament, they wouldnt allow them either just to name a few. To bring up "oh thats what the came with from factory so its ok" if you actually believe any of it is borderline retarded.
Heres a scene for you.
Im standing in the middle of a highway with different cars barreling down apon me and i have no escape, i am going to get run over by one of them. I need to quickly choose which one will hurt me the least. It it the HR Holden with its factory sharp chrome bonnet splitter or the hotrod with the twin carbies? A Jag with its bonnet emblem awaiting? Theres always the big finned 50's Chev? Perhaps i could take my chances with the Yamaha R1 with its pointy front end? There is one car im deadly afraid of though as i know a certian death awaits...... The guy with the XD Falcon with the aircleaner out the bonnet !!!
Yadda Yadda Yadda its all bollocks ! Stop raping the people of this country by fining someone for doing 103 in a 100 zone (my last ticket) just to raise revenue ! Stop taking the candy off the children and do what you are paid to do...Catch criminals..You know the REAL ones !
What the hell is this country coming too

#104 _SSL31_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 02:03 PM

Speeding is a form of hooning but it is accepted and all you do is lose points and money or suspenion!!!

#105 S pack

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 02:12 PM

Speeding is a form of hooning but it is accepted and all you do is lose points and money or suspenion!!!

I believe (but I could be wrong) you'll find now if you exceed the speed limit by more than 40kmh you will be charged with hooning (previously a dangerous driving charge), a monetary fine + loss of demerit points + forfeiture of your car for three months for the 1st offence. This is similar to most, if not all Australian states. I believe it is more than 45kmh over in WA.

#106 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 02:16 PM

Thats right, 99 in a 60 or 104 in a 60 in WA is less dangerous then cruising.


#107 _Quagmire_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 02:25 PM

ah wa....sometimes it good to be 5 years behind :)
you guys should come over for a cruize some time
maybe even do a few bog laps ....

Edited by Quagmire, 10 November 2012 - 02:26 PM.

#108 _torbirdie_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 04:46 PM

Are you trying to put words in my mouth? It seems you are totally removed from reality and have no concept of what these new so called laws are actually about.
I am 41 yrs old and have been an avid car enthusiest my whole life and i have seen first hand the changes in the 'system'. Yes some have been good changes and improved safety, while others are just plain contradictory and in some cases unconstitutional.
The cop that was ranting on and talking down to the guy with the aircleaner out the bonnet telling him he was stupid as it will cut up padestrians is just plain CRAZY ! Who cares if it was factory or not? It really isnt a big deal. It cant be or they wouldnt allow hotrods or back to the hood arnament, they wouldnt allow them either just to name a few. To bring up "oh thats what the came with from factory so its ok" if you actually believe any of it is borderline retarded.
Heres a scene for you.

nice little rant, whether you want to understand why things protruding from the smooth line of the bonnet are a danger or not is really irrelevant here, and I'm not going to waste my time going through it with you. No I didn't say anything from the factory is ok, what I did say is that it is legal!

Authorities have decided, you can argue wisely or not, that if a car meets the adrs when it is manufactured then as long as the condition of the vehicle meets those adrs then the vehicle can continue to be driven on public roads.

As an enthusiast of older cars why would you want it any other way. Arguments such as I should be able to make my car just as dangerous as those that came with hood ornaments or those with oversized bull bars etc are just childish at the extreme.

#109 orangeLJ


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 07:32 PM

Can someone reban this bloke already?

If it was a meet (not that he has ever been to any of them) someone would have shown him five closed fingers by now....

#110 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 07:39 PM

Sometimes i wish this forum was actually a pub.

would be a lot more interesting :D


#111 Ice



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Posted 10 November 2012 - 07:40 PM

Its ok chris he is just a whinging old Daisy Chain

frOck yeah dj can you imgane

#112 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 07:42 PM

I have imagined, many times, how awesome would it be?

Would also be about the most profitable pub in the world, and thats just from Stinga and myself!!

#113 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 09:22 PM

Sometimes i wish this forum was actually a pub.

would be a lot more interesting :D


When ever you're on this forum, i find it plenty interesting enough, i don't think i would enjoy near as much without your contributions. Kudos to you DJ.

#114 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 09:32 PM

Thank you good sir, nice to see not everyone considers me to be a total drunken raving lunatic....Like i do haha.

Love your work to, on the forums and off.


#115 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 07:37 AM

Just read on the Toranafest 2012 thread that HVTC raised $22,000 for Ronald McDonald House in Newcastle. What a shame that we never see stories like this on media like ACA & the politicians who make the laws trying to nut modified cars never seem to acknowledge achievements like this either when they're thinking of new ways to try & crush our hobby. Perhaps because getting on the soapbox & preaching the negatives surrounding modified cars generates more attention (& ultimately more revenue). From what i read, RMH will be glad to see the return of Toranafest, protruding air filters, wide tyres, noisy exhausts & all.

#116 Shtstr


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Posted 11 November 2012 - 08:41 AM

Just letting you all know how the cops are now catching us all out and doing things that we would get charged for if we did it. Came up behind a Hyundi I30 yesterday with a L plate on the back window. I was doing 60 and they where doing 45-50kmh in a 60kmh zone.
I changed lanes after about 1km still thinking something was not right with how this I30 looked. as i increesed my speed back up to 60kmh i was still puzzeled as why this thing looked differnt. As i looked through the side windows of the car i noticed that it was 2 coppers in uniform with the plate on the dash for the light to go on, IT WAS AN UNMARKED CAR WITH A L PLATE ON REAR WINDOW? I quickly slowed back down to the same speed they where doing 45-50kmh . I then noticed that it was fitted with a clear perspect screen between the front and rear part of the cabin.
Nw i know if we have a L plate on the car and n learner driver driveing we can be booked, Also if a L driver is doing a much lower speed in the right lane you can be pulled up and given a please explane and maybe a ticket too. But the best one is you cant pass on the left hand side as it is againts the law. + if you have something to say not noticeing its 2 copper then you will also be done for road rage.
I think the word we are all looking for is,
So be carefull all as all police stations have all be issued a Hyundai i30 as unmarked cars.

#117 S pack

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 08:52 AM

Perhaps because getting on the soapbox & preaching the negatives surrounding modified cars generates more attention (& ultimately more revenue).

I think this wording is more to the point.
Perhaps because getting on the soapbox & preaching the negatives surrounding modified cars generates more attention (& ultimately more revenue votes).

#118 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 10:41 AM

^^^Yes that is true, but revenue plays a part to, how else are they able to fund their salary & indexed retirement & superannuation packages. There's only so much money generated by local concil rates & parking meters.

#119 _Quagmire_

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 10:59 AM

Just letting you all know how the cops are now catching us all out and doing things that we would get charged for if we did it. Came up behind a Hyundi I30 yesterday with a L plate on the back window. I was doing 60 and they where doing 45-50kmh in a 60kmh zone.
I changed lanes after about 1km still thinking something was not right with how this I30 looked. as i increesed my speed back up to 60kmh i was still puzzeled as why this thing looked differnt. As i looked through the side windows of the car i noticed that it was 2 coppers in uniform with the plate on the dash for the light to go on, IT WAS AN UNMARKED CAR WITH A L PLATE ON REAR WINDOW? I quickly slowed back down to the same speed they where doing 45-50kmh . I then noticed that it was fitted with a clear perspect screen between the front and rear part of the cabin.
Nw i know if we have a L plate on the car and n learner driver driveing we can be booked, Also if a L driver is doing a much lower speed in the right lane you can be pulled up and given a please explane and maybe a ticket too. But the best one is you cant pass on the left hand side as it is againts the law. + if you have something to say not noticeing its 2 copper then you will also be done for road rage.
I think the word we are all looking for is,
So be carefull all as all police stations have all be issued a Hyundai i30 as unmarked cars.

police are not above the law
if i was ever booked like this i'd video tape it as much as i could and provide it as evidence in court

#120 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 11:31 AM

That doesn't always work, the law only sees things in black or white. I got booked for a red light camera offence in a suburb 40kms from my residence because someone had affixed number plates YIM 163 to a silver Hyundai that were last registered to a red VL Commodore i owned.....six years before i bought it. When i bought the VL from a licenced dealer, it had rego QZZ 582, but because they couldn't trace registered ownership of plates YIM163 past when they had been affixed to the VL, which was then found to be last registered in my name (but under the number QZZ 582) they placed responsibility for the offence on me. Oh yeah, when issued the infringement, the red VL had been written off three years earlier in an MVA so it & rego plates QZZ 582 had failed to exist. Confused? So was i. Still they prosecuted me for the offence anyway.

#121 _Quagmire_

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 11:40 AM

sounds like snafu
you fight it? or just cop it?

#122 _LH SLR 3300_

_LH SLR 3300_
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Posted 11 November 2012 - 11:53 AM

I started to fight it but when i realised how much it was going to cost ($13 just to get a copy of the red light/speed camera photo of said Hyundai) including time off work plus the fact that even if they discovered i wasn't guilty of the offence i would not get the three demerit points reinstated, i gave up. And herein lies the reason suppose i am guilty of melodramatics & scaremongering to quote & un-quote. You see this is just one of several experiences i've had of overzealous law enforcement where even though i wasn't guilty of any offence, i still got shafted hard by the law.

#123 _Quagmire_

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 12:05 PM

^^^^^ and herein lies the problem...
the law is a ass
and to hard to fight for the little guy....
bet if it was a qc raising concerns then it would have been quashed
still all of what you said is reinbirsifull and you may have been able to tack a few things on
just would have taken time and money

#124 _torbirdie_

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 12:09 PM

^^^Yes that is true, but revenue plays a part to, how else are they able to fund their salary & indexed retirement & superannuation packages. There's only so much money generated by local concil rates & parking meters.

Do you understand how governments budget? If revenue from one stream dries up they source that revenue from elsewhere or reduce services in some areas. If there proves to be too many law abiding citizens not racking up speeding and hooning fines, then the revenue will be sought from somewhere else, perhaps more tax on some consumer goods, petrol etc, or at the federal level more business and personal income tax.

One thing you can bet on, their salaries and retirement benefits will be maintained regardless of who is in power.

#125 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 12:18 PM

^^^^^ and herein lies the problem...
the law is a ass
and to hard to fight for the little guy....
bet if it was a qc raising concerns then it would have been quashed
still all of what you said is reinbirsifull and you may have been able to tack a few things on
just would have taken time and money

Exactly, time & money i didn't have to fight an offence even someone with the most basic common sense could see i wasn't guilty of. Still, someone had to pay & at the end of the day, they don't care who as long as someone does & as mentioned that was only one of my own personal experiences of the law being an ass.

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