Qld anti hoon laws to be reviewed
Posted 11 November 2012 - 09:53 PM

Posted 11 November 2012 - 09:59 PM
There are numerous anti-gov rallies but I have no details of them......Spot on.
Grant, do you have any more details on the protests in the city? Who is organising them?
Multiple offences on behalf of the coppers in this instance. I would have called the duty sergeant at your local and made a complaint.Just letting you all know how the cops are now catching us all out and doing things that we would get charged for if we did it. Came up behind a Hyundi I30 yesterday with a L plate on the back window. I was doing 60 and they where doing 45-50kmh in a 60kmh zone.
I changed lanes after about 1km still thinking something was not right with how this I30 looked. as i increesed my speed back up to 60kmh i was still puzzeled as why this thing looked differnt. As i looked through the side windows of the car i noticed that it was 2 coppers in uniform with the plate on the dash for the light to go on, IT WAS AN UNMARKED CAR WITH A L PLATE ON REAR WINDOW? I quickly slowed back down to the same speed they where doing 45-50kmh . I then noticed that it was fitted with a clear perspect screen between the front and rear part of the cabin.
Nw i know if we have a L plate on the car and n learner driver driveing we can be booked, Also if a L driver is doing a much lower speed in the right lane you can be pulled up and given a please explane and maybe a ticket too. But the best one is you cant pass on the left hand side as it is againts the law. + if you have something to say not noticeing its 2 copper then you will also be done for road rage.
I think the word we are all looking for is,
So be carefull all as all police stations have all be issued a Hyundai i30 as unmarked cars.
So long as you can do it without the driver holding something.....police are not above the law
if i was ever booked like this i'd video tape it as much as i could and provide it as evidence in court
I know exactly how governments work, and this government is only intent on screwing down the vulnerable sections of the community and only holding onto positive revenue streams......they are intent on increasing the number of speed cameras by 300%.......I have no doubt that they have been placing much heavier quotas on the operational arms of the police force. It is a known fact that many vehicles are defected solely on the ill considered opinion of a police officer, when the vehicle is known (and indeed has been proven to be, on the spot) fully legal.....wholly and solely to inconvenience and cause a monetary impost on the owner to have the defect removed.Do you understand how governments budget? If revenue from one stream dries up they source that revenue from elsewhere or reduce services in some areas. If there proves to be too many law abiding citizens not racking up speeding and hooning fines, then the revenue will be sought from somewhere else, perhaps more tax on some consumer goods, petrol etc, or at the federal level more business and personal income tax.
One thing you can bet on, their salaries and retirement benefits will be maintained regardless of who is in power.
Anyone sitting in their box trying to argue that it is solely because drivers are doing the wrong thing obviously does not get out much.
There is no doubt many do do the wrong thing, but it's not the dickheads drifting their S13s round the local roundabout that are going to get picked up, it is the fellas going to known "cruise spots" to hang out and talk to their mates that will get pinged for any reason whatsoever (whether imaginary or marginal), when the cops block the roads in and out. It's the guys travelling from interstate (where their cars are perfectly legal) getting pinged because their car doesn't meet the local guidelines (this, btw is illegal, but ACT police did it to "visitors" ever year at Summernats....a visiting vehicle only need be legal in the state it is registered).
It makes no difference to the Police whether they ping a vehicle for real, imaginary or assumed defects.......this has only been a minor inconvenience in the past.......now the whim of someone making their quota could get a car impounded......THIS is not a minor inconvenience.......and it is not scaremongering to let people know that their minor issues could now have major ramifications......
Why shouldn't fair minded vehicle owners be worried about ill considered, vaguely worded and easily abused new laws.......obviously not a damned thing apparently......
Posted 11 November 2012 - 10:02 PM
Posted 11 November 2012 - 10:10 PM
You know obviously nothing about the new state government up here who have given themselves two pay rises while sacking thousands and cutting funding to programs for all types of minority groups, like health, disability and education programs......No, there is a fundamental difference. When a private business enjoys profit, that profit is returned to shareholders and/or paid in bonuses to those that run the company. If a government returns a surplus then that is put back into paying debt, or back into services , it isnt divvied up amongst the politicians. They get the same regardless of surplus or deficit.
Can we have an end to this nonsense about pollies inventing hooning fines to pay for their retirements?
This government states it is trying to run the state like a business.......but that is NOT what they are doing.......and governments are NOT businesses, they are a service and support organization for their electorate, not a business to screw money out of the electors and drive through unjust laws to increase "profits".....
Perhaps you should do some more research.......Politicians pull the hoon card quite regularly up here to boost their votes......in NSW they do the same....oh, it's ALL about road safety......and the media are happy to lap it up......
_LH SLR 3300_
Posted 11 November 2012 - 10:13 PM
There are numerous anti-gov rallies but I have no details of them......
Multiple offences on behalf of the coppers in this instance. I would have called the duty sergeant at your local and made a complaint.
So long as you can do it without the driver holding something.....
I know exactly how governments work, and this government is only intent on screwing down the vulnerable sections of the community and only holding onto positive revenue streams......they are intent on increasing the number of speed cameras by 300%.......I have no doubt that they have been placing much heavier quotas on the operational arms of the police force. It is a known fact that many vehicles are defected solely on the ill considered opinion of a police officer, when the vehicle is known (and indeed has been proven to be, on the spot) fully legal.....wholly and solely to inconvenience and cause a monetary impost on the owner to have the defect removed.
Anyone sitting in their box trying to argue that it is solely because drivers are doing the wrong thing obviously does not get out much.
There is no doubt many do do the wrong thing, but it's not the dickheads drifting their S13s round the local roundabout that are going to get picked up, it is the fellas going to known "cruise spots" to hang out and talk to their mates that will get pinged for any reason whatsoever (whether imaginary or marginal), when the cops block the roads in and out. It's the guys travelling from interstate (where their cars are perfectly legal) getting pinged because their car doesn't meet the local guidelines (this, btw is illegal, but ACT police did it to "visitors" ever year at Summernats....a visiting vehicle only need be legal in the state it is registered).
It makes no difference to the Police whether they ping a vehicle for real, imaginary or assumed defects.......this has only been a minor inconvenience in the past.......now the whim of someone making their quota could get a car impounded......THIS is not a minor inconvenience.......and it is not scaremongering to let people know that their minor issues could now have major ramifications......
Why shouldn't fair minded vehicle owners be worried about ill considered, vaguely worded and easily abused new laws.......obviously not a damned thing apparently......

Posted 11 November 2012 - 10:16 PM
There have been a few, AFAIK all are still legal for road use in all states. Nissan GTIR is a prime example.
afayk? hopefully you've got something to back it up with this time....not sjust what the monkeys at the local tyre shop told you....rofl
Anyways if its true, thank you for letting me know, always find out something coming here, better to eat humble pie once in a while than be forever a dumbass.
So there is no issue then, no-one is going to be defected for having a roll cage that me the adrs of the time?
??This means your(you're?) not always right.
hangs mostly to the left actually
Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:18 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:33 AM
I made no reference to their integrity, solely you filling in between lines with your perceived prejudices that anyone "crazy" enough to support hoon laws must think the sun shines out of all pollies.You seriously lost what little cred you had when you implied the pollies aren't crooked
Do you think her or any pollies care if OZ is hard in the red before they give themselves a big ole pay rise? Jesus ! You can't be that moronic surely !
for what I said, rather than what you wish to rant about, read post #126 ,#129 ,142 again
Edited by torbirdie, 12 November 2012 - 05:40 AM.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 08:09 AM
if the shoe fits?
_Big T_
Posted 12 November 2012 - 08:45 AM
I will go for a stroll through the internet and try and find more details of the rallies Grant mentioned.
A meeting or gathering of industry stakeholders, in fact, all stakeholders in the car enthusiast scene is exactly whats needed in the same vien as what has previously been posted re NSW. The difficulty I am finding though is who or what organisation is heading this up or could head this up. There seems to be a lot of chatter on different forums etc but no collective activity happening.
I have question though regarding hooning and revenue raising that I hope can be answered. If a car is forfeited and crushed, where is the revenue stream for the Govt? A crushed car is of no value to anyone and impound fees would be less than say a hefty fine for "reckless driving" as opposed to "hooning". Im not being a smart arse, I genuinely cant see how money is made from crushing cars.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 10:20 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 10:25 AM
Good to see this topic is staying on track and not evolving into a locked shit fight like the other topic of the same title.......... *dripping with sarcasm*
I will go for a stroll through the internet and try and find more details of the rallies Grant mentioned.
A meeting or gathering of industry stakeholders, in fact, all stakeholders in the car enthusiast scene is exactly whats needed in the same vien as what has previously been posted re NSW. The difficulty I am finding though is who or what organisation is heading this up or could head this up. There seems to be a lot of chatter on different forums etc but no collective activity happening.
I have question though regarding hooning and revenue raising that I hope can be answered. If a car is forfeited and crushed, where is the revenue stream for the Govt? A crushed car is of no value to anyone and impound fees would be less than say a hefty fine for "reckless driving" as opposed to "hooning". Im not being a smart arse, I genuinely cant see how money is made from crushing cars.
Yeah Tony it's great to see a topic stay on track for once. Must admit though I'm just as guilty as anyone else for diverting the path of topics.
I have done a fair bit of searching regarding the 'hooning' subject and can't find any mention of any rallies being organised or any clubs or organisations talking about planning some form of action as yet. The typical Aussie apathy of the motoring public at work? (guilty as charged)!!! we just let ourselves get screwed over again and again. I do fear though if rallies were to eventuate, the pollies, the police and the media would just twist any action by car clubs to portray their members as a mob of whinging louts.
Tough question to which there is probably no definitive answer. My thoughts (right or wrong) are that confiscated modified cars will see the crusher so as to get rid of them off our roads but basically standard cars, eg: a std commodore, falcon etc with a nice set of alloys, maybe a body kit and slightly louder than std exhaust would end up being sold rather than crushed. Who knows really!
Pretty sure I read that the majority of cars forfeited in SA have not been crushed but sold instead, and of those forfeited vehicles the majority of them were not nice hotted up cars, rather they were older cars that had a low market value.
_Big T_
Posted 12 November 2012 - 11:09 AM
Dave (S pack), Im having difficultly locating specific hoon legislation as well. The only reference to "hoon" in legislation is in the Police Powers Act (an interesting read in itself !!). I have a lawyer at work looking into the same for me and she is having difficulty as well.
It also appears, from looking at legislative amendments and bills passed this year, that the "3 month first offence and fofieture second offence" still hasnt been passed. An ABC news website worded it like this "
Cabinet has agreed to a proposal to impound the cars of hoon drivers for three months after their first serious offence." To me that reads as cabinet agrees to the proposal, but the law is not yet passed, hence the difficulty in finding specific reference to this aspect of the changes.
I agree with your view on a rally as well, it could quite easily be turned around back onto us in a negative way. It is for this reason that I would like to know who is organising rallies, protests etc. This issue needs to be tackled based on logic, justice and fairness not an emotive response that lacks direction.
I will sign off with another Jack Dempsey classic:
Police Minister Jack Dempsey says the legislation will be the toughest in Australia.
"We're sending a clear message that obviously it's a privilege to have your licence - not a right," he said.
I dont think I need to point out what is wrong with that comment.........
Posted 12 November 2012 - 11:25 AM
If there was to be a rally, you'd have to do something without cars,
like what we did in the city for the job cuts, just a big march.
if you had car involvement, like a huge cruise, you'd get the actual hoons there doing something stupid which would allow the media to paint it negativity.
Not only that Josh, everyone would loose their cars cause driving slow in a group would be considered as hooning.

Edited by Mort, 12 November 2012 - 11:26 AM.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 11:44 AM
Dave (S pack), Im having difficultly locating specific hoon legislation as well. The only reference to "hoon" in legislation is in the Police Powers Act (an interesting read in itself !!). I have a lawyer at work looking into the same for me and she is having difficulty as well.
It also appears, from looking at legislative amendments and bills passed this year, that the "3 month first offence and fofieture second offence" still hasnt been passed. An ABC news website worded it like this "
Cabinet has agreed to a proposal to impound the cars of hoon drivers for three months after their first serious offence." To me that reads as cabinet agrees to the proposal, but the law is not yet passed, hence the difficulty in finding specific reference to this aspect of the changes.
Tony, I believe if there is a hold up in passing the legislative amendments it will be because they are waiting to see what SA does in regards to the constitutional concerns raised by that Judge. Re:- the reason I started this thread and posted that article from the Courier Mail in the 1st post.
Also, the way I see it is there isn't going to be much change to the existing regulations that we have already found. Just the penalties will be harsher.
Regardless of whether the legislation is changed, the Police could ramp up enforcement of the current laws if they wanted to.
Edited by S pack, 12 November 2012 - 11:49 AM.
_Big T_
Posted 12 November 2012 - 12:57 PM
And yep Dave, only the penalties are being amended from what I can gather, the same offences still apply and nothing has been added there.
This one was brought up before and is probably the most concerning law as it is so vague or more to the point, all encompassing. This is the section that could be used against "cruising" activities. Section 85 (Racing and Speed Trails) and Section 291 (Undue Smoke and Noise) are reasonably defined however section 83 could apply to almost anything, even text driving from what I read into it.
Section 83 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act Queensland states:
Any person who drives a motor vehicle on a road or elsewhere without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or place is guilty of an offence.
Ive asked a lawyer for their interpretation of "elsewhere" and "place". If "elsewhere" includes my driveway I have a little bit of youtube deleting to do hahahahaha.
Link to the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 is here http://www.legislati...rantoprua95.pdf
Link to the Police Powers Act is here (Chapter 4 has the relevent vehicular impoundment powers)
Edited by Big T, 12 November 2012 - 01:04 PM.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:20 PM
Section 83 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act Queensland states:
Any person who drives a motor vehicle on a road or elsewhere without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or place is guilty of an offence.
^^^ This is so vague that anyone who is at fault in a motor vehicle accident could be charged as a hoon if the Police could prove the accident occurred because you were driving 'without due care and attention' or 'without reasonable consideration etc etc.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:32 PM
_Big T_
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:45 PM
Rather than impounding the car and allowing a menace to roam free the police did the sensible thing and the old coot lost his licence for 6 months. I would much prefer to have him off the road than his Camry.......
Lead-footed senior citizen fined $1026
By Patrick Williams
Nov. 12, 2012, 9:04 a.m.
For all the flack elderly drivers cop for going too slow, there's at least one lead-footed pensioner who has bucked the trend.
About 11am yesterday, police charged an 81-year-old man with speeding after he was clocked driving 150km/h in a 100km/h section of the Bruce Highway on the Sunshine Coast, north of Brisbane.
When he was intercepted, he reportedly told police he did not believe in driving to the speed limit, but rather in driving to the conditions.
The conditions on Sunday morning were wet and windy.
He was issued an on-the-spot fine of $1026, lost eight demerit points and was disqualified from driving for six months.
Read more at the Fraser Coast Chronicle.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:59 PM
Good to see this topic is staying on track and not evolving into a locked shit fight like the other topic of the same title.......... *dripping with sarcasm*
I will go for a stroll through the internet and try and find more details of the rallies Grant mentioned.
A meeting or gathering of industry stakeholders, in fact, all stakeholders in the car enthusiast scene is exactly whats needed in the same vien as what has previously been posted re NSW. The difficulty I am finding though is who or what organisation is heading this up or could head this up. There seems to be a lot of chatter on different forums etc but no collective activity happening.
I have question though regarding hooning and revenue raising that I hope can be answered. If a car is forfeited and crushed, where is the revenue stream for the Govt? A crushed car is of no value to anyone and impound fees would be less than say a hefty fine for "reckless driving" as opposed to "hooning". Im not being a smart arse, I genuinely cant see how money is made from crushing cars.
Shannons may be a good place to start....this could have a negative effect on their business.
The revenue stream is from the impounding......for the first month it is multiple thousands (that, and the loss of bits of your car, so I'm told).
It is well in excess of the cost to find, remove and then lock up the car for that period.....
The profit margin is quite enormous........at least here in QLD.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 02:07 PM
Ummmm, why wasnt this blokes car impounded for 48 hrs? Surely it fits under section 83? He was deliberately disobeying the posted speed limit without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road.
Rather than impounding the car and allowing a menace to roam free the police did the sensible thing and the old coot lost his licence for 6 months. I would much prefer to have him off the road than his Camry.......
Lead-footed senior citizen fined $1026
By Patrick Williams
Nov. 12, 2012, 9:04 a.m.
For all the flack elderly drivers cop for going too slow, there's at least one lead-footed pensioner who has bucked the trend.
About 11am yesterday, police charged an 81-year-old man with speeding after he was clocked driving 150km/h in a 100km/h section of the Bruce Highway on the Sunshine Coast, north of Brisbane.
When he was intercepted, he reportedly told police he did not believe in driving to the speed limit, but rather in driving to the conditions.
The conditions on Sunday morning were wet and windy.
He was issued an on-the-spot fine of $1026, lost eight demerit points and was disqualified from driving for six months.
Read more at the Fraser Coast Chronicle.
Lucky it was a Wet and Windy day, just think how Fast he would be going, if it was a Dry and Sunny day
Edited by xu2308, 12 November 2012 - 02:09 PM.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:17 PM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:01 PM
According to the law, there goes all burnout comps and car shows the moment someone complanes.
Not necessarily Dave. We've had these laws for over a decade now and some for many decades. Just they have been reclassified as hooning. If the authorities wanted to put a stop to sanctioned burnout comps and car shows they would have done it years ago.
It's the illegal burnout comps they want to stop.
Edited by S pack, 12 November 2012 - 06:03 PM.
_LH SLR 3300_
Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:18 PM
True, what the authorities did was encourage those with a lead foot to participate in legal controlled off street drag racing. The only problem was as i seen first hand was those who tried to do the right (legal) thing, pay their $50 & go racing in a safe controlled enviorment still ended up on the wrong side of the law when the HWP would wait outside on these nights & start handing out defect notices & fines as competitors left the venue. Those with modified or pure race cars on trailers would get nailed for minor offences such as lights, tyres etc on the trailers, even if they were hire trailers, or get fined for exceeding the legal towing capacity of the vehicle. It's not so bad now, but it did upset a few people who were only trying to do the right thing & IMO understandably so.Not necessarily Dave. We've had these laws for over a decade now and some for many decades. Just they have been reclassified as hooning. If the authorities wanted to put a stop to sanctioned burnout comps and car shows they would have done it years ago.
_Big T_
Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:28 PM
Shannons may be a good place to start....this could have a negative effect on their business.
The revenue stream is from the impounding......for the first month it is multiple thousands (that, and the loss of bits of your car, so I'm told).
It is well in excess of the cost to find, remove and then lock up the car for that period.....
The profit margin is quite enormous........at least here in QLD.
After reading the Police Powers and Responsibilities (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) Amendment Bill 2011 the revenue stream became clearly evident and yep, Impoundment fee's are indeed the source of revenue. Makes perfect sense now. In fact, the theme of amendment bill seems to be all about cost savings and very little about deterrence. Go figure.......
It looks like Grunt Files are right onto this and have launched a campaign specifically for us to have our voices heard. I havnt found any other groups yet doing anything similar but I will keep searching anyway. For now though, I am going to hang around Grunt Files and do a heap of reading etc.
I encourage anyone who is concerned about this issue, Queenslander or not, to visit http://www.gruntfiles.com and complete the free registration. There are sections for Car Clubs, Download a letter template, Your rights and responsibilities etc.
Anti-hoon laws are a hot topic up here at the moment but the anti-hoon laws affect all of you, each state has them. If you are sick of being victimised, walked all over, stereo typed and just basically harassed because you drive a modified vehicle make a stand now !!
Edited by Big T, 12 November 2012 - 06:31 PM.
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