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Help! 308 running hot

New alloy radiator

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#1 _76S.L.R_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:32 PM

Torana is going again ,just fitted a new Alloy Radiator the car is doing the same thing as my old clapped out radiator was!!? ,it will drive at normal temp ( 80c) for about 15 mins or so then wind up to 95 or thereabouts and with the Twin AU fans both whirling their tits off it takes ages to bring the temp back down???.

The new water pump was only fitted last year,I felt the top and bottom radiator hoses and BOTH were hot( same temp),in my 180SX Rice Burner my lower radiator hose is allways cold. Maybe head gasket issues?,I tested with that TEE KAY Head Gasket Chemical tester but the solution stayed Blue ( all OK). Im puzzled as to why its still runing hot ??

I also tested the Thermostat only 2 days ago in hot water and it was opening fine

Edited by 76S.L.R, 02 January 2013 - 05:34 PM.

#2 _likatiger_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:42 PM

how did you test the thermostat? Did you drop it in boiling water or bring the water up to temp with it in it?

#3 _76S.L.R_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:44 PM

I just dropped the prick of a thing in boiling water,I only bought it a few months ago and has had bearly any use!

#4 hanra


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:50 PM

How's your ignition timing?

#5 _76S.L.R_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:57 PM

How's your ignition timing?

I'll have to go to my brothers and use his timing light to recheck it,will that make it run sooo much hotter though??

#6 _likatiger_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:24 PM

dropping it in boiling water wont give you a read on it working properly, you need to bring water up to the boil with it in it, preferably using a thermometer to see what temp it opens at.

#7 _X-RACER_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:46 PM

Hi 76, The best way to keep the temp down and sit in traffic on a hot day ,is to put a holden shroud with a holden clutch fan. I have been running this set up for over 12 years and it is the BEST set up,It works well with the standard 3 core or 5.Themo fans dont work well on hot days. Good Luck

#8 S pack

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:17 PM

dropping it in boiling water wont give you a read on it working properly, you need to bring water up to the boil with it in it, preferably using a thermometer to see what temp it opens at.

Agree, you need to heat the water up with the thermostat suspended and fully submersed in the water. A thermometer is a must to see what temp the thermostat starts to open and at what temp it is fully open.

Just because the thermostat is near new doesn't mean it is functioning correctly. Also what temp is your thermostat rated at? Maybe you need to go for a lower temp thermostat?

#9 _The Baron_

_The Baron_
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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:26 PM

Hi Chris,

Whilst I'm sure your setup is great, don't be too keen to knock the AU fan setup. My A9X has never had an issue with the 5 core & AU fans....ever. Even when crawling along in a Bay to Birdwood on a very hot day when others were having issues. Takes ages to heat up and then seconds to pull down again. BTW I am running a Harrop stroker and a nice head/cam setup with HM headers. Plenty to get hot under the collar about!

Like everything, it depend on how it is fitted and operated!


Edited by The Baron, 02 January 2013 - 09:27 PM.

#10 _76S.L.R_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:28 PM

I cant recall specifics now,but i asked for the lower opening temp one of the two that the guy at Auto pro had in the shop.

Looks like i'll have to try take the Thermostat out again an test it correctly, or I could just leave the Thermostat out?

I dunno exactly what the problem is but I know years ago when I first fitted the AU Fans and they kicked on,the Temp use to absolutely rocket downwards!! but like today they whirled away full rip for about 2 mins and the temp had only gone down 5 Degrees!!?????.

Unfortunately I have no fan controller yet......,they just stay off and when my temp guage shows 95 degrees the fans kick on then kick back off ( or use to) when the temp was back down at 70 or so but as I said even using no Fan Controller the fans use to make the temp soar down!.

Edited by 76S.L.R, 02 January 2013 - 09:36 PM.

#11 _The Baron_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:36 PM

Looks like i'll have to try take the Thermostat out again an test it correctly, or I could just leave the Thermostat out?

I think the general consensus is that a street car should keep the thermostat.

Maybe just buy another (they are reasonably cheap) test it and then have one go at changing it over. Then test the original and keep it as a spare.

#12 S pack

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:36 PM

Test it without the thermostat and see how it goes. More than likely the thermostat is faulty and causing the engine to run too hot.

#13 _torbirdie_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:37 PM

Torana is going again ,just fitted a new Alloy Radiator the car is doing the same thing as my old clapped out radiator was!!? ,it will drive at normal temp ( 80c) for about 15 mins or so then wind up to 95 or thereabouts and with the Twin AU fans both whirling their tits off it takes ages to bring the temp back down???.

The new water pump was only fitted last year,I felt the top and bottom radiator hoses and BOTH were hot( same temp),in my 180SX Rice Burner my lower radiator hose is allways cold. Maybe head gasket issues?,I tested with that TEE KAY Head Gasket Chemical tester but the solution stayed Blue ( all OK). Im puzzled as to why its still runing hot ??

I also tested the Thermostat only 2 days ago in hot water and it was opening fine

The above happens at any ambient temperature? and whilst cruising?

From the description of the temp of the hoses it sounds like your coolant is circulating fast enough and hence the thermostat isnt likely to be the prob.

Sorry, can't add much to the other posts other than your engine is providing more heat than your radiator can get rid of.

#14 _76S.L.R_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:47 PM

If you gun the car about the temp gets to the hotter position a bit faster ,.....the fans just can not seem to get the temp down??.

I'll try get timing checked tomorrow but Im doubting that's the problem?, I'll try re-test the Thermostat as well then go from there..

#15 MustardGTR


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:58 PM

Do you have an aftermarket or original temp gauge? If original temp gauge its worth checking for correct operation of sender.

#16 _X-RACER_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 10:05 PM

Hi Baron,didnt mean to knock the AU fan set up .I also have, by the sound if it the same type 355 spec motor 450hp in a black car. Its just that i have seen a couple of people with the same problem with fans,now changed to .shroud & clutch fan.I also learned the hard way years ago. Cheers Chris

#17 REDA9X



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Posted 02 January 2013 - 10:23 PM

What condition is the timing cover in? If it's corroded behind the pump the water will cavitate. You say the pump is reasonably new but with a new radiator it's still doing the same thing. If you bought a cheap pressed metal pump take it off and throw it as far as you can. Get yourself a cast impeller type pump. Everyone loves to blame the fan but they don't do anything at 80km/h anyway. I certainly would not be throwing an AU fan setup away for an old clutch fan, Holden and Ford stopped using them a long time ago for a reason. My piddley little 10" standard thermo fan and 2 core radiator did the job ok, they did the job ok for the A9X race cars in full race trim so I'd be looking at the system as it exists now before trying new things. I'd check and see if it's actually getting hot too, check and see if the radiator is cold or not that's a giveaway of poor circulation.

#18 _torbirdie_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 10:39 PM

Everyone loves to blame the fan but they don't do anything at 80km/h anyway.

Popular myth. What is correct is that for most setups ram air flow at higher speeds is more than adequate. On marginal setups having an engine fan operating at cruise can make the difference, not saying that is the case for our OP as there is perhaps a trickier prob given that no mention of the ambient temp..

#19 REDA9X



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Posted 02 January 2013 - 10:45 PM

Popular myth. What is correct is that for most setups ram air flow at higher speeds is more than adequate. On marginal setups having an engine fan operating at cruise can make the difference, not saying that is the case for our OP as there is perhaps a trickier prob given that no mention of the ambient temp..

Exactly, if it was working correctly in the first place the fan would be doing SFA, there is a bigger issue here, plenty of race cars dont even run fans at all

#20 _torbirdie_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 11:02 PM

Exactly, if it was working correctly in the first place the fan would be doing SFA, there is a bigger issue here,

Maybe and maybe not, it doesnt take much to push a cooling system past its limits,. Has the motor ever run to temp in its present setup?, has it been rebored? Often a rebored motor can be problematical. While the ideal situation is that an electric fan should be all that is required for cooling at low speed, if an engine fan fixes the problem at higher speed then its a very quick, effective and cheap solution.... been there.

#21 _76S.L.R_

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 11:09 PM

What condition is the timing cover in? If it's corroded behind the pump the water will cavitate. You say the pump is reasonably new but with a new radiator it's still doing the same thing. If you bought a cheap pressed metal pump take it off and throw it as far as you can. Get yourself a cast impeller type pump. Everyone loves to blame the fan but they don't do anything at 80km/h anyway. I certainly would not be throwing an AU fan setup away for an old clutch fan, Holden and Ford stopped using them a long time ago for a reason. My piddley little 10" standard thermo fan and 2 core radiator did the job ok, they did the job ok for the A9X race cars in full race trim so I'd be looking at the system as it exists now before trying new things. I'd check and see if it's actually getting hot too, check and see if the radiator is cold or not that's a giveaway of poor circulation.

I had the Pump off only last week and the Timing cover is Clean and fine, The Water pump I bought from Repco last year, it looks just like my old one did and I'm pretty sure it's a Pressed Metal Pump, the Impeller did not appear to be a Cast Impeller but Tin? ( my understanding was that you cant buy the Cast ones anymore!?)

The Pump on there looks like this

Edited by 76S.L.R, 02 January 2013 - 11:13 PM.

#22 REDA9X



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Posted 02 January 2013 - 11:26 PM

Those tin impellers are crap you need the one in the second picture with the flat back on it, much better. I rememberwatchinga test of these a few years ago and all the tiin ones did was cause air bubbles.
People seem to think they can fix problems by fitting big fans and radiators, but unless you are for some reason generating massive under bonnet temperatures with intercolers turbos and massive HP, the system should only need basic upgrades. A 400hp 308 will operate fine with the standard 2 core radiator and Holden water pump provided everything is working correctly, if not therein another issue. Holden and ford spend massive amounts of money testing these things under varying conditions so stick to the basics.

#23 _76S.L.R_

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 12:43 AM

Where can I get the correct Water Pump from then!??,what a pain in the ass! ,now I gotta find the right one and take my car apart again.

If anyone knows where I can get the Pumps that REDA9X is talking about let me know asap!! I take it the problem is cause the Fins are open and not contained in an enclosed Circle type impeller so it hampers the flow??

#24 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 01:41 AM

I cant recall specifics now,but i asked for the lower opening temp one of the two that the guy at Auto pro had in the shop.

Looks like i'll have to try take the Thermostat out again an test it correctly, or I could just leave the Thermostat out?

I dunno exactly what the problem is but I know years ago when I first fitted the AU Fans and they kicked on,the Temp use to absolutely rocket downwards!! but like today they whirled away full rip for about 2 mins and the temp had only gone down 5 Degrees!!?????.

Unfortunately I have no fan controller yet......,they just stay off and when my temp guage shows 95 degrees the fans kick on then kick back off ( or use to) when the temp was back down at 70 or so but as I said even using no Fan Controller the fans use to make the temp soar down!.

In my opinion 5°C in two minutes is not bad considering the temperatures in Perth lately. What was the ambient temperature at the time?

You need to know what temperature the thermostat is designed for. The standard thermostat should be trying to maintain a temperature of around 83 °C. In theory it should be impossible for a cooling system to cool the engine below the thermostat temperature. You can not expect the fans to bring it back down to 70 °C with a 83 °C. thermostat.

I would have the thermo fans kicking in well before 95 °C if the engine will normally run at 83 °C.

A high flow thermostat like the Tridon TT2000-180 will help with water flow.

You should be able to determine at what temperature the thermostat is opening by running the engine from cold and seeing at what point the temperature stabilizes and the top hose gets warm.

The infra red temperature guns make diagnosing the system a lot easier.

#25 S pack

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 02:15 AM

Where can I get the correct Water Pump from then!??,what a pain in the ass! ,now I gotta find the right one and take my car apart again.

If anyone knows where I can get the Pumps that REDA9X is talking about let me know asap!! I take it the problem is cause the Fins are open and not contained in an enclosed Circle type impeller so it hampers the flow??

Before stressing out about the water pump remove the thermostat, check the opening temp stamped on it and test it in hot water with a thermometer to find what temp it actually starts to open at and what temp it is fully open at. Process of elimination. One thing at a time.

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