Never too late to start a build thread, so here’s mine, four years after I actually started. Pretty slow old build, but it’s happening on spare time and spare money of which I have none, like a lot of us! I’ll summarise the build up until now over three parts, then update in real time – I look forward to the feedback and knowledge that sets this forum apart from most others.
I have a thread in the Introduction forum http://www.gmh-toran...ike-guy-reborn/ for those wanting to know where I have come from, but to summarise, this is my fourth Torana (or fifth if you include the one I owned twice) but first re-build. I discovered bikes after my third Torana back when I was 21 or so, and have since made them my job working for bike magazines, but I always had a hankering for another Torana. I reckon everyone here understands that.
Here are my first three cars back in the day (literally, my fourth car was my first non-Torana), starting with a re-shelled LJ XU-1 replica. It had all the XU-1 running gear (apart from the big tank) and interior, a set of truly rank fiberglass flares and 13-inch chromies. I was 19 at the time, that’s my defence. Then there was a LX SLR5000 replica, and a genuine LX SS hatch, which was my favourite. It had a 308 in it but was originally a six. 300hp at the treads was enough power for me at the time.

Here’s my new car back when I bought it. It was a Persian Sand (obviously) roller I picked up from Yass, NSW from the bloke who used to own a Top Ten SLR5000 some would remember, Bollistic. I actually hunted down the Street Machine (they are in the same building as my magazine) his car featured in back in the eighties and sent it to him afterwards. I got it for $1900 just as the muscle car bubble was bursting (end of 2008) and the world was hitting recession.

Original plan was to just to rub it back as it looked so straight, paint it myself in my shed (with zero experience or idea), and fill it with an injected 304, T5 and nine-inch. Then in walked a mate, panel shop owner, Frank, who wisely slapped me over the back of the head, loudly decreed it an injustice to not do it properly, that he would help, and to strip that front guard and hand it over, asap. So I did.

Things were slow, my fault as I was in no rush, and would just strip a panel, give it to Frank who would file finish it and spray it in 2pac primer in the time his shop wasn’t busy, then swap for the next panel and a bit of cash. I was very content with this method, and I knew it was being done properly.
I ended up stripping the entire car – engine bay and all – by hand with a paint scraper (well, six of 'em) and two tins of paint stripper, which wouldn’t have been too bad, but the car was full of bog. Shitloads of it. And it takes a while to remove that by hand. I hadn’t heard of Graffiti strip discs and couldn’t afford media blasting, so my right hand has never been the same since. Some would suggest other reasons, but they’re just rude.
Then, with the birth of my third child imminent, I got the entire shell up to Frank’s shop. There I learnt to weld, make my own rust patches, etc as I was nicking up there regularly to learn more and do more. He let me use his tools and space, and I learnt heaps. Prior to that, I didn’t know what a nibbler was, or etch primer, or how to use a MIG, and while no craftsmen now, at least I have an idea and have done a lot myself. Frank and his crew have done the hard bits and really helped me out. Again, bikes are my thing, but I was getting closer to adding cars to being “my thing” too.

It was great rust-wise, just the plenum, lower rear quarter, mild patches in the boot, behind the hinges, battery tray and a stuffed rad support. I made my own battery tray (with a bit of help!), amused the panelshop spraying myself in welding spatter welding in the new plenum patch on my back and had a ball doing something I'd never done. Very satisfying.

I have a new lower quarter panel, which looks good, but am concentrating on the driveline for the next little while. That’s in update two, soon, along with some much prettier pics of the car as it takes shape.