My first car was a '69 LC sedan with a reco 186P and 3 on the floor conversion. As finances permitted it got an M20 and an engine rebuild with the standard Yella Terra head, triple SUs and a decent exhaust upgrade. It was a nice little car and delivered a crap load of fun, I liked it so much I drove it for close to 6 years but it ended up dying a cancerous death on the front lawn of my parents house... An LJ S coupe "project" ran concurrently with the LC but never got off the ground and as a young and stupid fool I ended up throwing it away.
Since then, a very uninspiring precession of Commodores, Toyotas and Mitsubishi's have carried me to my current home and in my defence, the most I ever paid for a Mitsubishi was a case of beer... As a further excuse, until maybe a year ago I really did think my car building days were way behind me. Not sure what re-sparked the interest but I found myself longing for a little Torana to call my own once again.
So after some serious negotiation, with the wife, I now have an LJ sedan camped on the lawn.

As it stands it's 99.9% complete in standard form with the only things missing being the position adjustment knobs on the two front seats. Everything else is exactly where it should be. It's a Brisbane baby from November '73 and still carries it's production numbered 173.
This made it a little hard for me and left me undecided as my plan was always (over the last year or so) to build a modified cruiser. It's been half / half so far with the people I've talked to about building it whether it should be restored or modified. The telling point is that the half saying restore it to original factory spec are really only concerned about the resale value where my goal was always to build a car I'd enjoy driving. So bring on the mods and we'll get underway!
So here's the plan.
I love learning new skills so I'm planning on doing as much as I can at home. The only part I think I'll struggle with is getting it straight but I do have a few mates I can call on for advice in this area.
Can't see it being any less than a 5 year project at this point. I'm going to sort out all the mechanicals before I even consider stripping the body for rust repair and panel work. I've checked over the body and the usual places need attention like the sills, door bottoms, and screen frames. A manual conversion is a must so I've already sourced a W58 Supra box and completed the required shifter modifcations. I'm planning an injected 202 running a delco 808 as I have a background in electronics and think it would be a fun and reliable conversion.
That's about it for an introduction, don't hold your breath for updates as it'll be a slow one.