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LC / LJ v8`s N.S.W.

lj v8 engineering nsw conversion

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#1 _procharged lj_

_procharged lj_
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Posted 17 January 2013 - 11:12 AM

I only joined GMH Torana yesterday, i had an lj with a chev in it but it was stolen (it`s in the stolen forum). I put a chev in a lc about 8 years ago and got it engineered. I also got my lj engineered in 2007. I spoke to the engineer who did both cars about six months ago and he said you can still put v8`s in them but they are extremely fussy and want photo`s of everything. Has anyone done one recently in N.S.W. and was it hard to get through? This is for N.S.W. only because the rules change in every state.

#2 _LONA-CK_

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 03:17 PM

hi there mark welcome to the nuthouse
im not sure of the rules here as yet, but i will be heading down that road myself soon, but with something a little bigger then a lj.

chers gong

#3 _Macca97_

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 09:25 AM


don't no if this is any help

#4 _Broads_

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 10:12 AM

G'day mate. I had a 308 engineered in an LC GTR late last year no problems. Engineer was very thorough (as they should be I guess) and as you said photographed everything, but I stayed in contact with him throughout the build and did everything the way he wanted it done and ultimately had no problems. For some reason a lot of people will swear blind that you can't put a V8 in an LC/J anymore, but you definitely can.

Perhaps there's some confusion out there with the introduction of the new VSCCS (?) scheme. I don't have a very comprehensive understanding of it, but I'm quite sure that the actual rules and guidelines for modifying vehicles in NSW haven't changed as yet, although new legislation has been looming for years. VSCCS is just a new system which the engineers themselves work under. If your vehicle was certified prior to the introduction of VSCCS, your certificate is still valid, but I had my car complied under VSCCS so it's definitely possible. Not sure if you can go much bigger than a 308, but presumably if you wanted to run an SBC then a 307ci block would be fine. Hope that helps.


#5 _procharged lj_

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Posted 25 January 2013 - 09:51 AM

Hey Broads, who was the engineer you used?

Thanks Mark.

#6 mitchg


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Posted 25 January 2013 - 10:26 AM

My couin is currently going step by step with an engineer putting a 308, mini tub and 9inch into an LJ so you definately can do it. Next time i see him ill get the details

#7 _ljshawn_

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Posted 25 January 2013 - 01:27 PM

I think it depends on the engineer, when I did mine last year I was told it had to be finished by June last year. The engineer I used was terry toomy at seven hills

#8 _Broads_

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 09:20 AM

I used Athol Mullen at Mullen Automotive Engineering in Newcastle.
24 Newcastle St Cardiff NSW 2285
(02) 4956 8030

#9 _procharged lj_

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Posted 03 June 2015 - 08:54 PM

Hi everyone, I'm still building a lj with a v8 in nsw can anyone tell me if you can still do v8 conversions into them?

#10 WhaleOilBeefHooked


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Posted 03 June 2015 - 10:28 PM

Hi Mark, Best bet would be to ring half a dozen engineers in your area & enquire, Then when you find one your comfortable with have them check on the cars progress from time 2 time with views of that person doing the engineers report when the time comes... It sure sounds like they can still be done, But best check before jumping in boots N all......

#11 ido09s


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Posted 04 June 2015 - 12:36 PM

Going by the maths they use to determine engine capacity its my opinion that you shouldn't be able to do them.


Naturally aspirated engines = car weight x 3, turbo engine = car weight x 2.5. The weight is determined by the RTA listing which I think is about 1040kgs for an LC sedan as an example


Somehow though my engineer has told me I can put an RB30DET into an LC and it can be engineered


I have a feeling the rules may be relaxed somewhat though and its up to the engineer and how well the car is built.


Give Unigroup Engineering in Girraween a call and speak to Yavuz. 9631 2470, he is a NSW engineering signatory who will be able to talk you through it

#12 _Broads_

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 09:17 PM

I got a 253 LC sedan passed last week in NSW. Pretty sure a 308 is still doable. It is according to my engineer, at least!



#13 _procharged lj_

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Posted 13 June 2015 - 07:33 PM

Thanks guys

#14 lakeside


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Posted 14 June 2015 - 11:56 AM

Somehow though my engineer has told me I can put an RB30DET into an LC and it can be engineered
I have a feeling the rules may be relaxed somewhat though and its up to the engineer and how well the car is built.

I think the rules have been relaxed as well. I had a LS1 in my LC and the engineer told me it couldn't happen. He told me 4.0L or 2.8L with a turbo and that was it. Rang him again about another matter and he tells me 5.3L so put a 350 SBC in and pass it off as a 327.

#15 Bigfella237


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Posted 14 June 2015 - 12:31 PM

New South Wales is a mess at the moment, the RMS website will refer you to the NCOP...


If your vehicle complies with the standards explained in Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 [NCOP for Heavy Vehicles] or Vehicle Standards Bulletin 14 [NCOP for Light Vehicles], you can be confident that it complies with applicable vehicle standards, pending certification.


...but NSW hasn't adopted the NCOP (yet), we're still under the old NSW VSI's


The NSW rules say that you have to get it engineered if the engine "is not of an original family of engine for the series of models, or any engine more than 20% larger than the largest original optional engine for that series" or if "increasing the original power output by more than 20%" but I can't find a definitive upper limit that can be approved, I assume that must be left up to the engineer at the moment?


Can somebody point us to the actual rules for maximum capacity under the NSW VSI's?

#16 Bigfella237


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Posted 14 June 2015 - 01:00 PM

And I can tell you that the quoted statement from NSWRMS above is flat out wrong, for example:


Under the NCOP (Section_LS, page 22) an LX Torana would be allowed a 265mm wide tyre with a rim to suit, that tyre is 10.43" wide so a rim to suit would be 10" or 10.5" wide.


But under the NSW VSI (VSI09, page 3) there is an absolute maximum specified front rim width of 8" and they cannot be smaller than 70% of the rear wheels, giving an absolute maximum width of any rear wheel of 11.43".


So if I bolt on 10" wide rims as suggested by the NCOP, I most certainly could NOT be confident that it complies with NSW standards at all, WTF RMS?

#17 Bigfella237


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 02:47 PM

Okay, after hours and hours of googling I finally located a copy of the NSW Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Modifications, trouble is it's not complete (missing 3 sections on Seating, Motorcycles & LPG) and it's over twenty years old (dated January 1994) so I'm not even sure if it's been revised since?


But anyway, there is some good news for you and your V8 conversion Mark, from section 3.1 Engines, page 2...


Attached File  NSW COP Engine Capacity Limits.JPG   97.46K   10 downloads


...the 1100kg tare weight limit only applies to 4 cylinder cars, since LC/LJ had 6 cylinders and are mono constructed, your formula will be tare weight in kgs x 4.82 = eng cap in cc's


If you're at 1096kg (LJ GTR XU-1) x 4.82 = 5282.72cc or 322.37ci


So it looks like the official answer in NSW is 308 yes, 327 no.


Whereas the National COP would only allow you tare weight x 4.0 for a vehicle just under 1100kg...


Attached File  Table LA1.JPG   95.52K   2 downloads


So under NCOP it would only be 1096kg x 4.0 = 4384cc or 267.53ci


Unfortunately those of us in NSW with LH/LX Toranas have lost out compared to the the NCOP...


An LH/LX sedan weighting 1306kg (L34/A9X) would be allowed a 6530cc engine under the NCOP but only 6295cc under the NSWCOP.

And an LX hatch weighing 1242kg (A9X) would be allowed a 6210cc engine under the NCOP but only 5986cc under the NSWCOP.


EDIT: By the way, the Gen IV LS2 / L76 / L77 / L98 engines are 5967cc and the LS3 / L92 / L99 engines are 6162cc


So an LS2 is the limit for a LX hatch, but you can get an LS3 into a sedan... not happy Jan!

Edited by Bigfella237, 15 June 2015 - 03:01 PM.

#18 StephenSLR


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 06:17 PM

For some reason a lot of people will swear blind that you can't put a V8 in an LC/J anymore, but you definitely can.


Never listen to anyone who hasn't tried to do it; every mudguard out there has a different opinion because so and so told them.



#19 WhaleOilBeefHooked


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Posted 16 June 2015 - 02:58 PM

So true Stephen as you know what they say about Mudguard = Shiny on top & s..t underneath......

#20 _procharged lj_

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Posted 09 July 2015 - 10:50 PM

I got a 253 LC sedan passed last week in NSW. Pretty sure a 308 is still doable. It is according to my engineer, at least!

who was the engineer that past yours?

#21 _Broads_

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 06:38 PM

Athol Mullen at Mullen Automotive Engineering

#22 yel327


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 07:23 PM

Okay, after hours and hours of googling I finally located a copy of the NSW Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Modifications, trouble is it's not complete (missing 3 sections on Seating, Motorcycles & LPG) and it's over twenty years old (dated January 1994) so I'm not even sure if it's been revised since?


But anyway, there is some good news for you and your V8 conversion Mark, from section 3.1 Engines, page 2...


attachicon.gifNSW COP Engine Capacity Limits.JPG


...the 1100kg tare weight limit only applies to 4 cylinder cars, since LC/LJ had 6 cylinders and are mono constructed, your formula will be tare weight in kgs x 4.82 = eng cap in cc's


If you're at 1096kg (LJ GTR XU-1) x 4.82 = 5282.72cc or 322.37ci


So it looks like the official answer in NSW is 308 yes, 327 no.


Whereas the National COP would only allow you tare weight x 4.0 for a vehicle just under 1100kg...


attachicon.gifTable LA1.JPG


So under NCOP it would only be 1096kg x 4.0 = 4384cc or 267.53ci


Unfortunately those of us in NSW with LH/LX Toranas have lost out compared to the the NCOP...


An LH/LX sedan weighting 1306kg (L34/A9X) would be allowed a 6530cc engine under the NCOP but only 6295cc under the NSWCOP.

And an LX hatch weighing 1242kg (A9X) would be allowed a 6210cc engine under the NCOP but only 5986cc under the NSWCOP.


EDIT: By the way, the Gen IV LS2 / L76 / L77 / L98 engines are 5967cc and the LS3 / L92 / L99 engines are 6162cc


So an LS2 is the limit for a LX hatch, but you can get an LS3 into a sedan... not happy Jan!


Read further under that table LA1 in the NCOP. It says the weight is based upon the heaviest SEDAN with the largest engine. Unfortunately they stuffed up and used MODEL rather than SERIES so it does make it harder to understand, but it means the heaviest LX sedan with the biggest optional engine. Not sure if you also add a trimatic or not.

#23 _slick50_

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Posted 18 September 2015 - 04:51 PM

Believe me, LC and LJ Torana's can be engineered with a 253, 308 or 5L V8 in NSW. I recently did mine and had no issues.


If you need an engineer, I highly recommend the two below


Ben at BRM Motorsports in Chipping Norton - 02 9755 2299


Mick at ASRC Engineering in Camden - 0414 586 027

#24 Rockoz


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 05:28 PM

Believe me, LC and LJ Torana's can be engineered with a 253, 308 or 5L V8 in NSW. I recently did mine and had no issues.


If you need an engineer, I highly recommend the two below


Ben at BRM Motorsports in Chipping Norton - 02 9755 2299


Mick at ASRC Engineering in Camden - 0414 586 027

got some stickers with your name on them

#25 StephenSLR


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 06:39 PM

There were a few with Chevs in them at Machines and Macchiatos on Sunday, not sure if fully engineered but they were street registered.





Edited by StephenSLR, 18 September 2015 - 06:41 PM.

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