Sounds like we are the only state in the country still using labels. C'mon Newman, leave the public health system alone and chop these mate!!!!!
be careful what you wish for brad and others!
rego stickers abolished in w.a some time ago
and my last one is still on the caprice as a reminder of when it's due
stiil risking a $100 fine for an expired rego label, WTF
govt saves about 1 million and rakes in 1.5 to 2million in cosolidated revenue
from all the poor bastards that have no idea when there rego is due
vehicles all over the place here in w.a parked on the side of the road
with no rego plates on them
?if involved in an accident with some unsuspecting quite innocent individual
who has been caught out with no reminder or current rego
will there insurance cover it
i don't think so!
time for mandatory insurance like the usa i say
just my two cents
i just recently removed the 1994 rego label off the a9x
coz now i don't have to have one
cheers davemc