Hey guys, as you may know I have needed to replace my heater core. So I thought I'd post a step-by-step tutorial on how to remove it.
Cost to Replace Heater Core - ~$200.00
Time taken just to remove - ~2 hours, if you've never done it before
What you'll need:
- Flat Head and Phillips Head Screwdriver
- 7/16 Ring Spanner/Ratchet Spanner/Socket and Ratchet
- Masking Tape and Pen (to label everything if you had a bad memory like me
, or if it'll be off for a few days)
- A Container (So you don't lose your screws)
- Some replacement foam (Should only need a piece about 500mm x 400mm x 5-10mm)
STEP ONE: Remove the little cover in the Central Dash, above the Ashtray, so you can remove the Ashtray.
STEP 2: Remove the Vents by removing the two screws just above the Vents.
STEP 3: Remove the Vent by sliding it out. Note: It'll most likely be very dirty if it's never been done before.
STEP 4: Remove the Center Dash piece by unscrewing two screws at the top.
STEP 5: There will be two lights at the top which will just screw out. Be careful not to force them out as you may break them. (Check if they work, they may need replacing)
STEP 6: Unplug Cig Lighter power and Earth. Then unplug the Demister. (Don't forget to label!)
STEP 7: Now it's time to remove the fan controls. There will be some cables, 2 connected to the Direction changer, located on top. These will just unscrew and lift off. The Hot/Cold Switch's cable will be located under the unit (Leave this until you've disconnected everything else on the unit)
Unscrew the 2 screws at the front, holding the unit on, to free it.
STEP 8: You can now disconnect the fan's power supply and the light bulb located on the left side. The light bulb should just screw out.
Also the piping that guides the air to the wind screen should just pop out.
STEP 9: On the left side of the Heater Core Housing you'll find the other end of the vent cables, which will have to be disconnected in order to pull the unit out. Make sure nothing else is attached to the unit.
STEP 10: Removing the housing.
There will be six nuts located under your bonnet on the fire wall. Four of these will be on the fanbox, the other two will be located just to the left of your Heater Core pipes.
STEP 11: Now that you've removed the 6 nuts, holding the unit to the firewall, you can prepare to pull the unit out. You may need to loosen the bolts holding the gearbox and handbrake compartments to pull it out.
And here's what it looks like once it's out. Get the flathead screwdriver and pop the clips to open it up.
I hope this tutorial helps anyone who needs to replace their heater core and is having trouble.
Also, here is a picture of my motor: