my uc torana
_torona kid_
Posted 26 June 2006 - 10:54 PM
it has to be under $2000 and the motor and gearbox in good condition.
also in VIC
Posted 27 June 2006 - 01:24 PM
Because we may not be able to get our L's until 16 and nine months, and we'll be keeping our P's for four years (and no V8s are allowed on Ps for us either), it will be a long way off until you're driving it with a V8.
Have you considered working a six for now and waiting a few years until you go such a serious motor? Just a suggestion
_user asked to be removed_
Posted 27 June 2006 - 01:53 PM
Posted 27 June 2006 - 01:57 PM
Posted 27 June 2006 - 03:09 PM
Agree with what Heath and Liam said, i wouldnt bother with a V8 just yet as the way that laws (and not to mention Petrol Prices) are going to be pretty hard on us.
Posted 27 June 2006 - 03:23 PM
_torona kid_
Posted 27 June 2006 - 05:20 PM
Posted 27 June 2006 - 10:12 PM

Posted 27 June 2006 - 10:41 PM
If you don't get a chance to drive & appreciate a car, then you're gonna lose interest in the project and sell it all off before it's finished.
Stick with a six for now, install your 9" and whatever other gear you want, a six will still spin the heavy bastard of a rear end, just not as well as a 304 would.
_torona kid_
Posted 29 June 2006 - 08:28 PM
i was outbid in the last 5 seconds to buy a half cage for the torana
Posted 29 June 2006 - 08:47 PM
Are you gunna stick with a six, as Heath said, or go for the 304 straight away?
_torona kid_
Posted 29 June 2006 - 09:32 PM
plus i dont wanna do things twice if i dont have to
Posted 29 June 2006 - 10:05 PM

No worries, you'll have good and bad suggestions through the build, that was just your first.
The amount of times I have been told to drop an eight in mine is ridiculous, along with huge wheels with low profile tyres, BLUE PAINT *ARGH ANGRY HEATH* etc
Good luck with her
_torona kid_
Posted 06 September 2006 - 09:24 PM
im just savin my money.
in the next few weeks im going to be buying 2 engine stands so i can flip the car upside down.
does any1 have any info on doing this?
cheers, Brendan
Posted 06 September 2006 - 10:21 PM
Good luck

Why u wanna flip it upsidedown?gonna need more then 2 engine stands

_torona kid_
Posted 06 September 2006 - 10:31 PM
i thought 2 engine stands wood be safer than 2 matresses with the car resting on it
is there any1 on here that doesnt laugh at sensible stuff
Edited by torona kid, 06 September 2006 - 10:32 PM.
Posted 06 September 2006 - 10:41 PM
just seems like ur making a easy job real difficult.. ah well, i guess if ya wanna give it a nice gloss coat, and never drive it, unless its on a show floor.
_torona kid_
Posted 06 September 2006 - 10:44 PM
Posted 06 September 2006 - 11:47 PM
Tell me about it... get a creeper of wear two shirts and a jumper =D.its just that i havnt got a concrete floor in the garage so its abit hard on stones
Big plans, but I guess if you start early theoretically you should also finish early?! lol. I'm liking the sound of the V8 - but I have the same sentiments as the other guys. Plus in time when you have money to afford the big brakes, diff conversion (after you blow up your current one with your 6) "thirsty big v8" donor cars will be cheap as chips as families flog them off when petrol hits $2-something a litre......or someone here sells theres already done...
Keep at it and do what you can yourself (cheap mods eg stereo)

The guys on this forum have helped me heaps answering my dumb questions and lending a hand

Posted 07 September 2006 - 12:06 AM

I have a nice concrete floor now and its great,

Posted 07 September 2006 - 12:16 AM
Emerging from under the car, leaves and mud in his hair holding.....a spaNNER!
Another bonus of concrete, stays cool in summer! (if its in shade)
Posted 09 September 2006 - 02:29 PM
so in theroy not listening to ppl giving you advice is the best thing you can do
_torona kid_
Posted 09 September 2006 - 02:39 PM
yea im still kepping my eyes out for a 5L
Posted 09 September 2006 - 04:14 PM
Bloody hell if I'm an old fart you must be about what... eight or nine years old?dont listen to all these old farts on here, especially heath
I'd like to see proof.he was the first one to tell me my tt1jz torry was a bad idea
You're not out of line having a go at someone on this forum; I'm a big fan of free speech, but at least get your facts right before you start blasting at someone you've never even talked to! IF you were paying attention to one of the first posts in this thread by me, you would have noticed that i mentioned:
Do you wanna have a guess at how old I am? bguckwitOne and a bit years on I want the f*cken thing painted and on the road and I can't even legally drive!
I was giving him my opinion because I am in a very similar situation to him. That doesn't mean that I
A: Have a problem with you encouraging him to do wild mods.
B: I don't want him to do wild mods.
but I've been in that position and I decided to stay more wild for several reasons. I was giving him an insight into what may suit him better in the end.
Edited by Heath, 09 September 2006 - 04:19 PM.
Posted 09 September 2006 - 04:18 PM
I wanna hear more abut this 1JZ Torana though... twinturbotorana, you have a PM.
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